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Everything posted by paisleyroad

  1. sssshhhhhhhhhhh if we don't talk about it, it will go away
  2. 2 hours of his life he ain't ever getting back :lol:
  3. Dingwall he does not speak for me or the majority of Rangers supporters
  4. hopefully we don't find out until it's done, gives them clowns from FF/RST less chance to fire him in some e.mails and make shite flags
  5. as much as GS posts are negative as fuck . . . you cannae be accusing someone of posting that without facts.
  6. Says he was sent hundreds of disgusting and vile e.mails from Scotland. Follow Follow / RST goons will have sent most but the tarriers will have sent a few . . . . make no mistake about that
  7. No it was not down to the banners . . . . but they don't fuckin help
  8. i for one believe the tarriers could be guilty of e.mailing him.
  9. ok the fans were only one of the reasons but i'd shut that shitehole FF down before that fat mug Dingwall & his cronies chase away any potential buyers
  10. drops a clanger at the weekend then releases this agreed like most i can understand why but at the same time they know it does not add up if we leave.
  11. or we could make our own minds up i actually had a lot of time for Leggo but all his latest rantings are just that . . . a rant!, nobody knows if all will be well with Miller but as of right now he is our only hope so therefore we should be backing him (with caution), the Club & Super, instead of looking after personal gains and agendas . . . IMO obviously
  12. the vote covers all aspects, it's not just about winning.
  13. 2 people carriers and a car you say? . . . . . that'll have been their fans
  14. It'll be the Big Yin a week on Tuesday
  15. dunno how to post the link but he's spouting yet more anti-Rangers nonsense
  16. had to rep the OP, i was welling up there to We Welcome The Chase
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