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Al Jolson

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Everything posted by Al Jolson

  1. Just forget about the game, but still take the money out of the fans bank account, that way the profit margin will be even greater. Are you going? And why are you moaning about people moaning? It's my/their opinion. It's a fucking forum of which the purpose is to post your thoughts. And use your sage words. "Just imagine my post doesn't exist if it's such a problem for you". Chief.
  2. I can assure you I'm the proud owner of three tickets and the money came out my bank account on Thursday. And I applied independently not as part of a supporters club.
  3. Why do people moan about people moaning?
  4. Why put a less than glamorous friendly on, in the middle of October, in hard financial times? The fans contribute enough without this white elephant being thrown into the mix.
  5. My tickets have already arrived m8, came on Saturday morning.
  6. It's probably been the ruination of football as a working class persons sport.
  7. You shot yourself in the foot with that statement. It clearly isn't applied to everyone as Stack is guilty.
  8. Maybe wants to look at his own position as a member of the human race as well while he's at it.
  9. I'm going to write a letter of complaint to the producers of every single item of clothing I possess as they give the illusion that I am overweight.
  10. Poor stats we should be having ONE HUNDRED PERCENT possession in this shitty league. No good enough McCoist. In fact just go! Where have all our resident merchants of doom gone?
  11. Poor show from TGFITW of the all inclusive club. It's weans FFS.
  12. It most certainly is big chap. Just having a small bit of banter. And there shouldn't be a space between "correct" and "?".
  13. It's not exactly The Beatles but it would be nice to see it hit the charts.
  14. Sound. It'll look cracking m8. Think it makes for a good tattoo as well.
  15. Absolutely. Fuck knows why there's Rangers fans on here trying to defend Stack.
  16. The grammar on this forum, at times, is lamentable.
  17. Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere. It's on iTunes, released 1st October. Sung by Bobby Parks.
  18. I know. What's the world coming to when a player's getting done simply for assaulting someone? Whatever next?
  19. Speaking of good old KDS, one of the goons is working himself up into a lather because their game was shown first on Sportscene last night. The mind boggles.
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