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Everything posted by blueger9

  1. You getting a hard time from Alba FISH ?..... Its no like you to take things lying down...
  2. In football terms GR is the perfect definition of journeyman.
  3. Well they are all hard men with certain reputations to live up to........ They are in fact outdated arseholes,.....cannae really take them seriously as supporters.
  4. What is the injury Left side of the brain which causes laziness and lack of interest this tramsmits info to the left side of his sponge telling him to milk it and take the dosh (beer)
  5. Agreed and in future it will be even more difficult with the money in English football. We are in a third rate league, that is just going to be left even further behind in th e forseeable future,....who knows whats going to happen with the RFC hierarchy, and in what direction we will be heading....but we are flapping about in the wilderness, ...getting to grips in the SPL, is proving hard enough......no hope in europe. Celtic, although it hurts to say done extremely well to reach the UEFA cup final, and came close to winning it... :o . Theyll think theyre on the right road......their on a better road than RFC at the minute, but are falling short as well...... all be it at a level higher than RFC ...theyll probably do better than RFC in europe in the near future...but no chance of winning CL or UEFA.
  6. Its the Billy Boys today.....if we're not careful it'll be this, that and the other...and before we know it the Union Flag will be deemed offensive to the poor wee sensitive....tattie worshippers and every other sh#t stirring w#nk.
  7. Things are getting diluted at Ibrox, rightly in some cases... got doubts on others ... what ever your opinion on certain issues, lets hope it doesnt go to far....we dont want to be just another ordinary club.
  8. " shaft us and use our minority of badly behaved fans to sell their paper " As the saying goes : .....youve hit the nail on the head,.... I'm afraid as long as the odd "banned" song gets sung.....eratic riot cops going way over the top...with a minority of arseholes ...theyve got their story. The match is just a side show...its the point scoring mentality that many in this country seem to have.
  9. Cheers Alba.....hope you got a few drinks in to dull the pain....
  10. Would prefer a bit of creativity in mid-field, Hendami would serve us better in midfield, best form of defence is attack....in theory anyway,... surely one of these journeymen, can do a decent job at the back till the end of the season in defence. But at the end of the day Hendami shows hes relatively comfortable anywhere, so yes its an option.
  11. On field events have been a shambles for a while....been getting used with being pissed off with things on the pitch for a while now.....How we are treated as fans of RFC ...totally dettached from the club IMO...and shat on by any f#cker who fancies a wee dig at "the orange b#stards"....sort it SDM or the fans might have to sort it for you.
  12. The host club has to pay a heavy price for the shambolic way the tickets distribution was handled, after all can you imagine RFC getting that side of things wrong.....as far as banned fans at games abroad , no point in bringing it up...its always went on , and always will to some extent.....its getting to the stage of no fans being allowed abroad.........the games becoming a waste of space on and of the pitch IMO. f#CKEN BACK OFF BRUSSELS......
  13. Defo FISH.....are you leading from the front..?
  14. I'm not sure about RS, but put simply you're incorrect about Scotland Today. Their coverage was fair, and usually is. So Kheredine wisnae creamin himself or had us kicked out of Europe before we're found guilty of anythin then, well thats not what I watched or heard? Well as the old song says a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. Try not to be so naive my friend, wake up and smell the coffee! Aye, Kheredine is a smug bassa.
  15. I hate him even more since I posted the thread My hatred is like a runaway train (beer) The quality satire knows no bounds FISH.....
  16. Can't really hate SDM, he's done alot for RFC over the years. But its a fickle business, and past glories are soon forgotten. Get it sorted one way or another!!!
  17. Who knows how it will be achieved, but blindly and maybe rather naively predict...2 - 0..Gers.
  18. BFs probably on the carpet as we speak, being fined for not towing the "party line" and going above SDMs head, on this sensitive subject.
  19. AZ looked pretty impressive...ditto, would like to see them win.
  20. "There a pretty average team"....not debating that fact ....regrettably we're non-recognisable as a team.
  21. It certainly makes you wonder what the bigger picture is at Ibrox....these signings dont inspire me with much confidence with reguards to the prelim of the CL ....we will remain strictly third rate, falling further and further behind the top flight, and second in the SPL behind the tims at best.
  22. Its no really a surprise the game its self is becoming a side issue.....its not "big enough news" for the mhedia scum..........2 - 0...Rangers, in case your wondering....
  23. that doesn't explain the myriads of other incidents of police brutality reported by fans outside the stadium not to mention in it We appear to be between a rock and a hard place...
  24. Tragically we seem to be getting diluted, and dismantled systematically by this prick and that prick.Its as if theyve been waiting for the day. It looks like its down to the supporters to stand up and be counted. After all there is no one else.
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