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Everything posted by lutonblue

  1. are you on about lower league players in general or players we have signed ?
  2. Forrester hasn't been playing much due to injuries so maybe that's the reason ?
  3. wasnt bad a few years ago , then went to the PDC done nowt then went back to the BDO
  4. nope the main one is the PDC , again the bbc have only themselves to blame as they are tight fuckers !
  5. probably only Taylor that was better than him , he was more or less finishing wen Taylor came along , he took Taylor under his wing, in his day he was the best then Taylor came along
  6. took him a while in the PDC aswel, barney and mvg came from the BDO , mvg started slow in the PDC , Webster was BDO champ but hasn't done much in the PDC , a lot of the players in the BDO are not full time as the money is shite , where as the PDC is big bucks so most of the players that is there job
  7. been going a lot longer than the pdc , some decent players in it but also a lot of shite , Eric Bristow and a few others started the pdc wen they decided to leave the BDO , they don't always make it if they leave and join the pdc , they have to play the circuit to get enough points to get into the major events , PDC is where the money is so many more events televised
  8. he has got better with age , he joined the PDC in 2009, after being in the BDO for 9 years
  9. I was enjoying that right until the last two words !
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