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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Before last night's game I did have a few concerns borderline worrying . After the performance feel so much happier .Shagger is an improvement. the centre halfs a huge improvement .Flannagan a lot more solid than we have had .Morelos played well ,Coubilaly looks like just what we have been missing .can't see anybody bullying him . Plenty folk will start the same old Tav can't defend, but if this guy could defend as well as his forward play he would be playing for a top EPL side and worth 50m plus and would be nowhere near us . For me keep Tav he offers so much to the attacking side of our game .maybe we just need our RM and right sided CH to cover a bit more
  2. 100pc correct . Most fans were happy with Fod, but seeing Shagger back in goal makes us realise that Fod was just ok and had too many weaknesses
  3. there will be a lot more to come from this . know a story of a youth coach who took abuse claims to the SFA within the last 5yrs .SFA turned a blind eye and also made it difficult for the guy to continue working . he has been waiting for a particular case to go through the courts before he goes public . don't know his name .can't remember .was told by a guy I know through work (tarrier) and he was quite vocal in his backing of the coach as his son was coached by him and has lost interest since his coach was suspended .
  4. impressed so far .looks strong composed and has leadership qualities oh and he's on a 4 year contract
  5. He will do for me . do we have an option to buy
  6. good thinking . migrate to ireland to escape the great Friday fish famine
  7. fish supper on a Friday. that isn't very staunch ?
  8. There doesn't seem to be anyone arooouund
  9. I hate the bastards too .But unfortunately for us we actually need them .We need the likes of Milne at the sheep.not to necessarily side with us .But to stop being a taig lapdog . We are being held down.playing with not only one hand but 2 hands behind our back . Get back to an even playing field .It's a turn of phrase .But the cream always rises to the top . Our club is the greatest in the land by far and probably the greatest in the world. To get back playing the level our fans deserve we need a strong foundation.Unfortunately our foundation includes the league we play in . An end to taig domination under a biased and corrupt system will allow all clubs to move forward . Our haters will become stronger .But we will without doubt become the strongest .
  10. the state of finances in this country as a whole dictates the amount of loans we need . historical piss poor decisions by our clubs and associations has brought us to this
  11. A post from a taig blogger appeared on my newsfeed earlier about the infamous agreement and for amusement I decided to have a look . I skim read the blog as it was badly written and full of nonsense .Had only 2points to agree on .that it was a corrupt document and that is holding the game in this country back . It is now time for this agreement to be published for all to see . Our support feel we were harshly treated in the agreement and the rest of the country genuinely think that we were sneaked into the league set up on the back of it .Despite the fact numerous clubs over the world have carried on intact after similar and same financial issues .No other club has been dealt the level of punishment that ours has Rules were altered to remove us from the league and demote us 2 levels below a club which in my opinion was guilty of the worst possible offence .match fixing and bribery for years ,Juventus There are without doubt to observers of youth development in this country some very bright green shoots and this could possibly be something that could be used to every club in the countries advantage to help drag our game back up to a level more fitting of its historical stature. Before TV cash was king and there was a more level playing field we could attract world class players to this country .Even outwith us and the other lot from Glasgow. Dundee brought in Cannigia,Hibs Sauze and Falkirk Waddle. Since then Tv cash and the bosman ruling combined has killed off these level of signings ,Short sighted decisions like opting for Setanta over Sky and kicking us out the league has down sized our game immeasurably. Now I don't expect ever again provincial clubs being able to sign comparable level players again .That horse has bolted .But what's needed is the downward spiral to be halted to give the game a chance to bounce back upwards . Bridge building has been mentioned since our new board took over .So far any minor attempts have been one sided Bridge building doesn't need to happen .But what is necessary is for our controlling bodies and fellow member clubs is to stop trying to kick the shite out of us at every opportunity for short term personal gain . For me .showing the Scottish football public this five way agreement paves the way to end the fighting and give everybody the chance to build for the future. Doncaster must go. No ChiefExec should still be in office with the level of decline that has happened under his tenure .We have one of THE huge huge fixtures in world football in this country .Yet under his reign we as a country get less tv cash than Denmark and numerous other countries of similar population that have no fixture anywhere near what this country has . A line needs drawn in the sand . The Five way agreement needs published Then the hard working football fan might start seeing better value for money and see our game reach it's potential
  12. correct. first really noticeable during boozegate then when we wanted the extension to the season in 2008 . Minty used to have a tight hold of the media .but when he started to lose interest he stopped timed just as lieswell took over at the giro dome. lieswells grip on the media blows away any influence minty had
  13. just like the taig press make it look like we are the only club to use director loans for funding, when in reality probably 50pc plus have this arrangement .including the taigs ,Chelsea, Newcastle, Liverpool etc And we are the only club that ever had a tax avoidance scheme .when probably 100pc of clubs have some way of reducing tax liability in fact I remember Nuremburg waxing lyrical about the taigs complex corporate structure was a tax reducing enterprise and part of their excellent financial structure
  14. wonder what the national average is per capita for serious illness like this and cancers . seems to be a lot affected recently that were footballers. Ricksen, Laudrup and now Hagen for us alone
  15. they need to make things up . the only vaguely racist thing I think they could come up with that would be true is Nakamura ate my dog ???
  16. the short sightedness of clubs up here caused this. kicking us out the league and sacking sky for setanta fucked our game we have one of the most marketable fixtures in world football but get less tv cash than Denmark ,similar population. but no fixture of any interest
  17. know a tarrier who whines like fuck on old firm week .waiting on the negative scum story .never happens .too busy digging shite on us
  18. true but typical of the mhedia to crank up the pressure . the loan fee for the wonder kid the taigs signed from Chelsea (the guy who starred against Real Madrid from the stands )was never quoted up here .only drip drip from England was noted
  19. we do work to different rules than the rest . 3 league demotion .18 month transfer embargo .harranged at every opportunity etc
  20. tarriers being tarriers they will ignore the ruling anyway and go on a hard done to cheated saga ,again . just like with the LNS verdict .as far as their concerned we cheated it warms me that these cunts will actually have lost sleep over their hatred
  21. hope they do go to CAS. then questions need to be asked why so much money was spent on a triviality maybe then it will bring an end to a cabal that operates for the benefit of one club. that could see fritzel sell up .coz he's only their for the money .also end tarrier dominance and send them back to an early 90s situation
  22. an investigation into the racist abuse Shay Logan received at the piggery and why Brenda thinks it was ok to say he brings it on himself ps all this was forgotten about until Brenda mentioned it again
  23. very good point either giving the SFA time to act or content with the current level of success they have under this regime
  24. quite right there's no point in statements that get little coverage . what really is needed is for somebody from one or more of the other top league clubs to come out and criticise the constant harranging of our club . On to something more current why haven't the SFA opened an investigation into what show racism the red card wanted . we all know .the tarriers have the SFA and SPFL in their pockets .this isn't paranoia it's now 100pc fact . and once again whays needed is other clubs to highlight this .otherwise we are pissing against the wind
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