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El-Hadji Spit RFC

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Everything posted by El-Hadji Spit RFC

  1. Didn't see the game but Ness should be one of best players next season and beyond... Great player before the mysterious injury.
  2. Really??? Think it's been one of his worst. Playing well recently but for at least 4 months I was calling for him to be dropped.
  3. Perhaps it's testiment to a good team that we are effectively still in control of where the league will end up without really having any outstanding performers??!! Miller would no doubt have been awarded this had the greedy cyunt stayed, not only that but had he stayed I feel he would have lifted the games of others too. Bottom line however the award can only go to one of two players; alan mcGregor for some saves that have kept us in the league or (my shout) davie weir for at 41 years to play more games than any other player (I think) and be where we are under his leadership is a fair acheivement.
  4. Kinda reminds me a wee bit o craig Moore at cb! Anyone else think this??
  5. Loved the purple kit, was gutted when I finally had to bin it. This would be a decent replacement...
  6. Clocked it ma sel, mentioned it to my mates, superb!
  7. My favourite period as a gets fan domestically. Tony's goal against parma is one of my favourite ever rangers goals. I watched the away leg in a pub in Palma. Only person on the island with a rangers top and union jack round my wate. When I had my photos developed there was one of me drinkin a bottle of champers and there's a guy in the background wearing a pars top!!! I'm from dunfermline!!!!
  8. If we are put out on Thursday I think we'll lose on Sunday. I obviously want to do well in Europe but I want a result on Thursday more for lifting the players ahead of Sunday.
  9. Not heard if ness or naismith will make it but if they are it would sensible to give them some game time ahead of Sunday.
  10. How a club like rangers do not identify a player outwith/within oyr playing staff to develop the tecnique and skills required is beyond me. Matchwinner, we have none at the moment, every successful team has players capable of turning a game.
  11. Shows how bad we are when I really can't think of a player worthy of the title, clearly miller would have got it but it's an honest struggle now... I feel it may be given to our captain as it should be his final season and whilst he's not been terrific for anyone at his age to play almost every minute of every game deserves credit. There is noone that can honestly say they deserve poty at rangers this season.
  12. This time next week we'll be competing in only the league if you don't try to play attacking football
  13. Need the money for far more important positions IMO
  14. Only player that looked like he knew what he was doing, I guess he is one of the most experienced players we have. Well done
  15. I hope they score, maybe then we might start playin some fitba. Edu should never wear a rangers shirt again, dreadful. Neil Alexander is doin ma tits in wi his long balls to nae cunt!
  16. This was my thought too, Its alomst as though we don't want anyone to see him play as he has massive potential.... Really strange I feel he is the most missed, with him and mcculloch in mid you have the defensive quality and the link between defence and forwards. We've badly missed this.
  17. All in all we are saying the same things on here, the tactic, which come from ws, are nothing short of embarrasing. Neil fuckin lemon has a squad o just as shite players as we have but at least they are trying to play fitba. Walter would rather put 11 men behind the ball and hope for the best. I really hope you realise soon walter that you can't get away with doing that forever and it's now well past it's sell by date. Pick your best team which can go on and score goals to enable us to win matches. Really really can't wait to see the back of the current coaching staff. We need fresh ideas and a couple o bob!
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