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Al Jolson

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Everything posted by Al Jolson

  1. Ah, here come the taigs accusations. Where have I slated the fans Sherlock?
  2. That's what I'm not convinced about mate. If they can't be arsed to sing, I can't see them getting heavily involved in this. Booing inside the stadium isn't going to be enough I'm afraid. But time will tell.
  3. I shake my head disapprovingly, in a knowing manner, in the Govan Rear. Like I said, it's my opinion, nothing more nothing less. I've been civil to you but it's clear you're only interested in your viewpoint and that is the very point I aired in my first point tonight. Not at you individually, of course. But if the group digs their heels in, they won't win. And they have to understand that to be successful in their aims.
  4. You's is you's minus you. It's a Mathematical Equation for the hard of thinking.
  5. You're just descending into farce now.
  6. The clown came out and said that and then said next to fuck all to support his point of view. It was the typical Tim default setting of saying what they hope will happen rather than what they think will happen.
  7. Which is surely stemming from the previous game and the protests against the legislation? Aye, the issue about the water bottle may/may not be relevant, but the whole thing is related to the legislation. Anyway, we've got different viewpoints on the whole thing. You continue to do what you think is right, which is commendable. No one can say it's not. I just hope that you's realise when to fight the good fight and when to play more cagey. At the end of the day, my opinion is that you's won't win. But it's an opinion. No more right or wrong than yours.
  8. Not quite sure where I'm going on about other things. If you're referring to the legislation, then surely that's central to the whole issue? What is the fight you talk of if it's not about the legislation?
  9. I was there and witnessed it as well. A round of applause, no matter how big, and cheering/booing isn't going to have any impact on this legislation or Rangers for that matter and, when the push comes to the shove, the sad thing is that the MAJORITY of the home support will have very little, if not nothing at all to do with this dispute. Surely you can see that? Christ, they hardly sing.
  10. I remember it well. And the second Jock Wallace stint.
  11. I don't have a problem. You? Offering a viewpoint that doesn't agree with yours doesn't mean there's a problem. I don't necessarily agree with what you say but I don't think you have a problem because I don't agree with it.
  12. Of course not everyone agrees with me but I still wouldn't mind seeing any evidence to support the fact that "I'm in the minority". You know as well as I do that the home support, in general, go to the game, occasionally sing, then go home. The majority won't get involved in this dispute in any way shape or form.
  13. Evidence that most of the support have supported it? A few posts on here, where we're only hearing one side of the story, is hardly overwhelming.
  14. Not everyone agrees with you as you'll have detected. I have a feeling that there's a certain "we're the main men and we'll do whatever we please and fuck the rest of you's cos you's aren't as good supporters as us attitude" and I think that's one of the reasons you'll fail to get the majority of the support behind you. I've said it elsewhere, you've got to be extremely careful about how you're going about this or all you're going to end up with are a number of empty seats where your buddies once sat and have now been banned. Choose your battles, and your method of fighting those battles, carefully.
  15. Shower of absolute clowns. But, hey, it's only a laugh, ay?
  16. It's probably the best opinion that's been posted in this whole thread. Way over rated, being passed by by a number of younger, better players now, and probably only getting his place as a perennial bench warmer due to the rules.
  17. Some will change their mind if we lose to St.Mirren next week.
  18. You'll do well to find me on the threads in here "complaining that we canny compete". In fact, you'll find it fucking impossible. I think it's possibly more likely to find you on here moaning about him and then going into other threads wetting yourself with excitement about how far in front of the Tims we are, how we're leaking so few goals, how we've made such a good start to the defence of the title. Probably similar to a large number of posters who use the argument that we play in a shite league when they want to belittle players like Whittaker, Edu, McCulloch, Lafferty but never use the shite league argument when putting forward how good a player Davis, McGregor or Jelavic is. If the likes of Whitakker is deemed by Smith and McCoist at club level, and Levein at international level, to be our best right back then that's good enough for me. And regarding the use of stats, what do you suggest we use to put forward an argument regarding our defence other than they have the best defensive league record in the UK?
  19. Having read my post again, I should learn to post in a manner that's LESS FUCKING AGGRESSIVE.
  20. They didn't make it based on a GIF image they based it on clear television pictures. The ones that were shown on the six o'clock news tonight. They were crystal clear.
  21. A Celtic spokesman said: "This has to be put into context in terms of the small number of people involved out of a crowd of around 3000 Maybe an apology would've been in order, no?
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