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Everything posted by stooarts

  1. Who could guess that ? But hey,i couldn't give a flying fuck what you say! because i'm a Rangers FAN !!!!
  2. Is everyone afraid to say it, BARRY FERGUSON !!
  3. Because our esteemed captain last played well when the Dead Sea was merely ill. Davis has been our best player this season and much of last. Absolute BULLSHIT ! Our best player this season has been Mendes and, until his injury, Thomson. Last season Ferguson played through the pain barrier, as he has done for the last 3 seasons , to try and carry the team to success. Maybe his form has went up and down at times but he never hides and i will not listen to all the crap that is being spouted about him, especially from people who write on this forum and don't even go to the games. I suggest you close your ears then, because I don't get to many games, but I'm about to "spout crap" about him. Barry has been a great player and a great servant to Rangers in the past. Those days are over now. He is a hindrance on the pitch, and should no longer be playing for Rangers. If we get offered decent money for him, we should grab it. "Playing through the pain barrier," while admirable (it does increase his "Mr Rangers" status ) hasn't done the team too much good. The fact is, Barry is now Rangers captain in name alone, he cannot lead the team on the park. It is frustrating him, as you can see, because he still tries to dictate play by demanding the ball all the time, but he can do nothing with it. When was the last time Barry made a seriously telling contribution to a match? In fact, when was the last time Barry made a telling pass during a match? I take you back just one week to the smelltic game when he played the 2 best passes of the match, 1st one to miller who skied it wide, and the 2nd one to the "lump of wood" that is our number 9 at the start of the 2nd half which if it had went in we would have won that game and we wouldn't be having this discussion !!!!!
  4. At last, a bit of sanity among all this CRAP !!!
  5. Because our esteemed captain last played well when the Dead Sea was merely ill. Davis has been our best player this season and much of last. Absolute BULLSHIT ! Our best player this season has been Mendes and, until his injury, Thomson. Last season Ferguson played through the pain barrier, as he has done for the last 3 seasons , to try and carry the team to success. Maybe his form has went up and down at times but he never hides and i will not listen to all the crap that is being spouted about him, especially from people who write on this forum and don't even go to the games.
  6. Fiorentina (away), when Nacho put that penalty in i thought i'd died and gone to heaven.
  7. thats not the point coop it is registered as being a sectarian word the programme was recorded in september or october, not that long ago!!
  8. Boys only telling the truth, canny be fined for that surely.
  9. Ask him nothing, just punch the weasily bastard straight in the mouth !
  10. we did turn up mate its just the real fact that out team wasnt good enough that night to win the game which makes me sick to death that walter still uses those players in recent games But if you turn up Smith thinks you are happy with the team Really? Would it not just make you a loyal supporter of Rangers? Shit, I turned up each game in the 80s, watching far worse, didnt exactly enjoy it, but, goes with the turf And, for you, and others, do you think, in all honesty, that Smith is "happy" with the team, the situation, the performances? Or do you think he would prefer a side with the likes of Gazza, Laudrup, McCall, McCoist etc? Thats part of what astounds me about some peoples views My God, a voice of sanity amongst this mayhem and suicidal drivel. WELL DONE SIR !!!
  11. There's so much shite in that comment it would be impossible to calculate it. FFS get a grip...we have zero flair players and while there's aren't exactly world beaters they are far better at running with the ball than ours are....fact! sniff sniff !!
  12. It all started to go pear shaped with the injury to Kevin Thomson, he was the ball winner who gave it to the footballer,i.e. Mendes. now the old dinosaur is persisting in Charlie fuckin Adam, who gives it to the opposition or the guy in row Z. I have said it before and i will say it again GIVE EDU A GAME ! My team for now, McGregor Broadfoot Bougherra Weir Papac Davis Mendes Edu Beasley Millar Boyd
  13. Forgot to mention, (for those who don't know) connelly played in the same position .
  14. Dave Smith played in the same time as George Connelly from the "dark side" and as is usual Connelly got more publicity from the mhedia,(yes even then !), so even though he was voted scottish player of the year, he never recieved the acclaim this magnificent player deserved !
  15. The SPL have accomodated smelltic after all the champions league games by giving them a home game every time ! If we had got to the group stages we would have had an away game every time !!! Paranoid or what !! So i dont think there was going to be much chance of them dropping points.
  16. My thoughts are with you at this time. R.I.P.
  17. What today and last week must show everyone, including all the doubters on here, how much we are missing Kevin Thomson. There is no dig in the middle of the park, and we are being overrun at times. We need someone with a bit of steel to win the ball and let Mendes and Ferguson provide the passes. Charlie Adam is a waste of space and Lafferty is not a winger ( left or right ) Time to give Edu a chance.
  18. A famous quote from the House of Commons comes to mind, " it's like being savaged by a dead sheep ".
  19. Not before time, should have been done couple of weeks ago at every ground in the country. If it was deemed a tribute for one clubs chairman, another clubs coach and a clubs player, then it's the least that should have been done for a former manager of the national side.
  20. This is the 21st centuary, you have the nerve to call Walter Smith a dinosaur yet you still live in the past, wake up son and get your head out your arse !!!
  21. If that's directed at me, firstly you have no way of knowing whether I have ever met miller and secondly, well, I never met gerry adams. I took the remark as a reference to Bears who look at Miller objectively. If you were talking about the man himself , fair enough. I look at miller 100% objectively. He played for the scum, that's a fact. I have no interest in him as a 'man' beyond that fact. YOU are a fud ! that's a fact !
  22. I would personally punt your arse out of Ibrox first !!!! You might find that difficult. Players come and go. For fans, it's for life. Ihave been a fan for life (54 years so far) so i think i can talk from experience, if your first statement is some sort of challenge then please get in touch !!! KEYBOARD HARDMAN ALERT! :bed: SHITBAG HIDING BEHIND KEYBOARD !!
  23. WHY ???? Because he used to play for the Sporting Wing of PIRA. Is that so hard to understand? you are so hard to understand, the man made a mistake, as did Scott Brown and he is now regretting it (believe it or not ) so FFS give the guy a break, because whether you like it or not he is our best player so far this season. Who the fuck do you think you are? I will decide my opinions, and I will never accept him as being worthy of wearing our great jersey. We all make mistakes. But some think we should not have to take the consequences. It is not just a mistake anyway. It is morally offensive to wear that scummy paedophile/ terrorist uniform. And to bash it in joy after scoring against Rangers? Might be OK with you, but some of us have standards. Who the fuck do you think you are ? please do not speak to me like that, i will ask you to PM me and we will talk in person and we will take it from there , IF YOU ARE MAN ENOUGH !!
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