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Everything posted by cornelius11

  1. Worst - Kaunas. Best - Eufa cup semi Novo penalty.
  2. Lennon - "This isn't the end, its just the beginning". Eh.. actually its pretty much the end mate.
  3. No Rangers fan wants it to come to this, but when we get so much shit thrown at us and absolutely nothing going towards the other side of Glasgow then there really is no other option. In saying that, ultimately this evidence will fall on deaf ears.
  4. How they can suspend Naismith for two weeks, and give Stack absolutely no punishment is out of order. There was clearly more intent in the Stack incident than there was in the Naismith one. Fucking bullshit, so it is.
  5. If we had him in the team instead of Ortiz I think we would have a solid squad.
  6. Keep it up Mo! Sadly one average performance and the boo boys will be on his back quickstyle.
  7. Mcgregor Whittaker Goian Bocanegra papac Bedoya Edu Davis McKay Lafferty Jelavic 3-0 Jelavic, Davis, Lafferty.
  8. My mistake, there was definitely a horrendous Loovens incident that went unpunished, maybe not that one.
  9. All I ask for is a bit of parity, Naismith did wrong in my opinion, but so did Loovens when he ran his studs down Edu's leg a while back and that was totally ignored.
  10. Fluffed justice! Angry McCoist hits out as Naismith faces ban for 'elbow' By MARK WILSON Last updated at 11:41 PM on 25th September 2011 Steven Naismith will become the first high-profile test case in the SFA’s new system of fast-track justice on Monday. Rangers boss Ally McCoist has, however, questioned the procedure that could see his on-form forward banned for their home match with Kilmarnock on Tuesday night. Television pictures saw Naismith catch Dunfermline’s Austin McCann with an elbow in an incident missed by referee Iain Brines during the champions’ 4-0 win at East End Park on Saturday. Facing a ban: Rangers striker Steven Naismith McCann played down any intent on the part of the Scotland international afterwards, but the SFA’s Compliance Officer will examine footage of the flashpoint on Monday morning. New disciplinary protocol means he has until 3pm on the same day to notify whether Naismith is to be charged. If so, he can then offer a fixed penalty, likely to be a one-match ban. Those rapidly delivered suspensions are truncated to provide a form of reward for players who accept their guilt and don’t clog up the system. If the Compliance Officer’s offer is turned down by Rangers, however, then the case will move on to a three-man Judicial Panel. That would likely sit on Thursday morning, leaving Naismith free to face Killie. Fluffed justice: Ally McCoist hit out at the new system But he could ultimately end up with a heftier punishment as the new SFA tariffs lay out a minimum suspension of two matches for players found guilty of violent conduct by the Judicial Panel. Currently, the SFA are operating with an interim Compliance Officer, whose name is being kept under wraps. The absence of transparency about that key figure is a situation that jars with McCoist. ‘It’s not strange, it’s wrong,’ said McCoist, who on Sunday helped open the new K-Park Training Centre in East Kilbride. ‘To be honest with you, I don’t want to talk about it until anything happens. But it’s like turning up in a courtroom and not seeing your jury - or whoever is going to sentence you or let you off. That shouldn’t happen.’ McCoist admitted he had not yet seen footage of the incident, but is confident the clash was accidental. Fine form: Naismith has scored nine goals this season ‘I spoke to Naisy about it and he said the lad didn’t make anything of it and that he was just trying to brush him aside,’ said McCoist. ‘But I’d be better qualified to speak about it after I’ve seen it. ‘There are rights and wrongs about whether he has been singled out because it’s a television match or whatever. But, until anything happens, I wouldn’t have any comment to make. ‘It goes without saying that we hope nothing comes of it. Naismith is not an aggressive, violent boy.’ A suspension for Naismith would be an obvious blow for Rangers, as the player’s two goals against Dunfermline raised his tally for the season to nine. ‘He has been in sensational form,’ said McCoist. ‘His goalscoring return and the way he is playing is fantastic.’ Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2041807/Ally-McCoist-hits-Steven-Naismith-faces-ban.html#ixzz1Z0hGkjT6
  11. the sexual tension between you all is unbearable.
  12. Is it true you are the love child of Dolph Lundgren and the Incredible Hulk?
  13. Dorin Goian is a Ranger, He wears a rangers hat, when asked to play for the Rangers, He said I fancy that, He hates the fuckin' sellick cos they are fuckin' shite, he plays for Glasgow rangers and hes fuckin dynamite!
  14. Indispensable player, drives the whole team on. An absolute winner.
  15. Although it makes for painful reading, it is correct. We could get rid of Whittaker, Edu, McCulloch, Healy, Kerkar and Weir for a start. I don't think we would miss any of these players. Bring through Ness, Wylde, Perry, Hutton, Hemmings, McMillan and Cole instead who would b willing to work their way into the team.
  16. McGregor Whittaker Goian Bocanegra Wallace Naismith Davis Mckay Wylde Lafferty Jelavic
  17. He was one of our best players, the whole team played quite well actually. only a few niggles that spring to mind. Wylde needs to be more consistent with his final ball, Ortiz still has alot to prove. Edu was solid though.
  18. Thought he played quite well yesterday, he just needs to keep performing consistently now.
  19. McGregor Whittaker Perry Bocanegra Papac Bedoya Davis McKay Wylde Naismith Lafferty
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