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Everything posted by norgerpd

  1. Horrible game decided by a horrible,flukey goal. We were driving back to Motherwell after the game and decided on a detour for (another!) beer thru Cambuslang. Not knowing the area but in the knowledge that C/lang is BLUE we just stopped at the first pub we came too. In we went...............................It was wall to wall,floor to ceiling, green,white and gold!!! No fuckin way were we retreating so we strolled up to the bar and ordered drinks. We got a few snide comments but nothing else............fuckin cowards!( we were 5,they were 50/60 and they just stood there chirping away) Now,if that had been some orcs coming in to the War Office in M/well for a bevvy,things would have ended differently. Dirty,sleekit,cowardly,unwashed bastards!
  2. A complete wind-up merchant( his job demands it,I suppose) . But,to give the guy his due,he is consistent in his assault on the filth and has,on more than one occasion,stated that our Britishness is to be applauded. If only we had a mainstream journo in Scotland with his bravery and appetite for the truth.
  3. Your memory is a bit off regards how it all started that day at Hampden. Some fuckin urchin from their end ran the full length of the park to kick a ball into the net and celebrate by means of crossing himself in front of us(did he actually leave his tarrier hovel that morning with a baw tucked under his arm???). The Bears at the front decided to join the little rodent on the field of play(simply to return his ball,of course.......)
  4. I'm VERY surprised..........sign of the times? People need to understand these feelings have always been there. It's just that,due to the internet,it is so in-your-face and omni-present. I much prefer the old days when viewpoints were swapped and when disagreement arose it was settled.......................in a manly fashion!!
  5. Your first was my first at the piggery. What a way to spend a Monday night! No fucker was watching the game.............just a massive sash bash aimed at the reptiles in the jungle.
  6. I find the article a bit cringy. I would think (and hope) our hatred of them is every bit as "awful". If violence does occur (and I think it's inevitable after what's occurred these past 3/4 years) it won't be because any internet troll has incited it.
  7. League Cup Semi in December '73 at Hampden. They stuffed us 3-1 with a Harry Hood hat-trick. Wee Doddie scored for us.
  8. That's no.37 on my bucket list................I'm only at 22.
  9. with them being full of lies, guesses, exclusives from "sources", and agendas, I'm also surprised anyone buys papers.
  10. Fuck the "Old Firm"..........there is NO firm with the pond life from the east. Fuck the "Firm" Fuck the papers Fuck Crosswords That's not even a rant, that's just me! Why are we always sooooo offended these days?
  11. I think they'll have plenty on their plate come Sunday........we can sneak this banner in under their radar!
  12. That would make a hard hitting and thought provoking banner for Sunday.................hope you're on it?!
  13. Why is anyone surprised. Their religious fathers have been covering up the same for a helluva long time.
  14. Have you got wee Robert Prytz at centre back,bud??? How are the shrubs coming on,Ally?
  15. You've got a couple of Englishmen there, bud, unless you're classing Gazza as from another planet!
  16. Klos, Numan, Cuellar, Papac, Reyna, Gascoigne, Souness, Prytz, Laudrup, Amato, Negri
  17. Heard him come out with the creepiest shit in a radio interview with Frank Maloney(or whatever her name is) and his/her mother. He ended the piece by saying to the mother "you must be so proud of your little girl"..........what the actual fuck,ya weird yam yam bawbag!
  18. Decades of memories so I should really struggle to pick one...........but,I don't! Winning the league at their place(and by a GIRFUY 3-0!) easily tops my list. The whole day from meeting up in Bri'g'ton trying to get tickets,hopes getting built up then let down(more than once!),being resigned to watching the game in the boozer........ By that time we were in the "Keystane". Word spread that some guy had got blank tickets with the filths letter heading on them but no dates,opponents,design, fuck all(no idea,btw........never asked!). He had an "office" in the khasi armed with a highliter pen and the hand dryer. In they days,their tickets had a marbled effect. This fuckin Glesga' genius was going over the tickets with a yellow h/liter pen then blasting it with the air from the hand dryer to spread it randomly across the ticket (like snowflakes,no 2 tickets were the same!). In true Bear fashion he was handing them out free of charge(the guy could have made a mint) with the statement "Lets flood the shithole with troops"................we did!! The rest is a big part of our proud history.
  19. Eh.................NO. As I said, outdated,upper class bunkum.
  20. Exactly!! Knighthoods are as horrendously out-dated as the house of lords. Being called "SIR" (not that I would ever adhere!) for playing football whilst our soldiers can't even be looked after properly when they return from service is disgusting. Complete lot of "class issue" bullshit. And,as for voting Labour............NEVER!!
  21. Just imagine........by the time this is replayed we may have a new board(or the promise of one),a new manager(?),a surge of optimism and 50K Bears in attendance(give the embra hobo's fuck all). We may look back on this as a pivotal night!?
  22. They should be getting a tanking (in retaliation only,officer!) Fuck,I miss the old days!
  23. They don't like him either. Look at the fuckin names he gave them!
  24. Too flat and populated by very insular people but the weather's a damn sight better!
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