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Everything posted by Brock

  1. We really do love looking backwards, please can we just look to the future and not 30+ has beens. Depessing if true. :-(
  2. We really do love looking backwards, please can we just look to the future and not 30+ has beens. Depessing if true. :-(
  3. Well said the UB, about time this team got some home truths.
  4. Whats so sensible about defending the rights of a bunch of violent neds who break the law. They deserved all they got and more TBH.
  5. I actually think the SFL clubs will reject this plan, most of them in D3 do not want an 18 team league. Even the SPL vote is not certain with Ross County admitting they are voting no.
  6. Nope, just misguided. His signings have been SPL players for the 3rd division and they have been rubbish. We have got steadily worse as the season has gone on, good coaching would make them better not worse. Tactics are long ball after long ball with no invention. If this was the SPL I would not feel as angry and disapointed but I think people forget what division we are playing and the level of players we are up against.
  7. I hope tommy is reading this thread, given his obsession with us he prob is.
  8. I never called anyone stupid, people are just letting their hearts rule their heads and it needs to stop for the good of the team. Tactics, coaching & signings are the 3 areas I think are most important - is there ANY argument that these areas show signs of being a success under Ally?
  9. Tommy doenst like getting a taste of his own medicine at all. Hope its the 1st of many he got last night.
  10. There are no arguments put up other than 'Got to be loyal'. Nobody can point to any signs of him being a good manager. All I want is to look forward to next season, is that so much to ask. Am going game by game again next year if McCoist is in charge coz I wont buy a ST to watch his brand of football and I bet Green will be in with a shock come renewal time when he sees how many others do the same.
  11. Wow, this RM non critism of Ally rule should be made a sticky for new members. Trolls make me laugh but i'm not nearly subtle enough to pull it off.
  12. I dont need to spin anything, your post speaks for itself. Clearly you think you are a 'real supporter' unlike others who therefore must not be - that quintessentially uber.
  13. Craig Levein is not the manager of Rangers, but he may as well be going by current performaces.
  14. Thasts not the point of the thread though, IS IT?
  15. This thread was designed to highlight the fact that people are putting blind loyalty in Ally before the good of the club. As for the part in bold, guess what - RM is not the only messageboard on the internet. Its actually beyond ridiculous that you 'would be sceptical' of anyone who has not joined before now. If you were not a member of RM by the end of Feb 2012 you are not a 'real supporter' according to StornowayBlue. I marched to hampden - did you? - I was on the doorstep of Ibrox with Bomber (hindsight's a wonderfull thing) - were you?, I was at every game post administration - were you? - but hey I wasnt registered with RM before the end of Feb 2012 so am not a 'real supporter'. Am not more a fan that anyone else and posting some comments on the DR website and joining a messageboard certainly wouldnt change that. Post count and join date means nothing but if you must know I have a 4 figure post count on Gersnet and FollowFollow but due to the amount of malware on FF its now blocked in work so here I am - sorry if that offends you Mr Uberfan from Stornoway.
  16. Do these clowns REALLY think he stood in the dressing room before kick off and told his team "Make sure you let Rangers score lots of goals today coz if you do am getting a job with them, cheers lads".
  17. People are just getting very frustrated with how the club is benig handled on the football side right now.
  18. OK so it appear this is legit, quite annoying that idiot has managed to do this but as others have said it may have done us a favor. Hopefully this means he will leave now but we really need to find out how the likes of him get hold of these numbers, he phoned grandmaster suck a few months back as well and I am sure he also calld Martin Bain as well. He has also broke the law by recording it and then broadcasting it without Frans permission so hopefully a police enquiry will smoke him out.
  19. Who do we play in the final and can anyone go to it?
  20. The fact that celtic dont give out attendance figures till hours after full time and sometimes not at all says it all. Dont expect the mhedia to comment on it, not with liewell on the lookout.
  21. I actually hope QP win, it will be better to win it when we play next week.
  22. Not too sure about this one, do we really need another forward? Its the defence we should be worried about bad an SPL captain so should be able to make an impact in D2. Also not too keen on signing ANY players over the age of 30 TBH.
  23. Where is this article from, is there any proof this is not just a wind up by the obsessed ones?
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