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They Gnu

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Everything posted by They Gnu

  1. Borna and Tav should have been moved on, Morelos is still here because his form has fallen off a cliff.
  2. Yes I was thinking about those two as well, what was Borna saying goodbye for a couple of weeks ago, did his move fall through?
  3. Do we have too many players who want away, Morelos, Barasic, Kamara have all been poor this season.
  4. Heard about an argument over longest drive where a guy drove the green and the bloke who’d been leading kicking up fuck because it wasn’t on the fairway.
  5. Think there was a vacancy for a cunt and he stepped up, fair play to him.
  6. You’re not at the Daily Rebel now, don’t attribute shite I’ve never stated to me.
  7. This thread is about the SNP, their treatment of our club and how voting for them is incompatible with supporting Rangers. Not sure what point you’re trying to make, if it’s politicians are, in the main, cunts nobody’s arguing about that.
  8. If you want to play dopey cunts a serving MSP is worse than a councillor 450 fucking miles away.
  9. One councillor and ones too many out of about 40,000 Tory councillors The Natz are rammed full of Provi loving cunts, fro MSPs down to Republican Bans members. There is no equivalence
  10. Voting Tory, where I live, is the least worst of the options available. In Scotland the party with the most influence is the Natz, they never miss a chance to stick the knife into anything Rangers. btw, could you remind me of the numerous Tory MPs who supported the IRA, I can’t think of one.
  11. Somebody take that shovel off him Furfuxsake
  12. We are a club who for decades has drawn a lot of our support from the PUL communities, both here and in Northern Ireland. You really think people who act like that would treat Rangers in a fair and equitable manner
  13. Absolutely not, I’d fuckin join in. The Bheast support wallow in a plastic paddywhackery in a british city, they deserve to have the piss ripped right out of them. Amazingly you,a Rangers Fan, are taking offence on their behalf. Furfuxsake mate.
  14. You are defending a political party whose representatives and members have praised the IRA, played in Republican Bands and refused to condemn Irish terrorism.
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