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Everything posted by trains

  1. why havent we made another change yet - what the fuck is he waiting on...
  2. Need more energy on right now but our manager will wait to after 75 mins because thats all he knows! Always too late...
  3. many a ref would have given a penalty there!! Collum would even have taken it for them...
  4. What sub did we make, went for a smoke and missed the start!
  5. And you didn't start your sentence with a capital letter!!
  6. This is where I think our management actually carry most of the blame! There is no excuse for looking so fcking slow - especially at the back - why are we not fitter and we are not practising set pieces every bloody day because it doesnt look like it! Some of these are not bad players but they have no awareness of each other, no shape, no tactics, no bloody clue and worst of all no passion or idea what this match means for us!!
  7. FFS we are gifting this to them! Fair enough they are looking quicker all over the pitch but for fucks sake we look like sunday league level at the back..
  8. signed but as others have said, i cant see any labour council ever approving it! Would like to see a memorial though in George square that does celebrate our emergency services and how they have served the city in times of need. Could comprise of 3 or 4 figures with the image of the nurse representing our doctors and nurses, also recall an image of a fireman fighting the Graftons fire and am sure there will be others. Just an idea!
  9. This is what I want to see from our ex-players! This one picture does more for our morale and for our passion as fans than a thousand words or statements from people like Novo, Bomber, Gough, etc could ever achieve! This is what I want to see just before a big match. I applaud you Edu and many thanks for putting a smile on my face today, great start to the weekend.
  10. Already had 20 quid on at 8/1 which i think are great odds! Be rude not to......
  11. The problem nowadays is all these ex-players (and some are well respected legends) are going to the press and spouting some form of shite all based on someone elses agenda! They are all taking sides and as they do it and rubbish different elements of the Club we end up losing respect for them - all very sad!
  12. About time? This was probably needed 3 years ago and numerous times in that period but its only being done now because it suits someones agenda! If this gets proper parliamentary time then I will eat my bunnet!
  13. What a load of shite! He actually uses the USC issue as an example and he might well have phrased that as "Hugely successful businessman cuts jobs in lossmaking business". Surely thats what you do when making losses, you cut your cloth accordingly and therefore MA is probably a fit and proper person and his skills are desperately needed at Ibrox. His tactics may not be deemed acceptable but they are not illegal and this is just another embarrassment that keeps the pathetic Scottish media busy!
  14. Just say things go our way and we manage the win! Would anyone be up for chipping in so we can go and ask the Herald to sell us a full page ad - Could just say "Does it hurt any less or the same way it always did?" Any other ideas for what simple statement we could print and I'm serious about the ad if we win!
  15. Nothing will ever happen unless the Crown Office/Procurator Fiscal takes action first! If it was ever to happen then this is the time for victims to come forward and speak to English national newspapers as it would then shame the proper authorities up here to respond or they would look complicit in the cover up! If it isn't picked up now whilst all these other enquiries are going on then it will never will be and the media, government, police, SFA, etc up here are all happy for it to be quielty swept away..
  16. The paper has shown its true colours printing this shite for a paltry three grand! I hope it comes back to bite them on the arse in some way as am sure it contravenes some part of the "Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act" by possibly stoking hatred and violence! Thick tims forget that their own company ownership changed in the early 90's when wee feckface fergus moved them into a PLC when RBS (I think) moved to declare them bankrupt! So in that case it would be "The New Old Firm" but leave the retards alone to spend their nights thinking and worrying about us - its the way it will always be!!
  17. Its full of Canadians and Yanks if there is any NHL or NFL matches on but will still have us on quite a few of the screens and you can often get a good few of us although the "mix" has been against me a few times! Never ever seen any trouble in there though. Or as a few have said try The White Bear as its a fair sized pub and the mix will definitely be in your favour.
  18. Nice gesture and its needs to be very public and a widespread press announcement as it raises awareness of not just Ricksens condition but about MND and the charities involved. If it means even more people put their hand in their pockets and contribute then perfect and the publicity and additional donations are probably worth more to MND Scotland than the original 10k. Fingers crossed we still pump them and end January on a high.........
  19. Cant attack that son as you'd need to be a "man" first!!
  20. Actually we were chatting about stepping in if we saw someone punch a child or a woman as that is what a proper decent man would do. Not something you need ever concern yourself about!
  21. I'm not fussed about insults as I can leave that to wee neds and keyboard jockeys like yourself! Your attitude makes you sound like someone who would be proud to punch a kid and runaway because I cant imagine you doing something positive like a real man would!
  22. Never but I needed to lower my standards to find a big word you could understand - and it worked!
  23. Hadnt realised that living in London part of the year prevented me doing the 1 hour flight back whenever I want! Damn that, might as well rip up my season ticket and sell my shares as I seem to have excluded myself from any participation! Sadly for many, your opinion is not a very bright one!!
  24. Never witnessed it myself but never been to watch many teams in London and if I did go it would be to watch a conference level team and have never seen any knobheads at that level! Whats your point caller?
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