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Celtic Fans Mock Killed British Soldiers & Irishmen Before the CIS Cup Final


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we are getting hammered in the press for 50 idiots out of 150k in manchester. It doesnt matter if it was 10 or 1000. Its sick, its disgusting and its disgraceful, we would be hammered if we did something like that but as per usual the pro celtic media will barely say a thing about it. Good to see someone told stephen nolan, he at least listens to both sides of a story on his show and gives an honest non biased opinion, if only some in the scottish media were like him.

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Not every Rangers supporter threw bottles at a team bus in Spain but the Rangers support were demonized for it as we have been on many occasions. Not every Rangers fan in Manchester went on the rampage but the Rangers support were demonized. Yet when this scum throw coins at a referee or carry out the disgusting pizza box parade on Sunday even some of our own support turn and say but it's only 1 or 2 or Jaun Guy. No wonder there is no parity in the press.

Not at all saying it's only 1 or 2 m8 - I know there's a lot of their that hold those views, and I wasn't born yesterday. I also know it's not all of them, and I'm not one to condemn someone without a trial. I will always give someone a fair shout when I meet them - it certainly doesn't take long to suss out someone's beliefs, and I sure as hell am not about to pal around with any pr*ck that condones terrorism. But "All of them are bastards and all of us are not" is the easy way out, imo.

Fair & commonsence reply Del no one rightly minded could disagree, but just how hard would it be to make a proper example of these cowards & punish them accordingly.

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Not every Rangers supporter threw bottles at a team bus in Spain but the Rangers support were demonized for it as we have been on many occasions. Not every Rangers fan in Manchester went on the rampage but the Rangers support were demonized. Yet when this scum throw coins at a referee or carry out the disgusting pizza box parade on Sunday even some of our own support turn and say but it's only 1 or 2 or Jaun Guy. No wonder there is no parity in the press.

Not at all saying it's only 1 or 2 m8 - I know there's a lot of their that hold those views, and I wasn't born yesterday. I also know it's not all of them, and I'm not one to condemn someone without a trial. I will always give someone a fair shout when I meet them - it certainly doesn't take long to suss out someone's beliefs, and I sure as hell am not about to pal around with any pr*ck that condones terrorism. But "All of them are bastards and all of us are not" is the easy way out, imo.

Fair & commonsence reply Del no one rightly minded could disagree, but just how hard would it be to make a proper example of these cowards & punish them accordingly.

Sometimes I wonder if we'll ever see the day, but I firmly believe it will come, as they really are pushing their luck way too far.

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Came across this radio clip & picture- if you ever needed evidence of the low life scum that supports the darkside, then this really sums it up.

How brave are they? Do you think they'd repeat it that stunt in front of someone from the regiment?

And to think we get vilified for singing TBB? I bet this wont make it into the Scottish press !

I hope this link works ok:

- The Stephen Nolan Show - Mon_ 16 Mar 2009 - Scum Fans with Pizza Boxes in Larne.mp3 - 13.92MB

pizza.jpg - 0.03MB

Edit: This is quite a long audio clip, but worth listening to it all - especially the attempts to rubbish the truth by a pathetic Septic supporter club member - he is made to look like an idiot !

They should hang the Fenian scum for that

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I'd like to think these little shits are just a minority, but if the unwashed masses are regularly singing about the IRA and glorifying terrorism at the Meccanodome, is it REALLY just a minority?

I'm sure there are plenty of decent tims out there, and I have known a few in my life, but I really get the feeling Celtic fans, by and large, are capable of hate in a much more sinister way than Rangers fans ever have been.

But till I saw this picture, I always felt Aberdeen fans hated us more than timmy. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

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Came across this radio clip & picture- if you ever needed evidence of the low life scum that supports the darkside, then this really sums it up.

How brave are they? Do you think they'd repeat it that stunt in front of someone from the regiment?

And to think we get vilified for singing TBB? I bet this wont make it into the Scottish press !

I hope this link works ok:

- The Stephen Nolan Show - Mon_ 16 Mar 2009 - Scum Fans with Pizza Boxes in Larne.mp3 - 13.92MB

pizza.jpg - 0.03MB

Edit: This is quite a long audio clip, but worth listening to it all - especially the attempts to rubbish the truth by a pathetic Septic supporter club member - he is made to look like an idiot !

thats why ive started to boycott the BBC...celtic fans get away with sick b/s like this yet we get ragged on for singing the billy boys and the famine song :angry: ...when I heard about it on the news over here in canada the first thing I thought was that the scummy celtic fans will make arses out of themselves over it..and the cunts never fail to prove me wrong.

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Unfortunatley I can't hear the clip because it says I need to download a plug in (which I won't as I can only get online on my brothers laptop) Would someone mind typing down what was said?...in second thoughts, don't. Judging from what I've read, the scum have once again shown their true colours.

Too much goes unmentioned with regards to THEM. Yes, we have a moronic element within our support (tell me what club doesn't?) but why is it our support that are constantly in the papers and on TV, pretty much being harassed?

I'm getting angry even typing this and I haven't heard the clip. It won't go on forever though, sooner or later their "minority" will be outed for the "majority" that it actually is.


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At least the Sun has covered some of it - this is just as bad:


No one was available for comment from the Muddleboard - in other words they condone it

Scum one and all !

and I'll bet there was not one whisper about this in the Rhecord etc

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At least the Sun has covered some of it - this is just as bad:


No one was available for comment from the Muddleboard - in other words they condone it

Scum one and all !

and I'll bet there was not one whisper about this in the Rhecord etc

Good God. It's got a big splash in the most powerful newspaper in the UK and you're bitching about whether it's in the Record?

However, interesting to see the quote from Celtic themselves:

“We utterly condemn violence and sectarianism in any form.”

Notice they don't specifically apologise for this particular slur nor do they condemn precisely these individuals responsible.

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I'd like to think these little shits are just a minority, but if the unwashed masses are regularly singing about the IRA and glorifying terrorism at the Meccanodome, is it REALLY just a minority?

I'm sure there are plenty of decent tims out there, and I have known a few in my life, but I really get the feeling Celtic fans, by and large, are capable of hate in a much more sinister way than Rangers fans ever have been.

But till I saw this picture, I always felt Aberdeen fans hated us more than timmy. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

If it's a minority, it's a fucking enormous minority.

49.9% no doubt, if you understand that juxtaposition.

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Gregory Campbell penned a letter today, including details of where to see the picture, to Shona Robinson and the Scottish Parliament.

Perhaps someone will get an 8 minute slot on Real Radio tonight to discuss it..... :rolleyes:

SPORTS Minister Gregory Campbell is to write to his counterpart in the Scottish administration to make a joint call for firm action against sectarianism at Rangers v Celtic matches.

The DUP MP spoke out after he heard allegations that Celtic fans were waving empty pizza boxes at Rangers fans in places including Larne in a reference to the Masserene Army barrack murder of two soldiers who were going out to collect pizzas.


The incident was said to have happened before the Cooperative Insurance Cup Final on Sunday.

Celtic Football Club, Bally-mena Shamrock Celtic Supporters Club, the PSNI, and an SDLP councillor from Larne all said they were unaware of any such taunts.

The game finished 2-0 to Celtic.

Last night Mr Campbell said he had been contacted by a number of people about "pizza box incidents".

"It appears a number of people saw Celtic fans waving pizza boxes at the actual game and a number saw them doing the same at the ferry and at the airport.

"Given the widespread and universal condemnation of the murders it seems a lot of these fans have a lot to learn. I think it is imperative for the club to condemn the incidents and distance themselves from them. Celtic also need to call for anyone with information about the incidents to pass that onto the PSNI."


Last night a statement from Celtic FC said they had received "absolutely no report or evidence of this incident whatsoever".

"However, as a club open to all since its formation in 1888, Celtic stands firmly against all forms of bigotry and sectarianism".

Mr Campbell said he planned to write to his Scottish counterpart to agree plans to eliminate sectarianism from Rangers v Celtic matches.

"Given the context of what has happened in the last few days, and the sensitivity of the issue, I think it needs to be done."

A PSNI spokesman said no incidents involving pizza boxes had been reported to them.

Rangers fan Robert Purdy contacted the News Letter to give details about his experience of "sectarian Celtic fans waving pizza boxes".

The 25-year-old from Newtownabbey said he was leaving his friends to the boat in Larne on Sunday morning when "a crowd of more than 10 Celtic fans carrying pizza boxes started waving them blatantly in our faces and mocking the death of the two soldiers in Antrim".

"They were shouting things like, 'who ordered the pizza'."


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Last night a statement from Celtic FC said they had received "absolutely no report or evidence of this incident whatsoever".

"However, as a club open to all since its formation in 1888, Celtic stands firmly against all forms of bigotry and sectarianism".


"CELTIC FOOTBALL AND ATHLETIC CLUB Celtic Park, Parkhead (Corner of Dalmarnock and Janefield Streets) Patrons His Grace the Archbishop of Glasgow and the Clergy of St Mary's, Sacred Heart and St Michael's Missions, and the principal Catholic laymen of the East End.

The above Club was formed in November 1887, by a number of Catholics of the East End of the City. The main object is to supply the East End conferences of the St Vincent de Paul Society with funds for the maintenance of the 'Dinner Tables' of our needy children in the Missions of St Mary's, Sacred Heart and St Michael's. Many cases of sheer poverty are left unaided through lack of means. It is therefore with this principal object that we have set afloat the 'Celtic' and we invite you as one of our ever-ready friends to assist in putting our new Park in proper working order for the coming football season.

We have already several of the leading Catholic football players of the West of Scotland on our membership list. They have most thoughtfully offered to assist in the good work. We are fully aware that the 'elite' of football players belong to this City and suburbs, and we know that from there we can select a team which will be able to do credit to the Catholics of the West of Scotland as the Hibernians have been doing in the East.

Again there is also the desire to have a large recreation ground where our Catholic young men will be able to enjoy the various sports which will build them up physically, and we feel sure we will have many supporters with us in this laudable object."


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Guest Andypendek


I don't mind idiot tims as much as others, I know we have like minded people in our own midst. But I do object to the rank hypocrisy that emanates from their PR dept. whenever they are asked to comment on the latest incident of stupidity from their supporters. Juan Guy is, as Papaguy wrote, morphing into 49.9% minority guy.

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