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Everything posted by rbt1548

  1. Pretend you have a limp and take the lift.
  2. That's what it said on mine too, 3rd line from the bottom in bold, 4th line from bottom mentions masks to be worn.
  3. Thanks for the heads up. I was getting the 'reduce quantity ' or 'nothing available try again' message too, I then did as you suggested and eventually got the main stand. It saved me shouting abuse at the computer, but, I have no doubt I will shout at it again when I have to try and order something again from the club website.
  4. I haven't noticed any rushed out statement from Mr. Dornan regarding the abuse being delivered to Nir Bitton. He's as balanced as a one sided see-saw. If it's out there prior to my post I will apologise.
  5. They probably think a Zionist is part of the percussion section of an orchestra.
  6. Hateley's own goal, the first goal, was an absolute belter as well.
  7. That's Central European Time, 1 hour ahead, it's 19:45 here.
  8. McGregor can't even keep a straight face, about 15 secs in. Says it all really, things don't seem to be too rosy on the squad front.
  9. I knew the video reminded me of something, then it clicked!
  10. I even tried to read it out like Yoda would speak it, and "understand it, I cannot."
  11. 'So, let's get this straight!, Pablo Picasso started the painting, got pished' and Dali had to finish it,... that's just surreal! "
  12. I do understand it's a dangerous journey trying to make your way out of a country you feel no longer safe in, however, rather than risk their own, and their families lives further, by trying to cross the busiest sea lane in the world, would it not have been safer for them to have stayed in the first stable country they landed in?, it probably would have been, but as you say this is the land of "free things", other countries are not so accommodating, so try get to where the pickings are easiest. Why doesn't he have a cheap shot at politicians from those countries?, probably because it doesn't suit his anti UK rhetoric.
  13. Not sure how it works but the points system seems to be all over the place. In the email it lists how points are accrued, 120 for a season ticket etc. Therefore a season ticket, Mygers membership, CCCS, home match attendances, (19, we are being credited attending last season), and a few other things should add up to about 200 points. Although having the above, it has just added 7 points to my total from last season. As I said, maybe I can't grasp how it works, does the total move on a season each year, for example, starting at 15/16 last year, 16/17 this year, 17/18 next season and so on?
  14. Correct!, I thought I knew how to do it, but now trying to find it. After last season's debacle of us all having to register again to make things 'simple' I still need to log in to different areas using 2 different passwords. I first sign into main site, I then have to sign into the tickets section to access my account which usually let me see my Mygers info, but not this time. I accept that I am no computer wizard but surely I am not the only one who has bother with trying to find stuff, for a club of our size and fan base you think they could have found an easier system.
  15. Changed days indeed regarding the police! My Uncle was a Sergeant in the Met in London during the '50's and '60's, a time when a lot of the Sergeants at the time were big men from the Highlands, he was from Skye. My grandparents took me down to stay with his family for a few days, he was getting ready to go on duty and had his stuff on the table, truncheon, cuffs, hip flask etc. , but also a big brass knuckle duster with small ribs on it, my grandpa asked why he was carrying it, he said, 'you never know I may just need it, do you want a set?', the old man politely declined. You cannot even compare the old style police with what you have nowadays, yes, I know some things have changed but a lot has stayed the same and I know which type of guy I would like beside me in a pub fight.
  16. It's as if the Covd bug knows when it's crossing the border. We, Scotland, England, and Wales, are on the one piece of land, we are not separated by water, would it not have beenbetter to have us all doing the same, and a UK coalition government to deal with it? Then again, she wouldn't get her 15mins of fame.
  17. This has, "Bobo Balde '2' The Sequel", written all over it.
  18. Meanwhile in the celtic boardroom the discussion regarding their new manager goes on.
  19. That happened to me too, I believe, however, CCCS can only be accessed once they have acknowledged the payment. For me it was after I got the acknowledgement email, before then I couldn't get in to tick the requirement boxes in the CCCS despite being on it for years. After that, as .Wiliamson says, you can go in anytime and amend or change requirements. Might be wrong but that was the way it worked for me.
  20. The exact same flags that were getting waved outside the Scottish parliament yesterday for whatever reason, if anyone was in any doubt where the snp core votes comes from it's ambulance chasers like these, which of course the snp are only to happy to welcome.
  21. Typical of one of them, when things are not going their way they chuck it. Loyalty, best fans in the world?, don't make me laugh, they'll be leaving in droves, "it's the cellic way", it's the only way they know. I'm not sure if that was his bin or his wardrobe he put the jersey into, but the cost of that shirt could had paid for at least one infamous school uniform.
  22. 'And here's me thinking that it was a knackered stream I was watching when it was cutting in and out like the old black and white films used to do when they got spliced and some dodgy gunman had moved two feet to the left .
  23. I'm the same, paid by bank transfer, and no confirmation email yet.
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