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Everything posted by macka1990

  1. i am going to be different and say i have liked the kits over the last few years . . . my fav kit is the 97/98 one
  2. i went about 10ish plus years ago when i was only wee memory of its not gr8 but its still there spesh the trophy room, love the place
  3. even in the prem 8 mill! is ambitous lol
  4. even in the prem 8 mill! is ambitous lol
  5. would need to get rid of 2 other CFs first before even conisdering bringing in a new one. . . but tbh i have never seen him play not properly anyway
  6. ha i got him on footy manager! so theres hope lol was my best player in his first season but bk to reality not gonna happen realli . . . but heres hoping
  7. is there not the guy in chare of the fans supporters club or sumthing edgar ? or sumthing dunno
  8. dont think there is one player tht is gd enuff to be consider no.1 striker at rangers which is a shame condsidering the amount of them . . . boyd and miller at the moment for me though. . .reckon we need to ditch a few to raise cash for a one qulity guy who will bk regualar . . .also what happned to the strike patternship . . . hardly any teams have a regular two nowadays . . .
  9. tht would have been a interesting post in the 'would u play for rangers thread' yesterday lol
  10. Not ryt no but would love Super Ally to go on to become one of the most successful managers ev . . .quite simply he is my hero! But yh good point suoness would be my fav in current situation altohugh i wouldnt change the gaff now either
  11. my main reason for liking mcgroor (apart from hi shot stopping ability) is tht he is a home grown player
  12. seeit is the pace . . .major problem but if he had tht pace wot a player . . .i still think he is good enuff to go on and boss games for rangers although at this current time giving him s gmr i centre head of fergie davis mendes or edu is a massive gamble
  13. in the one gar i saw gow play for rangers i thoufht he looked a class act
  14. Mcgregor is a gr8 goalie and the save against werder bremen in euro last year was out of this world . . . world class . . .but jus hasnt been the same since cuiming bk to many mistakes and alexander has been solid i want mcgregor to play i prefer him and i think he is the better of the two but at the moment alexander is doing a good job and desrves his chance
  15. technically he is gifted his left foot is brill jus think he needs a bit of gudience and maturtiy creativity i dont agree with tbh
  16. does any one else here believe he if given the chance would develop into a class centre midfielder l . . . jus dont see him as a left midfielder at all ???????/ what do people think of adam of course i reckon ppl will jus say we hould get shot of him but i jus wondered what th genral concensus is ???
  17. i personally cant wait to see barry and mendez play together but i think that he should only be bk in the side if he is doing it in trining same as every other player . . . no one is bigger then the club
  18. having never seen 90 mins of cooper cant realli vote but his goal against them where he flicks the ball ova heads etc. . . is jus pure class
  19. wish it was like tht. . . i said to a m8 while playing pro evo earlier owen going to rangers, he jus laughed and told me to stop telling jokes shame . . .we cant get the gazza's etc. . .no more
  20. ha not gd then . . . i hope he does turn out to be something special i like having home grown talent in the side gives me a sense of pride mcgregor and fergie are my fav players
  21. i watched tht youth team struggle against tamworth, not one of them looked worth a shot, loy lennon fleck etc. . .doesnt even have any pro footballers,
  22. I'd rather work in Asda for the rest of my days than adorn the Paedophile FC top. well tht was sort of my point but i just took the long way around getting there
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