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The Ibrox Derry

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Everything posted by The Ibrox Derry

  1. Was great watching this again, was that 1999?? 17 years ago ffs
  2. At the end of the day, the guy provides a valuable service and meeting place for hundreds if not thousands of Rangers fans on matchdays. Why shouldn't he make a Bob or two?? Do we expect him to run his business as a charity?? Some folk need to get real. If that was the case we would have to chase anyone selling a service or product to Rangers fans on matchdays. Street vendors selling scarfs, flags, badges etc would have to go, the bookies and takeaways would have to go, the off licences would have to go, oh and the Subway would have to go aswell.
  3. For a club like Rangers the journey is never truly over, only milestones along the way, where we can pause, reflect, and then go again, always striving forward and with even more determined progression season after season. I thought I had seen it all with Rangers, but the last 4 years were...... Well we all know. I'm happy that section of the journey is completed. I really believe that the next stage of the journey will be bliss, we are at the dawn of a fantastic new era for this great club of ours.
  4. Was sent this picture of the old Rangers shop at the corner of Copland Road and Mafeking Street. The stadium looks so different now aswell with the corners filled in.
  5. If folk want to get involved and lead fans groups etc then that's up to them, personally it's just not for me, too much politics, Ego's kick in, and the bad side of human nature always comes to the fore. I can handle that through work etc, but i wouldn't want my love for my football club or fellow fan diminished by getting involved in such things. I do though appreciate those who put themselves forward for such things, but as I said it just ain't for me.
  6. If they put another tier on the Govan, Copland and Broomloan would that, say for talking sake, add around 15,000 to the capacity??
  7. What time do you get home at night? Must be a late one for you mate
  8. I agree with the talking during games, the amount of games I've missed coz I went with pure chatter boxes is unreal, plenty of time for chat before and after games and half time. In fact I have actually switched my season ticket a couple of times because of this. No harm to folk, but I prefer to focus on the football and chat when it's suitable to do so lol
  9. The Neptune was a favourite of mine on occasion, could be absolutely chokka at times though, 5/6 deep at the bar. I liked to drink in the Station Bar Cowcaddens then nip along for the subway. Back to the Station Bar after game another few then up the road with carry out. That was on a sensible night though lol.
  10. What's your Ibrox Match Day Routine? (I will refrain from using the word Ritual as we leave that sort of voodoo and Babylonian behaviour to our East End counterparts). For me I always travel by subway, i love the atmosphere in the City Centre on Saturday afternoons and the hustle and bustle of the Underground, then walking up the Copland Road, the buzz has never changed, I always arrive now in plenty of time as I like to take a stroll round the stadium, buy a programme, have a swatch at the vendors scarfs, flags, hats etc. Sometimes pop into the megastore just to have a chuckle at the prices, have a burger and chips then head into the Stadium.
  11. Charging £21 for the delivery of 3 tickets in the same envelope is scandalous
  12. I know the Royal Mail offer loads of different delivery services, but for £6.45 you could get an overnight courier like TNT to deliver it.
  13. With 3 weeks till the game do they have to track them? In this day and age, couldn't they email out tickets like they do for certain rock concerts, flight tickets etc. I've been using e:ticket services from British Airways for about 15 years.
  14. 700% mark up on delivery??? nice little earner for someone
  15. That's not Royal Mail prices, I sent a 0.5 kilo parcel down south last week and it was £3.70 recorded and signed for, so a letter with a ticket in should only be about £1.20 signed for so that's not far off a 700% mark up.
  16. We've had our fair share of tourists at Ibrox, Kanchelskis, Prodan, Salenko etc etc. No more please.
  17. The old cunt on the rights Hat is hiding his Des O'Connor lol
  18. Dwarfs involved as well, yaassss, where do i sign up????
  19. The Celtic Gay X1 -- Artur Boruc, Jackie MacNamara, Owen Archdeacon, Derek Whyte, Johan Mlalby, Paul McStay, John Collins, Brian McLaughlin, Bobby Petta, Pierre Van Hoidonk, Paddy McCourt sub Pat Nevin joint managers Frank Cairney and Jim Torbett.
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