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Al Jolson

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Everything posted by Al Jolson

  1. Ah'm with you now. Was wondering why the England team were singing that tonight instead of GSTQ, your explanation clears that up. Fucking idiot
  2. What the fuck's an "adopted national anthem"? It's a Corries song sung by wannabe William Wallaces.
  3. The only thing you're pointing out is that you didn't know the true background of our national anthem, God Save The Queen. Flower Of Scotland is a folk song. It is the national anthem of no country.
  4. He maybe also wants to have a wee read up on the constitution of the Government Forces at that time. There was the odd Scotsman, or two, in amongst them.
  5. The rebellious scots in question were the Jacobites. Not all Scots were Jacobites. Simple, eh? Maybe read up on your country's history before you comment.
  6. You maybe want to dig a wee bit further and do a bit more research on that one. That verse most certainly ain't anti-Scottish.
  7. They were there though, eh. Just like they'll be at the Euros. Unlike some.
  8. Think the penny's starting to drop regarding their, ahem, "injury list". A number of them on KDS are now questioning the authenticity of said injuries and why there is so many players currently "injured". Come Xmas, when TLB is shown the door, I think the aforementioned injury list may suddenly improve.
  9. I hope the result that best fucks up Scotland's chances of qualifying is achieved.
  10. They've tried to defend MUCH worse when it comes to kids.
  11. Don't know. It's already been proven in court that singing about the IRA is not sectarian.
  12. Panics over. One genius over on KDS has stated that they have two better players waiting to step in. Phew!
  13. Why, when faced with the chance of watching England or Scotland would you choose to follow the sweaty socks?
  14. Correct. Hence the reason I could never bring myself to mingle with that shower of Rangers hating inbreds.
  15. Hasn't lost the way tae the fucking drinks cabinet though.
  16. Funny to read their forums on this. Suddenly he's not very good and can go. Ditto Kayal.
  17. The Press up here would NEVER have the balls to run with that story. Fucking hell, can you imagine the backlash from them? There's always the possibility that the press don't know/haven't got enough info on the whole situation to run a story. Does seem very strange that TLB said he was injured and that he had no idea when he'd be fit but the very next day he's declared fit. Plus his own agent apparently said he was fit to pay against Hearts.
  18. Correct. The Government pandering to ANY religion is nauseating. Pandering to one that isn't even the countrys main religion is even more nauseating.
  19. I don't base my decision solely on Rangers, I base it on all factors in my life ie, housing, nhs, education, etc, but it certainly comes into the mix. Now you tell me why you don't consider them when deciding who to vote for? And just for clarity, I don't vote SNP either.
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