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Everything posted by Redmond7

  1. If Lemon was anywhere near a normal human being, he would just have laughed off what Ally said. A small whisper in the ear is really not much provocation. Sometimes, as you say, the provoker should definately cop at least as much as the reactor, but in this case it just really showed that it doesnt take much to push Lemon over the edge.
  2. Of course, without us or the tims scottish football ends up like sweden or the faroes, but even so if the SFA really had as much an agenda against the tims as they keep claiming, then they wouldn't have given in quite so easily. Ah well, you cant educate the extremely stupid can you.
  3. Except, he HAS represented Lemon at hearings and is very clearly involved with the scum. Of course, they will say it's got nothing to do with them and walk away. Typical of the cowards they are, they get someone else to speak for them. But surely they are paying him? Or is he doing this all out of the goodness of his heart? Its totally laughable, as I said on another thread, the tims have handpicked the SFA top men, and yet somehow they are still biased towards Rangers. So biased in fact, that they allowed Lemon to serve his ban concurrently, ergo there was NO ban served. Also, Celtc threatened legal action, why didn't the SFA let them take that legal action and then throw them out of the league as per FIFA rules? If the SFA had any balls at all, they would take this idiot to court, but they wont because of course they're all handpicked men. Strange isn't it.
  4. The comments from the mhob are hilarious given the fact they have handpicked the 'men' who run football in this country, have threatened and bullied the referee's and SFA into bowing to them and giving them their own way and have had every single decision go in their favour since they bullied the refs. Go ahead an leave mhanky bastards, no-one else would tolerate your terrorist loving support anyway. Considering Lemon got off scot free for his part - concurrent my arse - there is no way in hell they could punish Ally for, what actualy amounted to nothing at all.
  5. Dont worry if the tims are struggling, the refs bound to help them out with a penalty or two. And if they drop points, they'll take legal action and have those dropped points run concurrently with their last set of dropped points.
  6. My take on it is, McCoist did nothing wrong, ban should be quashed. However to satisfy the tim infested footballing authorities and to make sure the tims dont sue them again (which btw is actually illegal under UEFA rules so how did they manage that regards Lemons ban?) they will double his ban. Not having Ally on the touchline I don't think matters that much atm anyway, but thats not the point it's the principle. I also dont see what Diouf has done that was wrong in the match, but expect him to get a 10 game ban just because he is Diouf. Bougherra was stupid, you cannot grab the referee's cards ffs thats just insane. I theory, his was the worst 'crime' and the only one worth a punishment. After all, Lemon in theory got off scot free.
  7. The whole thing is utterly pathetic as the whole of Scottish football seems determined to bend over take it up the arse from the tims.
  8. No they won't. They will drop points, and not just the three against us. The problem is, when they drop points will we be able to cash in, and thats something no-one really knows the way this team is playing at the moment.
  9. That'll be their excuse when we win the league then.
  10. Tbh if there are 2 CL spots again, we should get them both as the co-efficient is all ours.
  11. If what he's said there is true, then he can fuck off right now tbh. Probably explains some of his recent woeful performances, he clearly thinks he's too good for us. Which he isn't.
  12. How can they dock us points for singing a song? There is no precedent, there is no case to answer. No team in Scottish history has ever been docked points except when going into administration or fielding an illegal player. Or indeed back in the really old days, when paying players when they shouldn't have been.
  13. Today looked like a training session for a lot of our players. What happened to the tempo from the Cup Final? We have 8 Cup Finals left between now and the end of the season, yet for whatever reason it seems this team don't understand the significance. They don't pick themselves up till they go behind and when they take the lead they think thats it. I can't ever remember a Rangers team like it, even the times when we've had pretty bad sides. At least they went out and got gubbed and we didn't have to worry about the title
  14. Yes, guy at the far side was playing him on, shockingly bad decision yet again. The Hamilton penalty though was a penalty, no idea why people are whining about it.
  15. First thing I noticed, how great their pitch was compared to the likes of St Johnstone. Have to give them credit for trying to play football but at the end of the day, it hasn't really done them any good. Shame, because if they had gotten some results from their play, the sheep might have been going down.
  16. The tune is sectarian? Do you even know what the tune is?
  17. No it doesn't. Don't give a shite what they're doing, it's all about what we do. Too many players tottering around the park as if it's a preseason friendly. A wins a win, but we're riding our luck something awful atm.
  18. Looked to me like the guy on the far side was playing him on. Another shocking decision by a blind official.
  19. Probably just feels like 10 years because it is so rare.
  20. Fucking brilliant free kick, probably our best one for about ten years.
  21. Watching this team at times makes me want to slit my wrists. Or smash Andy Walkers face in. Then again thats a given whatever's happening.
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