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Everything posted by Iakona

  1. I love the Recon class.. it's so useful to have in your squad. It's just a shame the majority of the players have no idea how to utilise it. The spawn beacon in particular has won me so many matches over the years! I pretty much just play a Recon exclusively now.. no sniper rifle though. Main weapon is the AK-5C(carbine) doubled up with the spawn beacon and motion sensors/C4.. very stealthy and very rewarding!
  2. Isla Inocentes(Rush) was a great map for that.. half the attacking team would be snipers sat up on the hill. Was so easy to sneak around and torment them.
  3. Design choice.. if all sniper bullets were 1 hit kills it would only encourage more wannabe wookies. There's already far too many of those as it is thank you...
  4. Infact Sleeping Dogs is currently £15 on the gamecollection http://www.thegamecollection.net/sleeping-dogs-definitive-edition-ps4.html?tduid=0520e4d4e3d6c37a554162d41dd87d89
  5. I enjoyed it.. As long as you don't go in expecting something on the scale of GTA 5, it's certainly worth a bash in my opinion. There's not a lot of gun play.. combat is mostly martial arts based. It's very rhythmic, flows like the combat in Arkham City/Shadow of Mordor. As the video says the graphics aren't anything special, particularly during the day.. but if you can look passed that, it's a lot of fun. Can be found for £20 quite regularly! edit // it's currently £14.50 on the gamecollection http://www.thegamecollection.net/sleeping-dogs-definitive-edition-ps4.html?tduid=0520e4d4e3d6c37a554162d41dd87d89
  6. Have you played Sleeping Dogs?
  7. I actually didn't mind Niko.. My least favourite is probably CJ from San Andreas.
  8. Not necessarily.. NB may want them more than Nike. NB are just starting out in the kit manufacturing game.. yet they've already aquired Liverpool, Stoke, Sevilla and Porto. Celtic sell a lot of kits, especially in America.. So it's easy to see why NB want them.
  9. The relatively short campaign has killed it for me. Might pick it up when it's 15 quid though.
  10. Iakona


    My friend said the same until he played Dark Souls.. now it's one his favorite games of all time. It's the kind of game that's better to play than it is to watch... Watching trailers for Bloodborne or Dark Souls doesn't give you a feel for how they play nor does it pull you. This is why i laughed when you mentioned FF - because they couldn't be any more different if they tried. It's like saying you won't like FIFA because you hated Madden. This game will frustrate the life out of you but you won't be able to stop playing it! Simply because in the back of your mind you know the reason you're failing is down to you being shite, not because the game is cheating you. When you finally defeat the boss you are rewarded with a sense of satisfaction that very few video games can give you. If you want a game that doesn't hold your hand and actually requires you to think and learn.. then this is it.
  11. Iakona


    It's nothing like Final Fantasy.. As for The Order, I wouldn't be surprised if it's only 5 hours long. The game director is a total mong.. http://youtu.be/eXJh9ut2hrc?t=4m50s
  12. Iakona


    It's an action RPG that's designed to beat the shit out of you... Similar to the Demon Souls/Dark Souls series. Although this is set in a Gothic/Victorian London whilst Dark Souls is more in line with medieval fantasy.
  13. The Sony Online Entertainment studio has been sold off and rebranded as Daybreak Game Company LLC.
  14. Looking goood... hotwire looks like great fun
  15. Open BETA starts this Tuesday.
  16. Not necessarily. What you are saying is true of free to play games like the The Old Republic, LOTRO and so on. However ESO isn't going F2P.. It's going B2P(buy to play) as it will still cost you money to create an account unlike the aforementioned games. So I guess you could say it's more inline with games like Guild Wars 2. I have no doubts that ESO will feature a cash shop alongside their optional subscription service, but i don't expect Bethesda to go down the pay to win route either.. hopefully they take a leaf out of ArenaNets book as they've shown you can still make money without forcing people to spend. Time will tell though!
  17. Aye, pretty chuffed tbh. Was close to paying £20 for GoT last week.. so getting 2 games for £7 more is a bargain.
  18. Aye. Using the 10% off code that Sony released Driveclub is currently £17.99 and Game of Thrones is £12.59 Total 30.58 However i bought £30 PSN credit from CDkeys for £26.50... had 90p already on my account from a free fiver that Sony gave me years ago, so used that to pay the 58p balance (so i guess you could technically say it cost me £27.08)
  19. Just picked up Driveclub and Telltales Game of Thrones season pass for £26.50. Not bad, not bad!
  20. Currently free on Origin.. get it before it goes! https://www.origin.com/en-gb/store/buy/theme-hospital-origin/pc-download/base-game/standard-edition
  21. Bethesda have announced it will be released on June 9th for the PS4 and XO. In addition they have announced the game will no longer be subscription based.. a one time purchase will grant you access to the entire game. There is still a "premium" subscription service called ESO Plus, however, which will grant users access to in-game items and some Crowns (in-game currency) to spend, but it's not required to play the game. The subscription will also grant access to all available DLC expansions. Back on my radar! console gameplay..
  22. Looks fantastic, but I'm really concerned about the gameplay..
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