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Everything posted by CrackFox

  1. INTERNET HARDMEN at the game shouting at a player? Good trick that! Abuse from fans when warranted is part of all football.Fine giving it back as a Junior or amatuer but when your`e on 3-5k a week and can`t cross a ball! Fckn Practice! Shouting back isnae gonny make you a better player.
  2. whether we like it or not.If we want peace and the disbanding of SOS,UoF and get back to concentrating on football, then King has to prevail. I`m fkd off with it all now so let King/Murray take the reigns then if they fuck it up SOS,UoF can`t say a word! It`s going to be a long time before we can unite as a fanbase again,if ever but it has to end this season one way or another. King looks fkd by the 75% criteria which means he needs Some of Easdales block to secure 51%. With Easdale backing Ashley we need someone to break ranks and go with King`s offer. Can we have a Happy Christmas ya bassas for the first time in 4 or is it 5 years???
  3. sent me a pic of `his ticket` with his name on it for Raith Game,assume it was for Bar 72.He has to appear at every game now,damage limitation.Same with Mr Struth`s Headstone.As for Rangers die hards there is never a single comment about the team or any game from SOS account. Strange supporters group!
  4. rumoured that a few of them wanted a pitch invasion but Mr Houston decided against it! So a full boycott was the decision.If Dave King doesn`t win this shite will go on forever!
  5. got an odd tweet in convo about todays game and poor turn out.Came from official SOS account,a pic of a ticket for todays game with (thumb) HOUSTON on it! with a message! Either an ST or Bar 72 ticket as name printed.Very odd!
  6. also this `non-entity` appeared on BBC to give her opinion on Rangers tax case so get your head out your arse! She is the next BBC luvie.Fuck that!
  7. Good God in Govan! I`d heard about people like you but never actually `met` one! Ignoring these people has given them the strength and confidence to attack us at every opportunity. She made a sectarian accusation against our club.The club must pursue her through the courts.Enough of this apathy shit from our support!
  8. not allowed to say anymore.Police from Dunoon have phoned and said i`m a Proddy bastard and keep my mouth shut!
  9. aye all very funny but she put a guy in jail for 5 years.She has shown herself to be a bigoted sectarian by her written comments.How the fuck does she know the religion of everyone attending Ibrox today? The police must act to put a stop to her bigotry and anti-protestant rantings.Also jail the slag!
  10. The wicked witch from the East has dained to pronounce judgement on todays events at Ibrox. She has declared publicly and in writing that it was `anti-catholic`.Honouring our Armed Forces is sectarian now according to her. Time Police Scotland and authorities acted to silence this clearly twisted,bigoted,sectarian mentalist!
  11. good one Note that the guy who did it two years ago never told anyone,just got on and done it completely free! Great guy
  12. Mr Struth`s headstone was renovated two years ago by a Rangers supporting stonemason,so all it should need is a clean.Very suspicious of anything this guy does! http://blog.thegallantpioneers.co.uk/wp/?p=501
  13. when I were lad down t`mines UF on front only flew when t`gers were at home! UJ on Govan stand always flew.Me n me Da wur rite proud t`flag and we all loved Hovis too,and still eat it today!
  14. there is a great Glasgow expression that applies to Houston,SOS in respect of Armed Forces Day. `Don`t be a cunt all your life,have a day off!`
  15. Grow up? the guy is right! Have a look at Mr Houston`s respect for our club and our Armed Forces Day.
  16. Craigy boy embarrassing our club on a previous Armed Forces Day.
  17. Aye right! Is that so they can protest like last year and embarrass the club? Craigy boy loves the spotlight.No respect,no shame!
  18. We shouldn`t allow the SFA to use Ibrox but our financial situation means we are not going to turn it down. Also I doubt there is anyone on the board with enough balls to say to them fck you,you tried to steal 3 Scottish Cups from us and as long as Regan is there you cannot use Ibrox.
  19. maybe the OP can provide us and the 56 guests with the list of songs sung including any add-ons.
  20. 56 guests! well done twat that started this thread!
  21. lfcreception@livingstonfc.co.uk email address of Livingston FC for anyone that wants to send a sensible and respectable complaint about today`s programme!
  22. it seems someone at Livingstone FC want to take the piss over something that has been flogged to death by the rabid ones.I thought we had moved on from this childish shite!
  23. standards not being met? Board are now taking the absolute piss out of us.C....c supporting female now employed on Rangers tv! Its a fuking joke.
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