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Everything posted by maxwellrfc

  1. think thats unfair on lafferty considerin he hasnt even had a chance to play in his proper position yet
  2. to be fair he has bin playin well and probly deserves it
  3. aye m8 im the same, the midfields doin alryt without him tbh
  4. theway thing r goin atm a wudnt be surprized if we got penalized for sumfin like tht
  5. a wud say ur teams pretty much spot on although a still dont think fergie shud be startin wen hes only played in 2 reserve games. Prediction: Rangers 2-0 Caley Scorers: Boyd, Lafferty
  6. only one i can think of was dundee united away wen he gave away penalty an we lost 2-1. other than tht he was pretty solid
  7. Why does Thomson deserve to be dropped out? Ferguson should have to wait for his chance like everybody else. exactly theres no reason to drop thomson. hes bin playin well and hes had a few assists aswell but we no he will be the one to drop out. a wud rather fergie just sat on the bench until sum1 loses form or gets injured
  8. id take him back if walter wud play him as a striker
  9. we should take maximum points but wudnt be surprised if we drew away to hearts or motherwell
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