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Everything posted by RS4_wul

  1. ? You surely can't mean on a football pitch because as much as we all hated him when he played for the sheep one thing his old man didn't lack was courage, aggression and determination. I wish Josh had half as much of those attributes in his game as his old man had. He does have pace and power (when he can be arsed using it) and scored some cracking finishes for us last season. Can miss absolute howlers too and plenty of them. The phrase I used more than any other watching us last season was FFS Windass, only because he is frustrating as fuck to watch, superb one minute then gash the next. I realise he's not what most of us would want in the team if we had the choice as he lacks the character and determination required when wearing that Royal blue jersey. None of us know if Gerrard has actually met with Windass or not but if he has surely he has been told he will need to get his finger out and stop hiding in games. Unfortunately there is no way we can replace our entire squad this summer so we will have to keep a few. Windass is one of our better players even though he goes missing all too often. That can't continue. Having said that I can totally understand all of the get him to fuck comments as well.
  2. Was thinking exactly the same thing as I typed my post. Was trying to find the tackle on youtube but I'm a numpty at these things .
  3. FFS. Hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. Will never forget his tackle against the sheep at Ibrox when he hoofed 2 of the cunts into the air at the same time............quality.
  4. Heart breaking story, superb from the RCF though.
  5. They covered up the abuse of children to "keep the good name" of septic at all costs. Allowing the perpetrator to continue his abhorrent deeds to fuck knows how many countless other innocent children over the intervening decades. As if that wasn't sickening enough they re-employed the cunt several years later. We were made aware of allegations of inappropriate comments by one of our coaches. We immediately sacked the cunt and notified the police. Spot the difference? Unfortunately child abuse can happen at any organisation were adults supervise children. It's how you deal with it if it ever occurs that matters. And to answer your last point if anyone at our club did the same I'd want them strung up by the balls.
  6. Know where you're coming from mate, but let's be honest, they could spell Rangers backwards in their sleep.........obssessed, sad, mentally unstable mongo's.
  7. On topic I wish Arteta all the luck in the world.........he may need it. Was class in a Rangers jersey and I don't mind the Arsenal at all.
  8. Obvious conspiracy mate. Pesky Masonic refs
  9. Absolutely awesome day. How do you choose between that and 2005? No need to I suppose, both days none of us will ever forget as long as we live.
  10. A former Rangers player who scored that penalty against Dunfermline to send the Bears and Bearettes into raptures And seriously fuck up sutt#ns day/life
  11. Beat me to it mate. It's the only logical explanation
  12. bbc scotland have been saving this for a rainy day.......... torbett is in court today. Couldn't be more obvious. They really are a shower of rancid bastards, deflection tactics in full flow. It's what they do.....utter scum.
  13. They would just deduct us points for our players being "disrespectful" to our opponents.
  14. More negative press for big, bad Rangers. Been far too many positive headlines about us over the past couple of weeks, can't be having that now. Cannot wait till we start winning the league again, putting all the haters back in their box.
  15. When we win the league again their fans will break the internet
  16. Wait till we start pumpin them on the park again......which is all that matters. Start winning again and enjoy the meltdown.
  17. stick it up them mate. The same tims that pay 50 quid a skull to come to Ibrox and watch their team play a "six year old" club Tell them when you go to work tomorrow that we've had the biggest away support in Britain the last 2 seasons. If the roles were reversed the smsm would be shouting it from the rooftops. They are also spewin at the loyalty of our support.
  18. Mate our very existance disturbs them, the fact that they thought they could finish us off but our fans said no, fuck that. They are more obssessed about us than anything else. Big, bad Rangers. They hate us more than they love their own clubs and can't even mention the word Rangers without frothing at the mouth. It eats them up inside........which is nice. Can't be healthy for them with the all consuming rage and hatred they have for us. Not all fans in the country feel this way about us of course but the ones that do are mentalists.
  19. Wasn't in the room when it happened, naw. But I heard Mark Allen say in yesterday's press conference that Steven Gerrard fully endorsed the signing and was happy with it. Maybe he was signing anyway as you say and as I already agreed he's not Gerrard's signing. He's here now and hopefully he does the business for us.
  20. He does deserve to have a run in the team as we have only seen him in what, about 9 or 10 games? It would be unfair to say he's pish when he hasn't played 3 games in a row........yet It would be mental to pay his wages for 2 years then punt him as soon as he seems to be getting fitter. Are people actually suggestimg we extend his contract? FFS. No need to extend it anyway as he has 2 years left I think. If he stays healthy and in the team next season then we could offer him new terms at some point. He may or may not turn out to be an outstanding player for us but he at least deserves the chance to show us what he can do when fit.
  21. He certainly deserves some luck on the injury front. He has an enthusiasm for the game that's infectious......he seems to be permenantly buzzin. Plays the game with a smile on his face and with a totally commited attitude. Really hope his troubles are behind him now. Regarding Gerrard if memory serves he was out injured regularly when he was about Rossiter's age and he managed to overcome it and have an incredible footballing career. Not comparing him with Gerrard at all in terms of footballing ability, just pointing out that he's not the first young player to pick up lots of injuries early in his career.
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