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Everything posted by ayro

  1. Daily update was excellent, hope he burns the place down. Increasing my subscription tonight.
  2. Yeah just checked that, interesting that it was just highlighted as ‘tasteless’ and Aberdeen carried out an investigation, anyone know how many fans were banned for producing same? This shouldn’t be limited to us vs. the filth, this should shine a light on all the other grubby fuckers like Cosgrove, Spence, Stewart, Welsh etc who have previously made derogatory remarks towards our club, players and fans as this is a Scottish football and societal issue.
  3. It was a terrible article at the time but reading it again with the current interpretations flying about, it is no different to any of the tweets currently being deemed racist / xenophobic. This should be re-trending as part of the ongoing situation. Was this around the time Aberdeen fans had the offensive banner that was probably passed off as banter?
  4. Yeah it’s all bollocks in the grand scheme of life but unfortunately it seems to be the way of society at the moment. Thank fuck I did all this shit in the 90s 😂
  5. Having read the historic tweets from Cammy unfortunately I can’t see how they retain their status. Its all bollocks but I think you hit the nail on the head with DG and it getting worse rather than better.
  6. Natasha Meikle works for Burness Paul, they are being tagged in all her offensive tweets by bears.
  7. Definitely going for attack as best form of defence 😂
  8. Cammy’s Twitter is deleted. Definitely in a tough spot given DG links to H&H as well.
  9. Sorry to hear that, thoughts with you and your family.
  10. Tbh mate confusing is probably the nicest way you can put it, considering what has happened over your way it is patronising and condescending for someone from Glasgow to even suggest they are a “victim”.
  11. I assume if the DR are going after fan media then the Just Us Tim’s podcast that led to it being shut down for referring to us as monkeys will be next in line…
  12. That strip is howling 🤢 Best of luck to Itten.
  13. Love the fact they have picked Welsh over Helander 😂😂 Welsh is honking but when playing alongside Arsefelt he probably looks like Chiellini 😂
  14. Did well when he came in, good substitution at the right time for game management and extra energy in the midfield. When the team are firing and confidence levels are up think he will become a valuable squad member.
  15. It should be up to the player after discussion with the management team. Personally hope he does play. Interesting call will be, will we walk off if there is racist chanting towards any of our players?
  16. Was in Copenhagen 18 years ago brilliant city, would be great to return with the bears
  17. Denmark would be great quite close to Copenhagen
  18. All about the Champions 🇬🇧 We turn up and want it more then we win. 2 0 Morelos Goldson
  19. Yep, been a lot of noise over the last couple of days. Let them get rested tonight, few players added to the squad and go smash the filth on Sunday.
  20. Brilliant, make him captain 😂😂
  21. Firstly hope whoever has tested positive is ok and has no long term effects, I am experiencing it right now after being double jabbed and it’s pretty shit. To the football side, this is going to challenge the squad depth and need us all to rally round the players that are available to go smash these next 2 games.
  22. Pretty sure A rated RSCs only got one ticket, if one of the individuals was a recipient of the ticket then the RSC are struggling, alternatively if they didn’t and the individuals sourced their tickets through the club ballot and were using the RSC to get to the game then the RSC should be a smaller punishment than what’s been handed out. If they never had tickets then fuck knows!
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