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The Ibrox Derry

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Everything posted by The Ibrox Derry

  1. Aye sack Warburton, sack the players, sack the board, sack every cunt. For the first time in six weeks a result, has went against. How fucking dare they?? It's a fucking disgrace, it's shameful, it's woeful, I'm fucking chucking it.
  2. He is a rat, at least big Jim Duffy had the decency to shake the hands of every one of our players, subs, and backroom staff after the Morton game. Credit where it is due.
  3. They certainly weren't anti Rangers, fans of teams like Falkirk, Hearts, Kilmarnock, Dundee and Dunfermline would regularly drink pre match side by side with the Rangers support in the pub's and social clubs down the Paisley Road West, without a hint of bother. My point was to highlight the growing sense of hatred towards our club over the years.
  4. Was meaning the club and their fans. PS I did use the word "town" which was rather unfair, so point taken.
  5. The hatred and attempted persecution of us will only intensify and increase. We need to be vigilant and fight, resist and protest at every opportunity. We cannot make the same mistakes of the past. We as a support, for far too many years, and especially during very successful periods have shrugged our shoulders and said "oh well, that's just the way it is" we have got to rid ourselves of that attitude. I do think the majority of our fans over the last 4 years have wakened up to the absolute truths of how we are viewed and treated in this country. The fight must continue, both on and off the park and the club MUST worked with us by using their financial and political power to fight any injustices done to us as a support or to our club. The days of the passive Rangers support need to be confined to the past. We need to wisen up, and take on our enemies with stealth and vigour.
  6. Oh fuck aye, that period in time was so intense it must have taken years off my life. With the worry, stress, and the enormous amounts of alcohol involved.
  7. I am OK at the rows and seat number, but I seem to spazzy up at the scanner bit. I maybe need a wee refresher course lol
  8. Houston is a cock, personally I don't give a flying who comes 2nd in this league. Falkirk as a town and as a club used to have strong Rangers and Protestant leanings, but they have been silently infiltrated like the rest of them. We have been, and are, the only bastion of goodness left in this country.
  9. Exactly, the over reaction has always been the same with Rangers mate. There were guys publically saying things to each other last night that was totally out of order. We all hurt at a defeat and the manner of it, but we should never ever ever be turning on each other, definitely not on a public forum, leave that shite to the mhanky mob. Swearing or abusing a fellow Rangers fan, for me, is like doing it to a brother or sister. By all means have healthy debate and opinions, but we do not abuse our own. Again, we leave that to the time.
  10. Exactly, a freak result like this was going to happen sooner or later, that's just football, but it's better happening now and us getting the wake up call. If we look at all the League results over the last month, virtually every result at the top of that table has went in our favour, so much so that its been quite unreal at times, so we have alot to be grateful for. Obviously looking forfor a big reaction v QofS, I'm sure we will get it.
  11. Yes, that is a good point, but let's hope he and his bitch tell their players that they have nothing to worry about against us, I think they are arrogant enough to do that, and it could actually play right into our hands. That's what I'm hoping anyway.
  12. Great post mate, got to step from the problem into the solution. Good point you made about sometimes learning more from a defeat than a win. A reality check does no harm, it has actually grounded me as a supporter tonight. Like alot of folk, I was getting carried away aswell, and with that type of thinking sometimes we can be setting ourselves up to fail. I'm sure we will bounce back next week.
  13. Deila and the mumbling lady boy are that arrogant they will hopefully be telling their players tomorrow that they have nothing to worry about, perfect if they do, will play right intae our barra.
  14. The last 4 weeks have been that good results wise for Rangers, nearly every result in this league has went our way, our own results and other teams, it's been a bit freakish actually. A blip like this was going to happen at some point sooner or later. Its the law of averages that happens in football, you cant win them all. If it's going to happen, and it has, it's probably happened at a reasonably good time, 4 weeks ago could have been a real problem. MW can now get the players refocussed, kick their balls, win the next few league games and be firing again in time for the Semi Final. At least we have got that bad result out of the way, and it's happened at the right time. Just trying to be positive here.
  15. If you lose a 2 goal lead with 20 minutes to go in any game, you simply do not deserve to win the 3 points. Concentration and focus really needs to be worked on.
  16. All these arse lickers sucking up to Lennon and promoting him for the Celtic job may actually work in our favour as it's sure to cause further unrest and uncertainty at Bourneville Avenue. Not that that was the intention of McCoist and co but it might benefit us.
  17. Aye and won championships and cups with 14 players who were getting kicked all over the park for the entire season. There was however very unscrupulous use of players by club directors and many were forced to take an unhealthy amount of cortisone injections, which in later years had a devastating effect on their health and mobility. It was a bit of a liberty at times.
  18. Exactly mate, nothing but a bunch of old hypocrites, just like their Cardinals, Bishops and Popes.
  19. That's interesting, but makes perfect sense as he had an amazing scoring record from full back, so could probably play up front with great aptitude. Top players back then had 2 sometimes 3 positions that they were more than capable of playing in, they weren't as systemised, as they grew up with the game and excelled in all areas of the park.
  20. Forrest and McLean were transferred only a few weeks later, but every cloud has a silver lining, and Jardine was stepped up from the reserves into the 1st team around the same time, although I can't remember Sandy playing up front, if he did it must have been short term. Yes Hynds uncle was indeed Bill Shankly on his mother's side.
  21. Because he failed, His ego won't allow him to praise W&W.
  22. If he leaves that legacy and footballing ethos to be carried on by others when he does go, that would be good enough for me. It is actually very encouraging and reassuring to hear that the club have said this, I didn't know that. It would be great to watch this style of football generation after generation no matter who the custodian taking us forward is.
  23. Lennon is a serial stalker, predator and intimidator of wimmen, a low life, the thug should be cast onto his fat belly like the rest of the serpent world. Anybody who is worth their salt would have no dealings with this character, less spend time socialising with him. He is a hater of all things Rangers, of all things Protestant and of all things that are wholesome and good.
  24. What encourages me about Warburton, amongst other things, is that he certainly isn't in football for the money, by his own admission he is VERY comfortable in that area of life, so I keep hoping that his plans are very much long term at Rangers, 7-10 years. He is the first Rangers manager for donkeys years that we really cannot afford to lose. Personally I do think he will be here long term, as I believe we are in the first steps of embarking on another legendary period in our clubs history, not only domestically, but in Europe as well. It's wonderful to be in on the journey, can't fucking wait tbh.
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