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Sick of all the PC brigade


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Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

I dont remember any post calling for the Orange Order to be celebrated. I think you should refer to the original poster's comments, where he appealed for the Protestant traditions of the club to be celebrated.

The church parades referred to by Minstral was an Orange Parade which had a large no. of Bears participating due to the start and finish points of the route. In as much as it happened year after year - it is not inaccurate to call it something of a tradition.

What I find amazing in all these kinds of threads is the intensity of intolerance towards Rangers Protestant heritage espoused by certain posters who seem to have a real difficulty understanding that many current Rangers supporters follow the club because of that Protestant heritage.

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

i really dont know, but generations of our fans have sang the Protestant songs, as have some of our managers and players.

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I notice all the usual suspects have come on, but does not matter what spin you put on it, we are known as the Protestant club all over the world. But as i said its you lot that are the minority and we are the majority. :uk:

Wrong. By definition the 'handwringers' such as myself will be less visible / vocal but don't kid yourself you are the majority. AMMS hit the nail on the head earlier when he pointed out what should be obvious to everyone - the Orange Order is an insignificant speck compared to Rangers Football Club.

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

i really dont know, but generations of our fans have sang the Protestant songs, as have some of our managers and players.

We still sing the songs, but times change, who cares if the manager and players dont anymore.

Religion is on its arse, science is basically showing it up for what it is, blind faith. A dusty old book written by men.

Religion should be out of schools and out the public domain in general. It is a private thing and should be kept as such.

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I notice all the usual suspects have come on, but does not matter what spin you put on it, we are known as the Protestant club all over the world. But as i said its you lot that are the minority and we are the majority. :uk:

Wrong. By definition the 'handwringers' such as myself will be less visible / vocal but don't kid yourself you are the majority. AMMS hit the nail on the head earlier when he pointed out what should be obvious to everyone - the Orange Order is an insignificant speck compared to Rangers Football Club.

Actually Dougie I think you are wrong by definition.

I dont remember anything in the original post or in the post from Minstral which you have quoted... which suggested the Orange Order were being held in any sort of comparison to Rangers Football Club.

Minstral has asserted that Rangers are known as a Protestant football club. Are you disagreeing with that ?

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5 pages of tripe. Very little people in here seem to not really understand Protestantism.

Must have interested some people to make 5 pages, but please tell me, are we known as a Protestant club.

Rangers has a following of all sorts of religions all over the world. I understand your point but some people need to move with the times. Being a protestant isn't something you should use to batter other religions with.

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I notice all the usual suspects have come on, but does not matter what spin you put on it, we are known as the Protestant club all over the world. But as i said its you lot that are the minority and we are the majority. :uk:

Wrong. By definition the 'handwringers' such as myself will be less visible / vocal but don't kid yourself you are the majority. AMMS hit the nail on the head earlier when he pointed out what should be obvious to everyone - the Orange Order is an insignificant speck compared to Rangers Football Club.

Actually Dougie I think you are wrong by definition.

I dont remember anything in the original post or in the post from Minstral which you have quoted... which suggested the Orange Order were being held in any sort of comparison to Rangers Football Club.

Minstral has asserted that Rangers are known as a Protestant football club. Are you disagreeing with that ?

A scottish football club traditionally followed by Protestants but in the modern era have a very secular fanbase?

When I lived in Ibrox a lot of my asian mates supported us, and tehre was a lot of them. One boy in particular is a fanatic.

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I notice all the usual suspects have come on, but does not matter what spin you put on it, we are known as the Protestant club all over the world. But as i said its you lot that are the minority and we are the majority. :uk:

Wrong. By definition the 'handwringers' such as myself will be less visible / vocal but don't kid yourself you are the majority. AMMS hit the nail on the head earlier when he pointed out what should be obvious to everyone - the Orange Order is an insignificant speck compared to Rangers Football Club.

I have never compared the 2 but nothing beats our club. what i am saying is generations of our fans classed our club as Protestant and were proud of that fact, and we are known all over the world as a Protestant club, and we should be proud of all our past Protestant support who put so much into our great club. :)

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A scottish football club traditionally followed by Protestants but in the modern era have a very secular fanbase?

When I lived in Ibrox a lot of my asian mates supported us, and tehre was a lot of them. One boy in particular is a fanatic.

I notice you omitted one crucial fact there Brissy. That the club actually modelled itself as a Protestant Club and encouraged a Protestant identity.

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The Glasgow Rangers, The Orange Order, The Masonic will always be linked and when all the fair weather mob are gone the Brothers will still be here filling Ibrox every other week and at away games. I Love being a WASP. ! :sherlock:

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

Maybey not on this Forum,But other Certain Rangers Forums There are Hundreds of Rangers fans attend the walk. so were are you going with this point. the impression you give me is. that some of us don't know what we're Celebrating here. or singing about. am I right.?? Thats what I think You Think.

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A scottish football club traditionally followed by Protestants but in the modern era have a very secular fanbase?

When I lived in Ibrox a lot of my asian mates supported us, and tehre was a lot of them. One boy in particular is a fanatic.

I notice you omitted one crucial fact there Brissy. That the club actually modelled itself as a Protestant Club and encouraged a Protestant identity.

That may be true, but hand on heart, do you actually beleive thats how we are viewed today?

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A scottish football club traditionally followed by Protestants but in the modern era have a very secular fanbase?

When I lived in Ibrox a lot of my asian mates supported us, and tehre was a lot of them. One boy in particular is a fanatic.

I notice you omitted one crucial fact there Brissy. That the club actually modelled itself as a Protestant Club and encouraged a Protestant identity.

Im sure the Orange order have done someting for Rangers. You go on the Ibrox tour and see. don't take My word for it. But some High up Protestant Gave Rangers someting To Keep in the trophy Room,once And it is still there. Can't remeber who who was but.

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

Maybey not on this Forum,But other Certain Rangers Forums There are Hundreds of Rangers fans attend the walk. so were are you going with this point. the impression you give me is. that some of us don't know what we're Celebrating here. or singing about. am I right.?? Thats what I think You Think.

Youve lost me here, where do you ascertain that from?

The OP mentioned Orange Parades at HT, I amongst others have pointed out the OO is not represantative of the majority of Protestant faith, with membership dwindling here and in NI.

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

Maybey not on this Forum,But other Certain Rangers Forums There are Hundreds of Rangers fans attend the walk. so were are you going with this point. the impression you give me is. that some of us don't know what we're Celebrating here. or singing about. am I right.?? Thats what I think You Think.

Thats the problem so many people have been fooled by the media's attack on the Ulster/Scottish Protestant identity by labelling it as "Sectarian" at any possible chance, some of these "Forward" thinking Rangers fans don't seem to realise that the Reformation and the Glorious Revolution were crucial in establishing the Democratic state we live in now.

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I'm a liberal guy but have no problems with our protestant identity. Its a crying shame that our fans are pilliored for showing some respect to our country and its institutions such as the armed forces and by flying the flags of our country and when I say that I mean both the saltire and the union flag. I find it hard to believe that people have a problem with this, I mean what has it come to when celebrating your identity is frowned upon? Ok, so I'm not in the masons, the orange order nor am I particularly unionist but I am a proud Rangers supporter and will never apologise for that. Rangers is my religion :21:

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

Maybey not on this Forum,But other Certain Rangers Forums There are Hundreds of Rangers fans attend the walk. so were are you going with this point. the impression you give me is. that some of us don't know what we're Celebrating here. or singing about. am I right.?? Thats what I think You Think.

Youve lost me here, where do you ascertain that from?

The OP mentioned Orange Parades at HT, I amongst others have pointed out the OO is not represantative of the majority of Protestant faith, with membership dwindling here and in NI.

I have been to games many years ago when bandsmen on the way home from a OO parade came into the ground with their flutes playing all the tunes. :uk:

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5 pages of tripe. Very little people in here seem to not really understand Protestantism.

Must have interested some people to make 5 pages, but please tell me, are we known as a Protestant club.

Rangers has a following of all sorts of religions all over the world. I understand your point but some people need to move with the times. Being a protestant isn't something you should use to batter other religions with.

Rangers' players and fans today are multi-national and of various religious and political affiliations, although the club have traditionally been identified with and favoured the Protestant and Unionist community of Scotland, as well as the Unionist community in Northern Ireland.

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MINSTRAL! how many did you catch today then?

Not sure I get the constant highlighting of this 'fishing' theme. Minstral (or any other original poster) presumably posted because he wanted to start a dialogue on something. Even if he was 'trolling' - so what? If I feel I want to add my voice to something I will. I won't try and second guess the OP's intentions. One reason I prefer here to FF is that there's less 'fishy fishy' responses.

To me, you look at a post and decide what you think of it - pure and simple. I've no way of finding out the 'credentials' of any poster.

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

Maybey not on this Forum,But other Certain Rangers Forums There are Hundreds of Rangers fans attend the walk. so were are you going with this point. the impression you give me is. that some of us don't know what we're Celebrating here. or singing about. am I right.?? Thats what I think You Think.

Youve lost me here, where do you ascertain that from?

The OP mentioned Orange Parades at HT, I amongst others have pointed out the OO is not represantative of the majority of Protestant faith, with membership dwindling here and in NI.

I have been to games many years ago when bandsmen on the way home from a OO parade came into the ground with their flutes playing all the tunes. :uk:

I was Commenting on your comment which you said "How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk? there are many Bears who Attend the Walk.

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