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Everything posted by mountaineer

  1. RHATS , RHATS ,polluted with them ,they wear this paedophilia like a badge of honour , disgusting fuckers .
  2. In 2014 my whole family voted Tory , it was tactical to keep that Bitch at bay ,never voted Tory before but will never hesitate in the future , these pair of I.R.A. sympathizers need to be stopped [ krankie and corbyn ] i voted Labour all my days but not now under the regime in place ,don't forget that white headed rhat mcdonald and that bastard watson , 3 reasons to veto labour.
  3. could you tell me your hatred for st mirren ,not too aware about them .
  4. they heard about the 100's of sex abuse cases and said fuck that ,i would reckon rodgers got to fuck as well because of the impending shit storm coming their way , he and the glesga jap fell out .Rafa would NEVER consider them because he would want money for players , the psycho lennon fits the bill perfectly , 70million wages and such like ,cash rich and they go for loan players .scum bastards.
  5. another one taking secrets to the grave ,he knew too and did fuck-all .
  6. they will do what the cult does ,throw some money at the problem then it will be all forgotten as it will be deemed as having been dealt with , slimy bastards .
  7. try reading about the Clintons the Glasgow irish in Haiti it is very fucking scary .[ allegedly ]
  8. I beg your pardon , not intended bud just threw that out there.
  9. heard the velodrome will be signed over to them as well ,whatever way you look at it the tims are all over ggc north Lanarkshire as well , when you get a builder paying £50 million for land to build houses on and that scum lot get the land adjacent to it for £350,000 then that sums it all up ,watch where the opening ceremony is held for next commonwealth games and see if the games are played elsewhere bet you they wont be,it was all cut and dried for them ,fucks sake they had the shithole laid twice with turf at no cost to them ,if it smells like shite .!!!
  10. could bet that the filth will never be mentioned , Sweep ,Sweep .
  11. maybe if they want transparency then let's start with the paedo's that went unpunished in that shitehole of a club ,ffs the official photographer had thousands of pics of kids in various stages of indecency stored in a locker at the paedodome .shameless shower of bastards.
  12. you will need them more than us ,after all shagging yer sister has inherent dangers .
  13. he also fucking knew ,I remember he bought the Finlayson arms Hotel in Coylton in Ayrshire , Drongan near by is a Rangers stronghold ,it fucking bombed ,the cunt even took the condom machines out of the gents toilet ,a bitter bastard of a man .fuck him.
  14. whits that about lustig and weans, never heard fuck all about that , even that hump backed boaby flashing [ twice ] forrest ,how come he got let off with flashing .
  15. not knowing the team you speak of , are they timmy .or God's chosen people .
  16. Thank you for that , those bastards were saying we were corrupt , amazing my friend " what goes around comes around " or if you prefer " karma " is indeed a bitch .
  17. can you elaborate ,haven't heard of that one .
  18. Oleg ,P.Z.J. was onto this long before anyone else , he told us about it but there is a level of responsibility from the scum to the actual tax avoiders ,hope this gets as much mhedia coverage as we did , naw ,wait a minute NOBODY has had the scrutiny that Rangers had and NEVER will . scum bastards .
  19. We were on holiday in the states ,went to Lexington Kentucky ,what a set up they have ,wonderful place .
  20. Think you are correct ,Hurlford have a millionaire owner /sponsor
  21. A little bit pedantic mate ,think you need to chill a little .
  22. Not enough words in any dictionary in the world to describe these rhats . VHERMIN is one of many ,might get into trouble for what I really think . we know they are scum that's all that really matters .
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