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Is It Time To Turn Up The Heat On The Subway Loyal?

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Personally I find the amount of fans leaving early really annoying. Guy next to me sits and slates everyone and anyone he feels is not giving their all on the park yet shoots the craw wi' 15 minutes to go at every game.

Worse than that I aactually feel it's now a growing trend hence the reason for this post. All this nonsense about beating the traffic - if you're not prepared to back the team for the WHOLE game don't bother coming.

Rant over!

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I agree with you.

It is very annoying.

On the other hand though the people that do leave early can claim to do what they want. As they have paid their money and can leave when they like.

'Course they can only this isn'y the fookin pictures we're talking about here this is THE RANGERS!!!

Stand up and be counted for the WHOLE game!

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Fuck the subway loyal - i fuckin hate the cunts. only interested in gettin' home in time to wash the dishes before the missus gets home and gi'es them a hidin'. these wanks systematically destroy the atmosphere at ibrox - fuck them.

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dont see the problem ,happens in every ground in Britain ,and will always happen..you pays your money and if you have seen enough then its your choice ,better than staying to full time and see others booing the team if they have been pish,better to bite the lip and leave as i have done when others stayed to vent their anger,so who is worse in that situ mate.

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Fuck the subway loyal - i fuckin hate the cunts. only interested in gettin' home in time to wash the dishes before the missus gets home and gi'es them a hidin'. these wanks systematically destroy the atmosphere at ibrox - fuck them.

well you can stay as long as you like mate ,cause youve been on the pish well before kick off and are straight on it after..thats obvious.. <cr>

hating your own supporters ,like to see you next home game standing outside subway telling everyone what you think of them..hehe

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dont see the problem ,happens in every ground in Britain ,and will always happen..you pays your money and if you have seen enough then its your choice ,better than staying to full time and see others booing the team if they have been pish,better to bite the lip and leave as i have done when others stayed to vent their anger,so who is worse in that situ mate.

What a pathetic reply. We are not interested at what happens "in every ground in Britain"... We are a fan base proud of our LOYALTY and SKANKS that slither away early are a disgrace to everything that RANGERS stand for.

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Fuck the subway loyal - i fuckin hate the cunts. only interested in gettin' home in time to wash the dishes before the missus gets home and gi'es them a hidin'. these wanks systematically destroy the atmosphere at ibrox - fuck them.

well you can stay as long as you like mate ,cause youve been on the pish well before kick off and are straight on it after..thats obvious.. <cr>

hating your own supporters ,like to see you next home game standing outside subway telling everyone what you think of them..hehe

its that kind of attitude that makes me hate the fact that tossers like you support the same team as me. but that's life and i have to accept it. doesn't mean i can't despise sharing a ground with lethargic eejits like you though.

PS. NEVER left a football game early in my life. rangers or scotland. don't know what you're talking about being on the pish - pish is the only substance we're getting out of your skanky gub - a jungle perhaps? dunno, dont care. dont tar me with the same brush as yourself ya cock.

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Fuck the subway loyal - i fuckin hate the cunts. only interested in gettin' home in time to wash the dishes before the missus gets home and gi'es them a hidin'. these wanks systematically destroy the atmosphere at ibrox - fuck them.

dont see the problem ,happens in every ground in Britain ,and will always happen..you pays your money and if you have seen enough then its your choice ,better than staying to full time and see others booing the team if they have been pish,better to bite the lip and leave as i have done when others stayed to vent their anger,so who is worse in that situ mate.

What a pathetic reply. We are not interested at what happens "in every ground in Britain"... We are a fan base proud of our LOYALTY and SKANKS that slither away early are a disgrace to everything that RANGERS stand for.

im not interested in hearing your pish ..its up to every FAN what they choose to do ,not idiots like you trying to dictate .oh forgot you are not a fan if you dont stay till full time ..dont preach to me what i should do by having a cheap pathetic reply shot...idiots like you dont know the meaning of the word loyal,oh sorry i forgot subway is infront of it .when you have folloWed your team everywhere and i mean everywhere through thick and thin ,then, come on here and dictate to LOYALISTS.

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Fuck the subway loyal - i fuckin hate the cunts. only interested in gettin' home in time to wash the dishes before the missus gets home and gi'es them a hidin'. these wanks systematically destroy the atmosphere at ibrox - fuck them.

well you can stay as long as you like mate ,cause youve been on the pish well before kick off and are straight on it after..thats obvious.. <cr>

hating your own supporters ,like to see you next home game standing outside subway telling everyone what you think of them..hehe

its that kind of attitude that makes me hate the fact that tossers like you support the same team as me. but that's life and i have to accept it. doesn't mean i can't despise sharing a ground with lethargic eejits like you though.

PS. NEVER left a football game early in my life. rangers or scotland. don't know what you're talking about being on the pish - pish is the only substance we're getting out of your skanky gub - a jungle perhaps? dunno, dont care. dont tar me with the same brush as yourself ya cock.

LOOK weebawbag or whatever,if rangers fans want to leave early i would never bad mouth 1 of my own,its their choice..fuckin live with it ,cause thats called being loyal to your own.

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I have done one early against some pish Israeli mob we plated in the CL qualifiers, only cause I didnae want to get stuck in Glasgow for the night.

gotta stay til the end on a weekend though, time spent in Ibrox is time well spent!!!

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