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Everything posted by scottyscott1963

  1. if he puts one of the JAPanese players into the Sandy Jardine Front Row,and then gives it the fist into his palm shouting BOOM i'll be cheering like fuck.
  2. Any right minded person should be embarrassed to say they support the filthy bastards.
  3. If this lot aint the most despicable miserable bastards under the sun,i will be surprised that pretending to play a flute is not front page news. Let's get the events happening around us in perspective ffs.
  4. One of the funniest things i've seen in years. One of the saddest things i've seen in years. One of the most heartwarming things i've seen in years. One of the best players i've ever seen in person. All thanks to the best manager i've ever seen.
  5. Was out for a steak last night and stiffened a nice few malts when we got home. Watched 'Enemy At The Gate' for at least the 6th time in 11 years. Went to bed chuckling at Gazza. Woke up an hour ago and put the clocks forward full of the joys of spring. Thought i would have a wee quick swaatch at what was being said and wondered what all the fuss was about. Sounds like you know Tomato/Tomato personally mate. Please tell me you never signed up to stalk him on here. We have enough angry peeps on here without that. Mellow out mate. Have a steak and watch enemy at the gate,try your Nat King and smile.
  6. I've always been a cynic,and once/if the cases ever finish the statement will read " these cases were dealt with in a court of law,let's all move on" filthy bastards should be ashamed to look themselves in the mirror.
  7. Needed a bump mate More victims. More abusers. still same disgusting club.
  8. and fuckin brainless hartson all over the papers telling that club to tell "Rangers to shove the 700 tickets" it's as if they've been coached to pile on when any negative story about us hits the headlines. IF this lot don't waken up to the fact this needs finished as soon,as it will bite them on the erchie,and they will NEED the money on offer from the NSW government to cover a shortfall in ST sales and the other income sources like mygers and RTV.
  9. 100% positive this will have wiped that smirk off robertsons face.
  10. the of fixture died in 2012 when the rabids thought they had seen the last of us. there was only so many times you could invite cunts like that into your house before you decided enough was enough. we are actually lucky some of that teams players never caused serious riots. fuck em.
  11. IF it's true that robertson and bisgrove ran to the DR and pointed the finger of blame on the demonstrations in Dundee at Club 1872,then this pair aint got much time left in the comfy surroundings on offer at Rangers. Remember going to the AGM when that clown somers stood up and said "you get to say what you want when you're chairman at Rangers"....didn't take this clown long for the door to hit him on the arse on the way out. Now this pair of clowns will soon find out that it was fuck all to do with tennis balls and arse paper. We were here long before they landed the cushy number and will see them off the premises unless they take in what is being said by the MAJORITY. I do not know one single person who wants a fuckin FRIENDLY with paedo fc on the other side of the world. stop this fuckin hair brained scheme to help make the beasts money NOW.
  12. this tried and trusted scheme already works at paisley for the paedos. will the hauf n hauf scarves be available online before the game at the piggery.
  13. couldn't look any of them in the face since 1971 leaving Ayr on buses to the piggery,singing songs glorifying the murderers of three young men,one from Glasgow and two from Ayr,shot in the back of the head by cowards. It's a personal thing from me.
  14. the bottom tier of scottish football galvanised our fans on a journey. willing to bet this will cause some fans to walk away,without looking back. reckon the board have made an arse of it on the soon to be history friendly. can actually see bisgrove and robertson looking for the reverse gear. WHAT THE FUCK WENT THROUGH THEIR THICK HEADS?
  15. the club who have an agm driven agenda,and every year and have a running question on us playing football in europe. and this current board want to play a fuckin friendly against cunts i wouldn't follow into a public toilet,never mind the other side of the world. with a bit of luck they will be closed for what happened to children under their care,by a the paedophile ring.
  16. Telling the organisers we want nothing to do with paedophiles should be enough. That should send the cunts scattering. What person in their right mind would want to draw attention to this FACT,and TRY to punish us.
  17. be a shame if they only win one match the same as the last time they were in the groups. According to the daily record,if they get through they'll get £40 million,if we get through it will be £30 million. Made up fake news on a daily basis.
  18. touch of karma for a thievin bheggar.
  19. the reply will be over our plastic paddies head.
  20. They were quoted earlier in 8th place at 40/1 with the bookies,and we were 7th at 18/1.
  21. Will be nearer the truth then.
  22. Read a story earlier and not sure where,that we could have to pay a 7 figure sum to get out of the contract to play the FRIENDLY against the paedophiles. Probably that scabby rag the DR scare mongering. DO THE RIGHT THING AND HAND OVER THE FINE NOW. Then sack the cunt who supposedly signed the contract.
  23. 22 years old with the world before me. It was a blast with a 1,000 stories to tell. Thanks for the memories guys.
  24. according to the dr racist keech jackson we are about to be humiliated by doing a u-turn and telling the paedos to shove their FRIENDLY where the sun don't shine. I'll never be able to show my face in public again,when we decide the right,proper and moral decision is not to facilitate a club who have obfuscated about child abuse since 1966. I'm affronted we took anything to do with it from the get go.
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