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Everything posted by Super1872

  1. Have a word with yourself mate, I'll be back because I couldn't care less about the SPL/SFA I care about Rangers. I won't be happy if we get hammered with sanctions and accept div 1 but who's to say that will be the case, and regardless there's NOTHING that would keep me from going back to Ibrox. If the Gers are playing I'll be there.
  2. Don't know why this has taken so long. This "vote" was a farce that should have been conducted weeks ago, they have let it drag on with the outcome almost inevitable and now have a very short period of time to resolve the fall out of no Gers in the SPL. The amount of contracts which will have to be renegotiated/renewed with other companies alone will take weeks. Not to mention we're still waiting on the SFL clubs deciding on div1 which will delay things further. Scottish football is a laughing stock, seems the only thing they can all agree on is how much they hate us. Fair enough, sign your own death warrant. They have failed to look past their own small minded hate to see the bigger picture, without us clubs will die, their clubs. But that's all right apparently because at least they have massaged the chip on their shoulder by putting the boot into big bad Rangers. Idiots, we'll take division three and come back bigger and stronger for it. See you in three years, If your still around!
  3. Glag to hear we got a fee, hopefully this will be the precedent set which will see us get fees from the other clubs that have signed the traitors. I doubt we will see anything from sion though, they play by their own rules.
  4. Wonder if he'll get his registration or if they'll be calling in fifa like they are for whittaker, you would think so surely? Can't get on board with the guys on here wishing him terrible injury, as much as the guy is a judas he's also a guy with a family and I can't bring myself to hope his kids see him lying in hospital to me thats just a bit sick. Yes he done the dirty on us for his own financial gain, we all know the man he is now and if I meet him I will be less than complimentary but it's hardly the Rangers way to be hoping he gets career ending injuries, snapped legs and all the rest. We shouldn't let the way they have behaved towards us drag us down, Rangers are better than that.
  5. SPL in failure to make decision shocker! We surely all saw this coming. If indeed they fail to come up with an answer today we should just take it out of their hands and apply to division three. I'd much rather see us in the SPL but I wouldn't accept us just taking whatever punishments they dream up. The chance of there being no sanctions however is slim, the SPL/diddy clubs will want their pound of flesh (despite the fact we've given them plenty already) so we should be prepared for them to try and add conditions to our entry. I would personally potentially accept a minor sanction or two depending on what they were if it gets us back on a steadier footing. I wouldn't accept being in the spl if it means we bend over backwards and let them walk all over us.
  6. Unbelievable. He litereally makes a point of stating the fans have nothing to be sorry for and yet we STILL have folk spitting the dummy. And I reckon before I started going absolutley nuts about my chairman and his actions making me sick and embarrassed i'd at least make the effort to read/watch the statement. Gie yourself a rest, we've got enough things to be legitimately raging about without inventing more. Watch the whole statement or read it on here, if you still feel sick and embarrassed then fair enough.
  7. Thought the statement was well put together, didn't apologise unreservedly and made sure to exclude fans players coaching staff etc from it which was good. He just pretty much said "sorry your in a mess now because we're in a mess due to the actions of a couple of people who ran the club" whats wrong with that? We all accept that whyte and d murray are to blame, m murray is just stating that again adding in a "sorry thats put you in a bit of a state" and for everyone taking this and jumping to the conclusion "that means we'll accept everything they throw at us/transfer embargos etc" lets just calm down and wait and see what happens. No point acting like drama queens without just cause. When/if it happens and they try to shaft us with sanctions etc then fair enough get angry about it but really whats the point in being raging about a hypothetical situation that might never come to be reality? We have enough to worry about in the here and now.
  8. At the end of the day you will always have people bitching and moaning about others, it's life. The fact that it's online and anonymous only intensifies the content. What I think is that as others have said generally people will find the forum that suits them and stick to it more often than not. I don't like the swipes at fellow supporters however I do think that it CAN be constructive to hear what's happening over at FF or other sites as it gives a broader perspective on the mindset of our fanbase, so for that reason I wouldn't like to see all the FF threads vanish, I would like them to be discussed constructively rather than just deteriorate into 4/5 pages of MD related abuse. We all have our opinions on the man and for most of us it's not complimentary but it's been done to death, we don't gain anything and it contributes nothing to the discussion to simply slag him off time and time again. I'm not calling for unity or anything like that because it's human nature that there will always be divison in a support as large as ours but it can be a healthy division at least and as we have shown with the hampden march when we do work together it CAN be a success.
  9. Haha, this was inevitable. Seriously how did these players/their agents/advisors not see this coming. They will end up in no mans land while this gets looked at, apart from maybe Lafferty cause no doubt sion will just play him anyway regardless of rules. They are mentalists. Well looks like a bit of a bump on the road for the lads, shame that Then even if it does get resolved whitts has the pleasure of being torn a new one by every winger he comes up against, being shunted to the bench then farmed out to a lower league team only to come back to see the canaries relegated. Well done, great choice pal
  10. I feel if we tried to play in that style in the 3rd division we would end up with a fair few injuries. Not sure how the semi-pros and journeymen players would take to a bunch of youngsters passing rings round them, they would end up snapping legs. I would love to see us play attractive passing football but right now i'd settle for long ball route one to big jig as long as we're playing football.
  11. Well, there's a surprise. Someone talking a bit of sense, i'm not too happy about how much i'm agreeing with Jim Traynor these days. If I had to nitpick i'm still not happy about us being referred to as a new club. Still, I suppose it's a bit much to ask for a completely accurate article in our favour. Good article nonetheless, however I'm not sure how much notice they will take of it.
  12. God, it's a tough one. I have a few. Goram, he was the everything a good keeper shouldn't be, by rights he should have been playing sunday league or something. Short, dodgy knees, smoker, drinker overweight and absolutely fantastic. The reactions he had from point blank range were unbelieveable he pulled off miracles sometimes and I used to be in awe of some of the stuff he was able to do. Gazza just had that special something, naturally gifted a tortured genius. He really was a joy to watch and it's sad to see the mess he's in just now. Laudrup was a special talent, he was light years ahead of the players in scotland in terms of skill. He was a great pro as well quiet and dignified, and to have him in the same team as Gazza Also special mentions to Klos because he was a favourite of mine, a class keeper who never made a fuss. Dependable as they come. And the Gaffer, Super ally, he has come to define what Rangers is all about in recent times and a favourites lists isnt complete without him. We've been blessed with a wealth of talent over the years, it's great to remember all the past greats. Good thread!
  13. I would say from about 5/6. Seeing how happy my dad was when he was going to the games and when he would go to the european games staying up late to see him come home to watch the highlights ( I never understood watching the same game he was just at until I started going myself) always made me want to be a part of it as well. My first game was against hearts and I remember getting my scarf walking to the game and trying to take in all the sights and sounds. Still have my scarf from that day and wear it every week, it feels bad luck if I don't It hit home again how much Rangers mean a few years later when Davie Cooper sadly passed away and my dad took us through to ibrox to pay our respects and the emotions were unbelievable, I remember how sad my dad was and will always remember he said to my mum "apart from you and the weans this is what I love the most, a part of my heart is at ibrox" and I thought about how lucky I was he took me to the games and shared it with me, and now I've got to say I know exactly what he meant that day and I feel it my self. Theres nothing like the feeling of walking into ibrox and seeing 50,000 people, who are for 90 minutes at least, together.
  14. The work does have a bheastly feel to it, low quality, poorly punctuated and poorly written. Yup, sounds like declan!
  15. Another day, another boycott! To be honest I think we should be waiting to see how things turn out before we start talking about boycotting anything. For all we know everyone could vote yes! But aye seriously we at least should wait till we know who were playing against and who voted against us etc, but aye eventually im sure there will be boycotts galore!
  16. I'm not saying that MM didn't say he'd welcome a meeting however what was his alternative, tell him to get tae and have everyone screaming "He's got something to hide" "show us the deeds". I'm simply stating I don't think he should have to meet donald findlay and divulge all his information to him because what right has donald findlay to this information. Now if Findlay was part of a serious bid for investment in the club or had some sort of offer to make then that would be different however I don't believe this to be the case (at the moment at least). You are right of course there is no harm in asking questions however im not sure why it should be Donald findlay asking them, out of interest what is it in particular you want answered that wasn't in the statement? Not trying to have a go, just genuinely curious.
  17. Why should Malcolm murray give donald findlay the time of day untill he is willing to make a serious offer of investment? I put it to you that if I just turned up at your door demanding answers about how you bought your house/car/stuff in your shed cause i'm thinking of buying it you'd tell me to do one. And quite rightly so. Murray made a very detailed and very public statement to address peoples concerns, why should he cave in and divulge all of his business information to what is essentially an outsider (previous rangers connections or not at this moment in time he is an outsider to the whole affair) Let's stop making demands and giving ultimatums and get behind our team or we'll never get anywhere.
  18. You are a terrible person! It's a bit of fun, the issue I have is the one you were taking the mickey out of. People posting unfounded rumours as fact. It's clear from the first post of your thread that it's clearly not true and it isnt really presented in a way thats meant to make us believe it is either. The lies/unfounded rumours/propaganda from other sites really should be nipped in the bud though
  19. You and me both mate, I've no idea. I think they would all be happy enough with him more or less if Walter and his consortium didn't stir things up with their bid. I don't trust Green completely but I don't not trust him either, he deserves the benefit of the doubt in my opinion, at least until he does something that means he doesn't. He is working under a great deal of pressure and alot of difficult situations are being thrown up that he probably didn't expect (like the whole of the spl and scottish football being against us) so he needs to work through these, getting on his back every two seconds isnt going to help the situation we're in at all.
  20. This The pelters green has got have been mental, this is taking it to a new extreme. Lets disown everything that we love ibrox and all our history (because if we did this it IS gone) just cause a few conspiracy theorists have green as some sort of bond villain is ridiculous.
  21. I refuse to believe you are a Rangers fan. New company or not we are the SAME club, the fact that you seem to think the spl will see us as a "new club" does not change that. It is a fact and there has been numerous statements to this effect by a number of sources. Also I really couldn't care less what a few traitors out to make a fast buck think about our situation. They would have said anything to help their conscience and ease themselve out the door. Forgive me if I don't stop supporting Rangers cause Whittaker thinks its a new club. If you are in actual fact a Rangers fan you have clearly been listening to the media propaganda far too much and have been taken in by it hook line and sinker. Which is a shame.
  22. Wow, my depression just hit a new low there. Truly terrible, but well done for giving the old humour thing a bash!
  23. Pure propaganda from JB, a joke using an old fella like this. Not to mention the fact the old boy hasn't really grasped our situation at all if he thinks we've lost our history. Maybe before you took his season book cash off him you should have sat him down and explained our situation in detail rather than get the sun on the phone. I cannot believe anyone is in their right mind if they hand john brown a wad of cash in return for .....fuck knows what, he has not given us more than the brief mumblings of a plan of fan ownership. I think its shameful, we don't need to be connected to stories like this, it doesnt even need any spin to look bad and it's hardly professional. Not really the way i'd expect a serious bid to be conducted.
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