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Everything posted by boughyman

  1. you impress me with this message cos RAFIK HALLICHE is the exact replica of boughy only exception he doesn't go forward that much,but has a good record for scoring with his head.problem is he belongs to benfica(they bought him 2 years ago from an algerian club MAHD)now will they want to sel him?anther thing,it says on the paper today that a few clubs in the premiership are going to watch him on the 28/05 against ireland,,,,,,,,, @general lee:no he's not the baldy,tha's antar yahia .he plays in germany
  2. eeeeh,i don't think somehow this scouse has actually seen him play,because let's just pretend(for this scouser's sake)that bougherra is KHRAP,but please don't tell me that he's slow for crying out loud,he's anything but slow,he can run 100 metr faster than lynford,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then again,i'd expect anything from sa liverpool fan
  3. ghhhhhhhhhhhhh none,the're all chite(unfortunately)
  4. ni chance of that happening pal ,,,,you'll get ZILCH for boughy cos he's going nowhere
  5. bougherra for belhadj(you'll end up with the same problem,,,,,ahhhh i'm injured)
  6. what's the minimun price for that,and the maximum?cheers
  7. just remember who won the battle of york,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wear your braveheat and go for it
  8. hi lads,you know here in algeria,scotish people have a reputation of being kind of "revolutionary people" people with very "brave hearts" people who say things as they are,well let me tell you that the majority of you here in this forum HAVE PROVED THIS RIGHT.i,on the behalf of thousand of algerians thank you for at least being sincere and honnest. you had your time of anger and disapointment and you proved your point in a very "gentlmen" style,now that the majority is wishing boughy and algeria well in the world cup goes straight to the heart.....rangers will always and for ever be in our hearts(with or without boughy)there's an old arab saying:when we love someone,it's for life,,,,,,you've earned respect
  9. is that all he's on?blimeyyyyyyyyyyyyy when you think terry the plonker is on 200k a week!!!!not fair at all
  10. goram,waoooooooooooooo the best ever
  11. doen't it make you wonder why the wee lad has never had a chance with his national team?it's a bit dodgy innit?
  12. i'm not sure about that 1!!! one thing is for sure i saw a helicopter at earl's court in london while watching the pink floyd(division bell)in concert
  13. i'm gonna do you all a favour and give this boughy thing a miss for a couple of days,,,,,,,,,,,unless something comes up!how's that?
  14. no he means yes about the info! @muff:i'm one of those who hate opening new topics every 5 minutes mate,you'll find i've had 2 threads since i've joined(nearly a mounth now)it's only because it was sort of a scoop that's why,but thanks for the merger pal
  15. yes mate iam,i live in ORAN,west of algeria @muff:do you wanna start a thread about edu or little?you're welcome
  16. oh don't be surprised,we have learned a lot more than that(all good things though ) ehhhh,i'm afraid the source is pretty confidential,but let's just say that i was at the airport yesterday to pick somebody arriving from paris who took part in the game and i think that i'm not supposed to tell you guys,but hey what the f""k,you have become friends to me now(well not the BNP lads )so i thought i share the info with yous,,,,,,,,,,,it shows that in reality iam the judas not boughy after all
  17. now you can either call me grass,or a fair rangers fan,but i'll let you know that madjid bougherra has played a game on sunday in frace in a little place called "doye" it was only a friendly between old world cup players from the 1982,and boughy,mansouri,ziani,chadli,belhadj,meghni......etc so there you go folks,i can defend him when i think he's right,but i can also slagg him off when i think he's wrong,,,,,,,,,,,,,now your turn to have a pop if you want
  18. correct,on tele up till the 85,or so there was no chants or singing at all i disagree with the music chite myself,let the PEOPLE ROAR
  19. If you play against Celtic on Sunday, you will get ******g done in. We'll kill you, you Rangers b******." no wonder bougherra misses most old firms,,,,,,,,,,,,,,shitbag
  20. as we speak,there's probably hundreds of others doing the same thing(chating with chums from other forums)about other algerian players,he is not GOD,in fact ZIANI or YAHIA or BELHADJ have probably more followers than him,,,,,,, you're gonna get shot for saying this:" but he is far too good for this league" :D
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