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Everything posted by Jon-the-Stripe

  1. Help For Heroes? Not been mentioned, just putting it in the hat. Well done everyone concerned you should all feel rightly proud.
  2. Screenshot ten mins ago mate, hope it helps, still plenty at the mo
  3. TGA - It's fantastic, your work is always undeniably great. If you were French/Eccentric and part of some art clique you would be minted. But yer not, yer a bear with a talent, be proud and down a few bevvies and get on with the next one, Thanks for sharing pal.
  4. Club Deck Tickets purchased....'Mon The 'Gers Very Very Excited , Im on my way to paradise
  5. Thinking of trying The Club Deck, never been up there before...whats reckon Bears?
  6. Thanks for posting that pal. The pace of Cooper and Durrant
  7. i thought it went well with the camouflage theme personally. Well done Alistair 9/10, keep up the good work you know it makes sense.
  8. OP, i am doing The Stadium Tour again soon, i will slip away at some stage and locate your ST and report back ok
  9. Can't wait to be a part of it again, roll on November 10th...Fuckin buzzin
  10. Your missing the point, the fucking tactics/formation notes are in the suit pocket!!!!!
  11. No he doesn't...but upholding traditions our historic club have laid is VERY IMPORTANT. It's one of the unwritten rules for Rangers FC Managers. I like our discipline, and wearing the famous suit and tie as Rangers FC Manager should be an HONOUR and NEVER A CHORE! I'm gutted tbh.
  12. http://www.thisisgloucestershire.co.uk/Football-fan-says-m-hooligan-ban-breach/story-13251413-detail/story.html
  13. He already has a banning order from all grounds in the UK which he breached in 2011.
  14. FFS yer gonna have to stop posting that, i fucking cry everytime i see it
  15. Here you go straight talking from 'r ollie: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20009560 He's always bin the same, used to drink with Ian when he was a young lad
  16. He's already got a career in the media, so no, it's not for that imo. He's just a passionate lad.
  17. Bit over the top for him.. He's usually the model professional, great player and a superb ambassador for the sport.
  18. Got one of these and wear it regular, mind you i'm glad to wear any decent looking scarf, my mum wanted to call me Rupert (ended up my middle name) and the first 5-6 years of my life i had to wear a red jumper and one of these.. pyschologically scarred for life
  19. Wow! I knew it would be Klose! but it turned out to be Rasmus Elm!
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