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Posts posted by terminator

  1. 9 hours ago, GOAT said:

    What’s your thoughts been on him so far?  He’s been pretty solid for a right back playing left back for me.  Not great going forward but solid defensively.


    He's EPL quality.

    Hard as fuck and can't wait to see him put that wee shitebag Tierney into the club deck the same way Greig sent Jimmy Johstone flying into the jungle. 

    I think he can be effective going forward but I think with Tav so offensively minded he's been telt that doing so would leave us a bit too exposed at the back.

  2. 9 hours ago, Prso's headband said:

    Love the way he realises we we were getting run over in the middle in the first half. Takes a proper manager to make they kind of tactical changes the way we looked in the second half

    After watching all the games so far, I was very confident of a result against Maribor.

    Still felt that way a good 10 minutes into the game, then things started to change.

    By the 30 minute mark I was now fucking worried about the players and tactics I had so much confidence in - we were in total disarray by the end of the half. And I was really fucking dreading facing the scum this season.

    For Gerrard not only to realize the mess but to sort it out at half time and have them come out and play such brilliant football was just fucking amazing!

    Gerrard fucking hates you, Brenda, for dropping him against Real and no coaching offer - it's personal. He's coming for you, tranny, so watch out ya smarmy vertically challenged cunt!

  3. 4 hours ago, Deanzmeanzheinz said:

    No, and in reality they cant. A 3 man independent panel, former ref, former player and formal official get round a table and review all the relevant evidence. Its not a non answer - there are countless incidents and occasions where a ref is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt. 

    Ive made my position very clear on here fir ages now. The current crop of top flight refs are as bad as i can remember but they are, and never have been, corrupt. Remember they went on strike 10 yrs ago because sellick continued to question their jntegrity and they took that action because the beaks did little to deal with it.

    Aye, they went went on strike because of the pressure of Paedo FC alright , and since then they have done their best to fuck us in critical games and critical times, and done fuck all to the paedos. So it paid off.

    And please don't bring up some irrelevant fucking penalty that meant piss all.

    Tell me, if they're not biased and overflow with the integrity you say they have then why the fuck is that cunt brown allowed to waltz around this league kicking the fuck out of anybody he wants to week in week out for years with no accountablity!

    Even that prick Tom English, who hates us, has said brown constantly gets away with dirty fouls no other player gets away with.

    It's a disgrace that you, a Rangers supporter, constantly defend these refs against our team when one of our worst enemies points out their obvious bias.

    It's got piss all to do with incompetence and everything to do with bias against our team.


  4. 45 minutes ago, Smile said:

    He's a loose cannon we cannot guarantee he won't react this way in another big game players and refs will target him now.

    Smile, the kid just turned 22, ffs!

    His sending off on Saturday would never have been called in any league except this one.

    He reacts studpidly sometimes but he does this a lot less than he nutmegs opposition players.

    He and Jack are targeted by these refs for fuck all. Gerrard's pull may change that.

    More experience and good coaching will reduce Morelos' occasional daft reactions.

  5. 8 hours ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

    Am amazed by that tbh. Not because it's the wring decision, but because they've accepted a further officials error straight after Gerrard criticises them. Honestly thought they'd have closed ranks.


    They didn't close ranks because at this point in time the Gerrard Factor is bringing this Mickey Mouse league prestige and money.


  6. " Hullo, Neil, it's me Clancy. Just called to let you know Mission accomplished with Morelos early bath."

    "Ya, fucking tosser! What you doing pissing off our scouser cash cow! You got any fuckin' idea how much dosh this fucker is bringing in and will bring in!"

    "Sorry, Neil, thought those 2 points that could cost the h*ns the league was what you wanted."

    "It is ya prick, just don't make it so fucking obvious next time. We've got a cow to milk. Now fuck off, Peter's here and needs his blowjob."

  7. I can understand how the republican controlled cops, spfl, and sfa allow scum lite to get away with the Cup Final pitch invasion.

    But if someone had told me 20 years ago that Rangers supporters would have put up with all the fucking shite dished out to us these last years without mass violence on the streets of Glasgow, I wouldn't have believed them. 

  8. Barisic has skill and technical ability and is a leader who plays while injured.

    It's one thing having such abilities but you know you've got a player when he can do it, as he did last week, in front of 50,000 of the most intimidating fans in the world.

    Nice to know he wont be hiding at the Paedodome.

    Great signing!


  9. 35 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

    Hope Gerrard has plenty evidence of shocking decisions against Rangers for his next couple of pressers. There's enough for him to be aware of.

    He'll be in the local media hack targets now, his remarks are gold for them, but he needs facts to back up what he's saying or they'll try to turn his comments against him.

    The first video I'm sending Stevie is this one of brown's dangerous flicking a kick in the Hamilton player's face and not even getting a yellow for it so he can have the hacks compare it to the flick Morelos got sent off for.


    And you're right, the local media hacks will be out to destroy Gerrard - and they've already started.

    The good news, though, is that for the first time in a long long time those local cunts don't matter. 

    It's the prospect of international media highlighting the bullshit we've put up with that's will have the sfa and spfl shiting themselves. 

  10. 16 hours ago, Courtyard Bear said:

    The English media are watching finally we might get a light shone on his Mickey Mouse league and set up. 

    Gerrard is a football icon not just in England but world wide.

    The interest in scottish football has skyrocketed since he became Rangers' manager.

    If McCoist, Warburton, Murty, Caixinha, or McLeish, said, '... we've been getting fucked for seasons ...' nobody cares and nobody listens. 

    When Steven Gerrard says it, everybody listens!

    And, if scottish football is exposed and they don't stop fucking us, not only will they lose the current improved status of this league, they have a future where they wont even reach the lowly heights of a Mickey Mouse league.



    On 30/07/2018 at 21:59, Amato said:

    You honestly think he would have been playing for Portugal by next year if he'd stayed in Portugal? He was horse shit.

    We were fed a line about how he was a massively rated up and coming star, stick on to be a future Portuguese international. In reality he was a Benfica B nobody.

    Also it's Cardoso not Cardosa.

    It's bullshit to say the lad was a Benfica B nobody before he came to Rangers.

    The reason he played at the highest levels for Portugal for his age group was because of his good performances with the Benfica B team.

    He played 23 games when he was 22 in the Primeira Liga with Vitoria FC - a team that's achieved most honours in Portugal out with the big 3.

    So your assessment of him being a 'Benfica B nobody' is horse shit

    So what fucked this lad's potential?

    - a once a great footballing nation and league which are now horse shit and run by fenian republicans!

    - horse shit referees who kowtow to a league controlled by fenian cunts - Liewell and Des, who do absolutely fuck all when a dirty bastard elbows the Rangers' lad not once but twice, breaking his fucking nose an smashing his face in.

    And add to that mix a horse shit manager who hadn't a fucking clue about football let alone developing a young player's potential.


    21 hours ago, plumbGER said:

    Don't know who this Cardosa is but we are discussing that donkey Cardoso.

    Aye, ok, plumGer.

    Ah did spell it wrang. It shoulda bin - 'Carrdossa'.

    'Cardoso' - an' a suppose u wir the Greenock dunkay gien it laldy in Glesga with "Hello, Hello..." while everybuddy else's singin' 'Hullo, Hullo..."

    Aye, thought so :)



  12. A few years ago, Cardosa played for Portugal at the 2013 UEFA European Under-19 Football Championship and at Under-20 level during the 2014 Toulon Tournament.

    If he had remained in Portugal, he would have been developed and coached properly and playing for Portugal within five years of the Toulon tournament.

    He may well represent his country again depending on how well his rehabilitation goes.

    But then again, it's not easy to recover from the effects of a shite footballing country ranked 42 in the world where there's no protection for a young Rangers footballer who gets his fucking face smashed in and fuck all done about the cunt that did it.

    Can you imagine the uproar if the motherwell cunt had done the same to Hendry or or Ajer?

    Remember RM's just finished slagging the fuck out of Waghorn, who is now valued at 10M, so its track record of assessing players, as in Cardosa's case, can be a bit dodgy.



  13. The SFA ceased to exist as an independent body years ago when it became a subsidiary of Paedo FC.

    Liewell and Desmond will determine, as they did when they used their power to get us demoted to the Third division, if going to CAS is in the best interest of Paedo FC.

    And, if it is, they will provide the SFA with a backhander, in the name of 'sporting integrity'' of course, to finance the case.

  14. 9 hours ago, Sasa Papac's War Flashbac. said:

    Sick reading their stuff now tbh. All mouth and no trouser, bluster that goes nowhere other than to appease the nutters. 

    We, quite rightly, give the nappy rippers it tight for being obsssed with Rangers. This lot are just as bad.

    I know, it's really fucking awful the way Vanguardbears are highlighting Brenda's racism when the likes of daily rhecod, scotsman and bbc scotland  and the rest of scottish media are constantly exposing Paedo FC and the  midget vertically challenged creepy tranny currently managing them.

  15. 6 hours ago, RDFM said:

    Again, fucking chronic stuff. 

    Again, to call Rangers world record 5 Stars "shite" belongs on Kerryfail St. and for you to say it, as a Rangers supporter on a Rangers forum, is an absolute fucking disgrace.

    Calling Rangers 5 stars shite comes out of fenian mouths!

    Go wash your fucking mouth out for saying it!

  16. 11 hours ago, RDFM said:

    Absolutely atrocious patter. 


    You fucking call Rangers world record 5 star accomplishment 'shite' and have the fucking cheek to call my response 'atrocious patter'!

    Patter calling our incredible 5 stars 'shite' belongs on Kerryfail St., along with the septic mouth that spouted it!

    You're a disgrace!

  17. 2 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

    The SPFL Board includes three Ladbrokes Premiership representatives, two from the Ladbrokes Championship and one covering Ladbrokes League 1 and Ladbrokes League 2.

    Elected to serve on the 2017/18 SPFL Board – alongside SPFL Chief Executive Neil Doncaster, new SPFL Chairman Murdoch MacLennan (as of August 1) and independent non-executive director Karyn McCluskey – were:

    Ladbrokes Premiership representatives: Ann Budge (Heart of Midlothian), Les Gray (Hamilton Academical) and Stewart Robertson (Rangers)

    Ladbrokes Championship representatives: Martin Ritchie (Falkirk) and Warren Hawke (Morton)

    Ladbrokes League 1 and League 2 representative: Iain Dougan (Stranraer)

    Where do they live?

  18. 1 hour ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

    Abortion was "illegal" in Ireland till last week did that make abortion wrong? 

    If no uK laws were being broken then IMO there is no story.  My point was that this is DR pish and too many people (the rockets) are just using this as an excuse to have a pop at a player they don't rate.   

    As for my opinion on the matter, I have owned Dobies, have never had their ears done (family decision) and have always had tails cropped as they are clumsy fuckers and I have seen a dog with a broken tail and it is way more painful than having the tail docked, but again a personal decision and no laws were broken and I don't care if PETA find it abhorrent or not. 

    There's no need for headlines in the Daily Record regarding your Doberman getting its ears cropped and tail docked just as they have no problem with schnauzers or german short haired pointers getting it done because they consider them h*ns.

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