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Everything posted by jintybear

  1. No matter if we win today (which I think we will) I haven’t enjoyed watching us under Gio. I hoped he would do well but I actually think we played better under Gerrard (until he decided to pack it in). Rangers should just pay the £200k for Soutar and bring him in now
  2. FFS! Knew this clown would send off one of our players! Didn’t think it would be kent. None of the cards were yellows.
  3. I didn’t know the story behind it but that would probably be right. I just remember we didn’t see the money we got for him 🥺I also vaguely remember McGregor regretting his decision and trying to come back but was told no.
  4. Davis got a sell on fee for us (I think he was the only one) but I’m almost certain that the SPFL kept it and we didn’t see any of it.
  5. Did the go on private thing and got another. Going good!
  6. I will try that. I got another one using chrome after using Safari!
  7. Done 😊 Tried to vote twice but it wouldn’t let me 🥺
  8. Merry Christmas bears and bearettes. Hope you have a brilliant day xx
  9. Maybe longer depending on the score at that time!
  10. Trying not to check LiveScore but I can’t help it 😩😩
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