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Sick of all the PC brigade


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so if you ask a question you are immediatley an uber anti prod now im struggling to get my head round this thread,

if you believe in the traditions and fight for them your an Uber-prod

if you question the traditions your Uber anti- prod

so if your somewhere inbetween what you gonna call that ?

cant we just all get along and do whats best for what we all believe in


It was a slightly tongue-in-cheek response to being labelled an Uber prod OC (tu)

That's the problem though, there is no middle ground and my resentment stems from the fact that Protestantism and the OO seem to be such a problem for so called Bears.

They'd be better off using their energies attacking the f****n hordes than their own.


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so if you ask a question you are immediatley an uber anti prod now im struggling to get my head round this thread,

if you believe in the traditions and fight for them your an Uber-prod

if you question the traditions your Uber anti- prod

so if your somewhere inbetween what you gonna call that ?

cant we just all get along and do whats best for what we all believe in


It was a slightly tongue-in-cheek response to being labelled an Uber prod OC (tu)

That's the problem though, there is no middle ground and my resentment stems from the fact that Protestantism and the OO seem to be such a problem for so called Bears.

They'd be better off using their energies attacking the f****n hordes than their own.


i know BL(tu)

Me personally have no affiliation with the OO and i have no "faith" as such in any religion but am more than aware of the clubs past and traditions. yes some people have the opposite views from me but far be it for me to attack their views because they differ from mine.

what i cant understand is why people in this thread wont let it be, leave the proud orangemen/prods whatever to do what they want to do and accept it and vice versa with the fans who are interested in the club as a football club why do we have to ahve this constant bickering amongst fans.

Lets unite against our Enemy and at the moment it seems to be everyman and their dog wants to have a dig at us and we aren't helping matters with our constant infighting.

to the future :beer1:

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so if you ask a question you are immediatley an uber anti prod now im struggling to get my head round this thread,

if you believe in the traditions and fight for them your an Uber-prod

if you question the traditions your Uber anti- prod

so if your somewhere inbetween what you gonna call that ?

cant we just all get along and do whats best for what we all believe in


It was a slightly tongue-in-cheek response to being labelled an Uber prod OC (tu)

That's the problem though, there is no middle ground and my resentment stems from the fact that Protestantism and the OO seem to be such a problem for so called Bears.

They'd be better off using their energies attacking the f****n hordes than their own.


i know BL(tu)

Me personally have no affiliation with the OO and i have no "faith" as such in any religion but am more than aware of the clubs past and traditions. yes some people have the opposite views from me but far be it for me to attack their views because they differ from mine.

what i cant understand is why people in this thread wont let it be, leave the proud orangemen/prods whatever to do what they want to do and accept it and vice versa with the fans who are interested in the club as a football club why do we have to ahve this constant bickering amongst fans.

Lets unite against our Enemy and at the moment it seems to be everyman and their dog wants to have a dig at us and we aren't helping matters with our constant infighting.

to the future :beer1:

We are all interested in the football side, thats what makes us a great club, but that wont stop all the attacks on our club. All the see is Protestant club so they assume we are all bigots. :)

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so if you ask a question you are immediatley an uber anti prod now im struggling to get my head round this thread,

if you believe in the traditions and fight for them your an Uber-prod

if you question the traditions your Uber anti- prod

so if your somewhere inbetween what you gonna call that ?

cant we just all get along and do whats best for what we all believe in


It was a slightly tongue-in-cheek response to being labelled an Uber prod OC (tu)

That's the problem though, there is no middle ground and my resentment stems from the fact that Protestantism and the OO seem to be such a problem for so called Bears.

They'd be better off using their energies attacking the f****n hordes than their own.


i know BL(tu)

Me personally have no affiliation with the OO and i have no "faith" as such in any religion but am more than aware of the clubs past and traditions. yes some people have the opposite views from me but far be it for me to attack their views because they differ from mine.

what i cant understand is why people in this thread wont let it be, leave the proud orangemen/prods whatever to do what they want to do and accept it and vice versa with the fans who are interested in the club as a football club why do we have to ahve this constant bickering amongst fans.

Lets unite against our Enemy and at the moment it seems to be everyman and their dog wants to have a dig at us and we aren't helping matters with our constant infighting.

to the future :beer1:

We are all interested in the football side, thats what makes us a great club, but that wont stop all the attacks on our club. All the see is Protestant club so they assume we are all bigots. :)

Aren't we :lol: - thats a joke by the way for some people who might not get it

I know but thats society for you, they read what they assume is Fact and they believe it, its up to us as a WHOLE support to put the facts right, VB have done well with their articles pointing out the Timmy propaganda machine and how their "facts" are actually fiction and can be challenged easily and we need to get this info out into the general public for all to see show them its not a case of tit-for-tat OF bickering but show them that the T**** are attacking the very foundations of a great club in order to fufill their agenda and not only a club but the Protestant faith as a whole not just the ones following Rangers (tu)

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Reading through the thread I find it quite sad that so many are against or don't care about the Rangers tradition I grew up with.

Thankfully the people I am friendly with share the same beliefs I have.

I'm delighted to say though that the handwringing PC brigade are conspicuous by their absence around me at Ibrox. Do these people only appear on internet message boards?because I honestly do not know any

This about sums it up, they only exist on here and as for the so many against it only seems that way, the old bheggar ploy, empty cans make the most noise, the way they do wearing their green and grey rags night and day to make it look as if they are in the majority in this country. They are mentally insane and really dirty.! :sherlock:

I love the way that you try to bully people on this topic BD - it shows you up for the smalll minded person you are - your atttude is that "if you are NOT protestant you are not a Rangers supporter and are one of them". But frankly thats pathetic. I am sure your bullying will intimidate a small number of posters, and endear you to some of the weaker members who are so berift of their own personal worth they will latch on to you. Howeveras you know but continually deny - Rangers is about the football - take away all the other stuff and you are still left with a fantastic institution, take away the football and there is fuck all there!

Ah another ploy, the bully insinuation ! This smacks of mcguiness and adams when the good British people of NI decided to fight back against the terrorists and take retribution. These 2 started squealing like bitches demanding protection from the British Army, ironic Eh ? And a start to the 'peace process.' Apart from being a fud you are definitely not one of us. :sherlock:

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Indeed they are, the Orange Order are unrepresentative of the Protestant population of Scotland, be them nominal or active, fact. They are now a minority interest group, fact. To suggest they should have anything to do with Rangers these days is a denial of reality, fact.

Is this really dealing in facts and details Brissybear ?

The Orange Order are one of the most visible representations of Protestanism in Scotland. What other Protestant institution manages to gather over 50,000 people in Glasgow every July ? Perhaps you could be good enough to enlighten us......

Perhaps its worth reminding ourselves that membership of the Orange Order requires active church membership. Throughout this thread there has been a determination to seperate Orangeism from Protestantism which is impossible to do - as the former insists on membership of the latter.

Brissybear and AM.what you have failed to grasp throughout this thread is that Orange Order members are part of the Protestant community in Scotland..... for example the curent Grand Master of the Orange Lodge in Scotland. Ian Wilson.is the organist in his local church.

Perhaps Brissy or Am you would be good enought to cite some examples of events (apart from normal Sunday worship) which is representative of the Protestant community in Scotland.

I replied to your last post point by point at least have the courtesy of addressing that one before you post another batch.

Had you made valid points I would have AM - but to be honest most of your "point by point" answers were little more than subjective personal opinion and the expression of fairly negative opinion about the opening poster.

I'd have thought subjective personal opinion (I'm not sure who else's opinion I'm supposed to give though) lacking any validity would have been pretty simple to take apart then.

I don't know Minstral, the only negative opinion I hold of him is in regard to this thread, don't extrapolate anything from that or use it as an excuse for you deciding you don't want to play any more.

Don't use words like estimated when you can use uber shite like extrapolate ! :sherlock:

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Reading through the thread I find it quite sad that so many are against or don't care about the Rangers tradition I grew up with.

Thankfully the people I am friendly with share the same beliefs I have.

I'm delighted to say though that the handwringing PC brigade are conspicuous by their absence around me at Ibrox. Do these people only appear on internet message boards?because I honestly do not know any

This about sums it up, they only exist on here and as for the so many against it only seems that way, the old bheggar ploy, empty cans make the most noise, the way they do wearing their green and grey rags night and day to make it look as if they are in the majority in this country. They are mentally insane and really dirty.! :sherlock:

I love the way that you try to bully people on this topic BD - it shows you up for the smalll minded person you are - your atttude is that "if you are NOT protestant you are not a Rangers supporter and are one of them". But frankly thats pathetic. I am sure your bullying will intimidate a small number of posters, and endear you to some of the weaker members who are so berift of their own personal worth they will latch on to you. Howeveras you know but continually deny - Rangers is about the football - take away all the other stuff and you are still left with a fantastic institution, take away the football and there is fuck all there!

Don't talk shite during the poor footballing years all that was left on the the terracing were Loyal Protestants all the rest had disappeared like snaw aff a dyke ! And another thing, We are not a Protestant Club ? Try telling paul le guen that ! :sherlock:

LOL - You dont think your arguments through very well do you?

PLG left for one reason only - he was gash!

If Murray had NOT changed our team and attitudes and ended the "poor footballing year" we would have crowds the size of Livingston now - that goodness Murray broke down all the barriers for team and supporters alike and started filling Ibrox again and keeping the club strong with full stadiums nearly every home game. Its about the football! Get over it

Bluepeter9 no way is our club strong, at the moment we are struggling money wise and cant afford to sign decent players. we are forever getting attacked in the press and media without as much as a fightback. The Rangers way used to be trying to win every game, and never scared of any team, also proud of our traditions and proud to wear the jersey, a club who used to respect our fans. Murray done okay when he first came in and brought us success, but now he seems to have lost heart for the club, and when he does go will leave us much weaker, plus a divided support.

Its not at its strongest - we agree on that - but as you rightly know my point was aimed at the 'opinion' that we would be better off with low crowds of 'prods' (and REALLY weak financially) rather than having 50,000 to call on every 2 weeks during the season (+other games) - is that really a position you support?

I am not even sure the club is divided - just because we disagree wont stop either you, or I, supporting Rangers - the only way a 'divided' support could harm us is if none of us could be bothered supporting them because on any reason - we all support Rangers - we just see different paths forward for the club - (Thats debate).

We are weaker mainly because of TV money - if ability to attract players was down to size of support, as it used to be, then we would still be one of the elite - TV money skews the finances in favour of the clubs from big markets! simple - and SDM has had to deal with that transition and IMHO done ok!

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I don't know Minstral, the only negative opinion I hold of him is in regard to this thread, don't extrapolate anything from that or use it as an excuse for you deciding you don't want to play any more.

Oh Im happy to keep playing when you have actually got time to say something worthwhile and worthy of debate.

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How many Prods do you think were in Manchester for the game ? :sherlock:

Blue the majority i would say.

You better believe it Minst approx 200,000 strong and nearly all Prods, no other team in the World could do that without a bond that runs deep. :sherlock:

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Who would have thought, that many would go to Manchester. It was a truly amazing show of support for the Rangers. The population of Manchester, grew by over 40% that day. I still recall the sea of red, white and blue and think, wow.

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Reading through the thread I find it quite sad that so many are against or don't care about the Rangers tradition I grew up with.

Thankfully the people I am friendly with share the same beliefs I have.

I'm delighted to say though that the handwringing PC brigade are conspicuous by their absence around me at Ibrox. Do these people only appear on internet message boards?because I honestly do not know any

This about sums it up, they only exist on here and as for the so many against it only seems that way, the old bheggar ploy, empty cans make the most noise, the way they do wearing their green and grey rags night and day to make it look as if they are in the majority in this country. They are mentally insane and really dirty.! :sherlock:

Beacuse you know each and every single Bear that goes to the games dont you BD??

A colossal Bore and a plastik Prod, go to church and practice your faith and stop being the hypocritical, timmy obsessed ned that you seem to be.

You are obsessed to an unhealthy level, I really, really mean this. Man, I would fucking hate to be you BD, I actually feel sorry for you sometimes.

What do you do for a living BD?

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