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Everything posted by adam2102

  1. For a change I thought our midfield were decent today. Raskin and Diomande were great. A lack of quality wingers and a poor right back cost us.
  2. Today will be one of two things: A spirited performance for the last appearance in blue for many of these players resulting in a good win. Or an embarrassing lacklustre display where we barely attack and shite ourselves. Betting suspended on scenario 2.
  3. If he is staying it’s as third striker, surely. Nothing more.
  4. Fond memories and some important contributions, just too few and far between. Always professional, best of luck.
  5. A few thoughts on some of the comments in this thread: 1) “why don’t we just attack, their defence is shite” - you need some sort of bite in midfield to attack, our midfield is shite or decent - it’s anyone’s guess. 2) Ben Davies isn’t the answer for us long term. However, he makes far less mistakes per 90 than souttar. I’d start Davies 3) Absolutely would not be starting Silva. The next comment might undo all of my previous (limited) credibility but Matondo running at their defence would be more effective on the left. This relies on Yilmaz being behind him.
  6. A few saying they liked the look of Dowell. For everything good he does, he does something else awful. Horrendous ball across the box. No tracking back at all for their third goal. I’m not impressed because he had 2 bursting runs.
  7. Goldson may as well stay back at corners. Useless.
  8. Today he did well. Great commitment and physicality. Not the striker we need but no complaints over his performance today.
  9. The game made clear what we already knew. Tavernier and Goldson are not worthy leaders and do not have the bottle required. Having said that, we also do not have better alternatives in their position. Ridvan coming back and having midfield of Lundstram, Sterling and Cantwell would have made a world of a difference. If this is how we line up in the next OF game we will be fine. Sima is absolutely quality.
  10. Kieran Dowell absolutely disgraceful in the build up to that goal. Not even an attempt at tracking back.
  11. Lawrence should be replaced by Cantwell. We can all see it. Surely Clement must.
  12. I actually think he could be right. No organisation in midfield. No strategy up front. No heart.
  13. Toothless and indecisive up front. Our two “leaders”, Tavernier and Goldson posted missing and at fault. Are we still surprised? Games like this show you how well Clement has done with a set of poor players.
  14. Realistically the inclusion of Wright is only because Ridvan didn’t make it. Sterling would have surely been right of the front 3, but is needed at the back. Then it’s a decision between wright or McCausland as Sima has been out for ages. Cantwell has proven time and again he is not effective on the right - Lawrence selected over him.
  15. We’re actually slightly better off on goal difference than we were at the start of the weekend 😂
  16. Silva did very well. Mcausland needs a wee break and a bit of bulking up. Definitely a player in there but found this a bit too physically demanding today in my opinion
  17. Fair enough. He’s only scored 11 goals in 96 games. I’m not holding out any hope he’s the goalscoring midfielder we need
  18. It’s been the same since 2008. Really should get round to changing it
  19. Nobody. I’m just trying to work out why there’s suddenly a lot of pressure on our new midfielder. After today’s lack of incoming striker, I’d have thought the pressure would be on the front line, Silva and Dessers in particular.
  20. What an odd comment to make? Pressure to perform as a striker?
  21. There’s an old saying, “better for people to think you’re an idiot than to open your mouth and confirm it” Replace “idiot” with “cheat”, “corrupt” or “inept” and it still applies
  22. Mcausland is the least of our worries. He has potential and has been thrown into the starting lineup because we have no other options. It’s a damning result of our previous horrendous DOF and poor managers that followed. He played ok today. Not his best game but he showed more creativity and fight than an experienced player in Cantwell.
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