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Everything posted by TheMightyGer

  1. Great Article! :thumbsup: I'd have killed for that tho lol
  2. Spot On!! we must stop making stupid offers that we know will be rejected, its embarassing!
  3. With no money spent in the transfer window it will be very difficult to compete next season. I wouldn't say impossible because we have shown at the end of this season that we can outplay celtic. However I go into the start of every new season believing that we will win so maybe i'm not the best judge of this. championee
  4. Have got Thursday off work just to stay up and watch it (doob)
  5. I think its very important to give a good performance in this game, show the yanks what a big club we are! I would maybe give the youngsters a chance on the bench but we must put out the strongest team possible IMO. Making a good impression can only be good for the club.
  6. I still trust Walters judgement! If we're not signing Naismith then I assume we have someone else better in mind becasue imo we still need another quality striker. If at the end of the summer i'm shown to be wrong then i'll hold my hands up but remember the transfer window hasn't even opened yet!! We musn't do what celtic do and let everyone know we're desperate to be ripped off when buying players.
  7. What a total scumbag! But hey we knew that anyway, after all he does play in a team full of them! Hope his wife takes him to the cleaners!
  8. Celtic have been mugged in this deal IMO can't wait to see it come bck and bite them in the ass next season!
  9. Fair enough, but it shows that Walter isn't going to do a PLG and waste money on duds!!
  10. Exactly! He's only got 6 goals for the season as well which for an attacking MF is pretty poor. He's shot himself in the foot anyway because he'll never win a championship medal with celtic now Watties back!!! WATP
  11. Quite right! I'm really baffled about a lot of peoples reaction to this, he's an unproven player who barely stands out in a hibs team that finished 5th this season. 4.5 MILLION is an incredibly stupid amount of money to pay for him!!
  12. Can't believe so many people are so upset about this tbh. Put it this way, would you pay 20 quid for a something worth a fiver? No, of course not. For celtic to pay 4.5 Mill for Brown is just stupid, he's worth nowhere near that! Don't forget that WATP and we will triumph again! championee
  13. I can't believe any true Ger would ever consider playing for them! Unless he plans on scoring a convenient own goal at the next derby game!!!
  14. Great post!! The players need to remember that WATP! championee
  15. I agree, theres no point in throwing money away just to get one over on celtic, at that price there welcome to him, he's worth nowhere near that IMO
  16. He's supposed to be a ger and he's turned his back on us to sign for celtic. He can GTF!
  17. We should make a 10 mill bid for him then Celtic will sign him for 11 Mill, use up their entire budget and we can concentrate on buying some real quality!!
  18. If as reported there signing him for 4.5 mill then they've wasted 3.5 Mill IMO. He's decent at best and I'm surprised at the furore surrounding him!
  19. Fantastic photo! will miss the big guy championee
  20. I think he's vastly over-rated IMO, a decent player but nothing more. To pay any more than 2 Mill for him would be a waste of money!
  21. I think he's vastly over-rated IMO, a decent player but nothing more. To pay any more than 2 Mill for him would be a waste of money!
  22. Considering the amount of injuries he's had the esteem he's held in by the majority of gers fans says a lot about him. Will always be one of my favourite players due to his effort and his love of the club probably more so than his talent as good as he was. Maybe the word legend is a bit strong but he definately deserves to be remembered as a positive in rangers history.
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