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Everything posted by Gerwelly

  1. We should bring back the two Indian boys we on trial and I am sure there were a couple more that we're not good enough for the SPL but may do a job now. This morning on talksport they were talking about the standard of the young players in Japan at a recent tournament might be worth a look.
  3. Condolences, or thoughts are with you at this sad time.
  4. He was a youth player, hurt is knee and started doing chef course while trying to recover. Met him when he was 16 or 17 through my mate Gary MdSwegan.
  5. Shit meant -1 hit +1 by mistake, not good!
  6. It's amazing how prominent GDS is becoming on here. Is it a sign of need for some hope? Or is he possibly the real deal? I for one don't know but am mor than willing to let him do his stuff and rattle a few trees and see what falls out!
  7. TexasRangers is right in one aspect, apart from John Brown everyone that as met with Green ie AJ and Walter have said he is plying a risky strategy and they were basically leaving him to get on with it. Given all the cryptic messages and leaks in the last year I can' t believe these guys would just remain silent for no reason. It's never stopped them before when they had doubts although they may have been more proactive. Maybe I am just clutching at straws but I can't believes a runt like Reagan can do this to our club with so little resistance from the people that are respected in Scottish football!
  8. Says a lot about his character if he is willing, just what we need if we are gonna kick ass all the way back to the SPL.
  9. It's not, it's a guide for newcos entering the SFL they were just trying to create new rules to aviod Armageddon the ! The other things are consequences of going into administration. Semantics, go figure!
  10. New Spidey movie is ace and I loved the previous ones and thought Tobey was perfect as Peter Parker but Marvel know how to do superhero movies. Just wish the SFA knew how to do football.
  11. SPL no sanctions because that's where we want to be and if we want to punish other clubs let's do it on the pitch, cause that's what we do!
  12. Whatever, if he gets the right people to start asking questions that maybe should have been asked a long time ago. There seems to have been an acceptance the we have done wrong and the spectre of the big tax case had everyone shitting themselves waiting for us to be crushed by an almighty bill. We're still waiting. Remember all of this is because of the PAYE! Not the Btc.
  13. Well Bluedignity or anyone else that was there, for those of us that weren't there can you tell us what was said. Why should I believe John Brown? We were told we would get answers today, did we? I am not on any ones side! I am on Rangers side and I want to know why I should not trust Green. I am sick of hints, secrets, Snyder remarks, I love The Gers more than you do! FFS! I left school a while ago but you wouldn't think it given some of the shite posted on here. I don't know John Brown, I don't know Charles Green but I do love the Gers and just want someone what the hell is going on. Is that too much to ask?
  14. I think £9 mill then fines and stuff took it up to £17 mill. It seems so long ago and read that much pish it's hard to sort the wheat from the chaff.
  15. No as in they are getting what they asked for! They wanted us punished, they got it, they wanted us out of the SPL, they got it, they wanted SPORTING INTEGRITY! They got it! Then, oh fuck we need the money that Rangers generate, we need them in Div. 1 Oops were fucked! KARMA!
  16. If you have followed what he has been doing from the get go it make for an interesting situation and despite what you may think of him personally he may have found the pot of gold at the bottom of the rainbow. One thing for certain he isn't doing any harm and a lot more than so many Rangers men. It may all go to fuck but at least someone is trying and saying what he is doing. At the very least it may give us another option and strengthen our position with the bams up here. So go for it Gio!
  17. Moses, Logo has been missing for about a week, same in the record.
  18. Congrats mate hope babe and mum are doing well.
  19. Cheers it was good to put some meat on the bones!
  20. I know Lee Mculloch Has said he will stay whatever happens but can you really expect any footballer to give up 3 - 4 years of their career? I don't think so! If we went to the 3rd div and players leave I would be disappointed if they were given a hard time.
  21. I wish I knew? I like many others rely on the RM posters for most my info that's why it gets frustrating when petty arguments get in the way of info being shared. In saying that I can totally understand why emotions are running so high!
  22. Reality bites, we need clarity, honesty and leadership now! No more secrets. No more secret agendas! What happens tonight needs go be disclosed and all this shit needs to stop!
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