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Everything posted by K.A.I

  1. What does that matter? the excuse last week was the ref, this week we couldn't break them down ... Progres was still gelling ... what's the common denominator? it's easy to take each game in isolation and point to one reason you think we didn't get the result we wanted, but when the pattern is right in front of your face and it's the same failures most weeks you need to just start be honest with yourself.
  2. You'll need to help me out, I'm a bit baffled here. What do you expect Aberdeen to do? a team with about 10 thousand season ticket holders and no money to spend - win the league? do trebles? People need to get real here.
  3. Miller seems undroppable - he get's moved to midfield then told to drop to left back to cover ... all baffling and desperate.
  4. Was really looking forward to this a couple of weeks ago as I'd not been to their stadium since it got re-done, the last time about 15-years ago was terracing. Now it seems more of a chore and a 3.5 hour drive up on a Sunday. Ermm my team .. Foderingham Cardoso Alves D.Wilson Candaies Dorrans Holt Jack Windass Herrera Morelos Don't really rate Holt but I would like to see a 3-5-2 and hopefully he does the dirty work allowing others such as Dorrans to play. 3-5-2 also get's rid of Tav and Wallace but it means Danny Wilson which isn't great granted.
  5. Neither is a good option in midfield but I'm interested in what people think bringing Rossiter on would achieve? do they expect him to drop a shoulder and unlock a defence like De Boer used to? or a Barry Ferguson of old run beyond the Hearts defence from midfield and finish? or an Albertz/Ian Ferguson rocket from nothing? Rossiter coming on would have killed whatever momentum we built up. He would have retained the ball and not wasted a pass but that's not what we needed against Hearts in that game yesterday.
  6. That Rossiter isn't the player most think he is either ?
  7. What has he done at Aberdeen ? Apart from second place finish, 4 cup finals, beating us at Ibrox
  8. Yes I can if it's big test games - McCoist beat Celtic couple of times plus Tynecastle Hibs etc and build a lead in table before ruining it all - Pedro wouldn't even get that
  9. The other one was the bus tycoons son. How the fuck did he get to be a Rangers director anyway? I've loaned the club money so therefore I want the bus contract back and my son a place on the board and getting to make the decisions. What an absolute redneck of a set-up.
  10. Morelos will be fine IMO and will get better the more games he plays as will Hererra but he's not a regular goalscorer. Miller could still have a role to play but as an impact. He can't keep starting these must-win games then be shifted into midfield to accomodate him anyway possible when things don't work out. I've always liked Stevie May. He'd have been a good signing for us with wee Morelos. I agree with you. But then again, under a different manager and set-up imagine Garner with wee Morelos going on his pre-season and early season form?
  11. 2 good, capable full-backs (right and left) A talented winger. A consistent one. Candaies has looked OK but wingers are generally inconsistent by definition but we need someone like McCann where even if he's having an off-day not being able to skin a man, he can at least put a decent cross in that will be a sure goal. A predator in the box. Someone like Kris Boyd of 10-years ago or a Griffiths. If there's anything left then a more complete, rounded goalkeeper too. Apart from the 2 full-backs, I don't think the others come cheap but that's immaterial as we need them regardless.
  12. Statistically it's Pedro. Even McCoist wasn't this bad ... and he was bad.
  13. Miller into midfield, who then gradually dropped far back as left-back to cover the missing Wallace and either going wide to Candaies/Tav who couldn't whip a ball past a Hearts full-back and Nico with his high balls to no cunt.
  14. I know what you are saying but even remember when the media mentioned him when we were looking for a manager before appointing Pedro, Aberdeen (think it was Milne) started talking about compensation and saying Aberdeen wouldn't stand in his road. I think it could be an easy appointment.
  15. You just had to listen to that prick King's interview a month or two ago basically saying the Rangers fans who criticise aren't worth anything and the difference between fans and supporters. He was making it clear that he doesn't care and won't listen to anyone who criticises Pedro, him or the club. Others are right when they say nothing will change - the gutless bastards in the boardroom will never admit they got it wrong. Look at what happened with Warburton - they had to hide behind a botch-up to get rid rather than grow a set of balls.
  16. He'd walk over hot coals, mate.
  17. Yes I'd agree with that but playing well for an hour against Motherwell and a second/third tier part-time Dunfermline team at Ibrox isn't justification for the rest.
  18. They don't need to gel they play like they know each other pretty well tbh. It's the manager plain and simple. His plan-A and plan-B are both shocking as is just about every other aspect of his management.
  19. You know fine well that's not the case.
  20. You said the same about McCoist, the same about Warburton and now the same about Pedro. No ever just want to admit a manager is shite and we need to make the right appointment? does the thought even ever cross your mind? or do you live in a constant world of rainbows, petting zoo's, cute bunny rabbits and bubble gum forests?
  21. I won't slaughter you, mate - what I will say is that I think your either deluded or blinded by hope. I think you are just seeing what you want to see & excuse-making and ignoring the cold hard facts but that's just my opinion.
  22. I know mate but if he can't back up his words/promises then he needs to be held accountable for it ... I'm less bothered about the money aspect (that's at the back of my mind for the time being) my issues is the appointment of Pedro and the impending decisions that need took regarding him. The money argument can wait for another day IMO.
  23. To be honest the money we've spent (and wasted) since coming back up the leagues upto and including now and last season might not be a kick in the balls off that total. This is the problem, we appoint second rate shite and allow them to buy second rate shite hoping to get lucky or unearth gems but I've been saying for years let's cut the bullshit and spend what's needed in a one off season right from the get-go and give us that superior nucleus of a team and you can add a player or two each season after that as and when/where needed. Last season perfect example ... taigs went and got Dembele and Sinclair ... people claim we can't afford the alleged 30k the gave Dembele ... yet they don't bat an eye-lid at the thought of giving Wilson, O'Halloran and Halliday that same wage per week combined and you tell me who's better off? Even though I maintain Pedro has bought quite wisely for the most part this summer the point still remains that we have to spend these totals eventually, why not do it sooner rather than later and have success in the immediate? instead of below par levels in stages here and there and wondering why we are getting nowhere.
  24. The board are ultimately responsible but it's also in their remit to act (and is their duty to) The problem is in doing so it means the egotistical cretins in our boardroom admit they are wrong and have failed on the football front. Some might argue King delegated away the manager recruitment to Robertson, Dickson and Park - but the buck still stops with him as he took that decision to allow them to make the decision. Then Robertson, Park and Dickson come into focus for being taken in by Pedro's bullshit and being too civil to Pedro Mendes who I liked as a player for us but when he left us he should have left with our best wishes, not with the promise of favours 5 or 6 years later. Then above all Pedro for the footballing decisions. Everything football-related goes through him from signings to tactics to preparations to training to substitutions and he's been an absolute failure from day one. Rangers absolutely astound me sometimes at how a football club in every single department (football, scouting, stadium maintenence, ticketing, fan relations, boardroom, finances, PR) can be so mismanaged and all at once. It's unrealistic to expect the boardroom scum to sell their shares and resign from their positions with better people coming in but they are in a position to act and axe Pedro and claw back some goodwill and buy themselves more time with a proper football managerial appointment this time. Will they, though? doubt it, because, as I said at the start it will look bad on them and all they care about is themselves and not the club or the fans. That's obvious.
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