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    united kingdom gstq say no

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Fringe Player

Fringe Player (3/12)



  1. dundee utd are quite pacey so we will have to be on the guard for that but we have the better individual players and if it clicks on the day then we can take the win. the thing most people are forgetting is that they wont be putting 11 men behind the ball and hoofing it up the park. our front players will get a lot more chances so when they come we need to take them
  2. i am not defending the party mate i just said im a bit let down that it actually is true after all. i still think ally can take us back to the top as a manager but that behaviour after yesterdays game was a bit out of order
  3. ‘No. Nobody will need to tell me (when it’s time to go), that’s for sure.' so how about trying to support the team instead. we have our biggest game in a long time on saturday and we need to be the 12th man
  4. pretty sure you'd be happy just to have a manager who isnt a "fat scumbag" right?
  5. a little bit insulted by the clear lies coming from the club tbh i have never known us to be like that bad form rangers
  6. the personal attacks on innocent parties on here are way over the top sometimes i dont blame him for speaking out
  7. okay even i will say that that is bang out of order. i suppose if we had already paid for it then it may as well have been used but he didnt need to be up singing. the original tweet was something like "yep this is really happening" and people are taking videos so can you honestly say that it looks like a speech? bit let down but i wont judge until ally has his say on why.
  8. op well said mate. u are going to take a lot of stick for that but it has to be said
  9. op i hope you have sobered up some of your comments last night were a disgrace
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