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Balgreen Bear

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Everything posted by Balgreen Bear

  1. Like B McKay, K Naismith, K Hutton, K McAusland and Scott Gallacher? Frankly in the last few months and years, the kids have been the only shining lights at the club, from McKay bursting into the first team, Gallagher last season making a great impact, Aird holding his own in the team and MacLeod looking like he could be the best ever talent to come out of Auchenhowie. The players we have with first team experience, here or elsewhere, have been the let downs if truth be told. A who's who of mercenaries and imposters.
  2. That's out of Allys hands after losing to them in the first match, we can't fix it until we play them again.
  3. Cracking thread. It's excellent to see what we are missing. Our own running riot elsewhere as we struggle with the Alloas etc.
  4. Stating the obvious there. Long overdue.
  5. Craig Halkett is an absolute diamond of a kid, he is going to be a superstar.
  6. The empty seats cost the club anything upto £1m last night. As courtyard says, that is exactly what fans love to see, that is Rangers.
  7. That was a good day, i watched it in Sinkys bar in Magaluf with the family. The last few game shave been against lower league dross pal. Last night was a bigger test and we came through it with a clean sheet, a good result and a great get it up ye to the SPL but we must not get complacent. There is a long way to go.
  8. Praising managerial basics, who would have though it.
  9. Let's not get carried away here, it's one game. We could very well be drawn against Dundee Utd after the Falkirk tie and be pumped for the 5th time in a row, or a Celtic or Aberdeen and be humiliated. We beat a poor Inverness side with a deflected odd goal. Well done us but my goodness we don't half like to get carried away. All i ask is we keep our feet on the ground please, there is a long long way to go.
  10. Fish out of water, the best of a very very bad bunch.
  11. He's a wee clown who has no place at our club. If only Ally knew what he gets up to in his free time.
  12. Tupe-ing over a £30m wage bill would have seen us dead within weeks. We couldn't afford their contracts, Green knew this and was clever enough to lay the blame on the players.
  13. Can he survive another cup humiliation? Fwiw, i think we will win tonight, we certainly should, everything about us is bigger and better than Inverness. We have so many mistakes to learn from and not to repeat.
  14. John Greig was 100 times the manager Ally will ever be, there is no comparison. Greig was also not consumed by money, his aim was what was best for Rangers, unlike Ally. Allys actions and inactions since he took over have been nothing short of deplorable. We don't need to go over old ground again, Greig is the greatest ever Ranger with class, diginty and whom commands respect, Ally is a joke figure.
  15. You do have to pity those who refuse to understand that set of circumstances. I hold nothing against any of the players who walked even if it did break my heart to see them walk for nothing.
  16. Or Michelle Mone and Charlie Mulgrew.
  17. Because that is what i have been told. His wage has not been cut at all. That is what i have been told. If you say so, some of it's stuff was uncomfortably accurate sadly.
  18. I don't record conversations unfortunately. Whether you believe me or not is up to you, it doesn't bother me.
  19. That's not Charlottes one, that i know of. We don't need to know him personally to see what his motivation is. It is. Making money is good, in the right environment and right circumstances. Taking a ridiculous wage from a club who can't afford it, a club you claim to love and whos best interests you claim you have at heart when it is on it's knees is despicable, conniving and sleekit. Defending his salary is something i didn't think even his biggest supporter would do.
  20. Do we? We seemed to take being pumped out of 10 cups in record time fairly well. His salary is deferred, not reduced.
  21. The supporters always pay the price, where do you think Ally got his millions? Probably, not that i care, knowing Ally as we all do, i certainly believe the info, it hasn't been rubbished officially either, in fact, details of his salary have actually been made public. Cash is king to him. It's all about the money, his latest wage deferral and pay off clause further proof. I have my own reasons to believe. That's not the only source. It's also easy to say you are not walking away when you are taking home almost £1m a year! If he was on a salary on par with his opposite numbers in the part time leagues, he wouldn't be here, i assure you.
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