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Everything posted by Bertent

  1. in other words until we get a CVA we dont know what our options really are.
  2. Im shocked, I was expecting a line buy line breakdown of his accounts.
  3. A small but vocal section of our support have taken it upon themselves to become self appointed guardians of the club. Sadly as far as Im aware there has been no consultation with the membership or the fan base as a whole. And having allied themselves so closely to one cause its difficult to judge their statements objectively.
  4. Will he be asking the questions he didnt ask the Blue Cashlites?
  5. I wasnt aware that FIFA were clairvoyant, or are you suggesting that despite only now asking for the court findings and case details they have been able to gain the information prior to it being sent. Thats the trouble with talking bollocks it gets difficult to maintain a credible story when one of your competitors spins a different scrotum of bollocks about the same subject.
  6. An article in the Hootsmon, that will be fair and balanced and will have been editorially approved by Liewell. Especially as thyt admit they basically made the numbers up, and are speculating on the rest. Not sure how they can equate the attendance at a once in several generation trophy final to bread and butter league gates. Well I can, its all part of the orchestrated media plan.
  7. Right now thanks to the inactions of the Real Rangers men, hes the only game in town. Perhaps someone can point me to where Murray minor justified his limited offer for the club and why he was getting money from Ticketarse
  8. Im assuming that the case to recover money will take longer than the CVA. Or are you seriously under the belief that any future income is up for grabs to those who accept the current CVA?
  9. Your disillusion. the absolute domination of the press by Taig journalists ensures that only their message is the one regurgitated and becomes the accepted truth, even, or shou;d that be especially, when its lies. Worked well for the Nazis so I can see why they favour such an approach. The down side is that even when we have right on our side that message is buried. The Trust and its love in with the True Blue Cashlights and their silencing of members who disagree were the first signs of the support beginning to split, those splits are now being carefully exploited by our agenda driven media.
  10. If anyone looks at the quote which FIFA made days ago you will see that if you apply the basic principles of English that it was a fairly neutral comment that certain sections of Scottish society, have taken to mean something different. I blame the schools and possibly the industrial scale buggering.
  11. Another article designed to sow the seeds of discontent amongst a steadily fracturing fan base. Drip drip drip..............
  12. Massive debt? I thought that the Blue Cashlights leading man Murray minor stated many times that the debt of over 18 million was manageable, plus wasnt he getting a loan from Ticketarse
  13. I always value DJs opinion especially when he doesnt know what the subject is or pastry based products
  14. Drag what on? Or is it a reference to men in frocks?
  15. There was talk of it a few days ago and Leggo mentioned it when on his crusade about some of the Bunnets henchmen being involved. Though for some strange reason he has failed to follow up on that.
  16. I would have thought that the source of Dalys information was the more debatable subject.
  17. No hot poop on lottery wins or wee blue tabs?
  18. Thought that was the Liewell approved SFAs area of expertise?
  19. Rather than believing regurgitated nonsense a quick search will clearly show how fees are arrived at.
  20. It comes out of the creditors pot. Thtas why they can vote against the fees if they think they are too high.
  21. No I was stating that despite the line in management accounts showing the VAT being paid, the FD and Chairman, with held the payment as they had a more pressing issue at group level. The smaller co was shafted to protect the mother-ships arse, quite how well shafted I didnt realise till I got the papers from the administrators. .Lots of debt owed to the parent company for services rendered that I certainly hadnt seen. Hey presto they are the biggest creditors, the rest is as they say the current Rangers story.
  22. Why is this nonsense about a test case constantly regurgitated verbatim. EBTs by their nature are all subject to their own individual methods of deployment and operation. To be a land mark ruling all other clubs would have to follow exactly the same procedure and methods as Rangers.
  23. I used to think so too until the taxman turned up looking for £20K of unpaid tax. Management accounts showed the bills being paid but unless you have sight of the actual bank account/cash book you dont know if someone up the food chain is filtering out payments to massage cash flow.
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