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Horrible leg break in Belgian first division...


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Well, he isn't.

11 matches banned and 2500 euro fine was turned into an 8 match ban and 250 euro fine, what a fucking joke.

Belgian FA are shit scared of Standard (who laim that it is run by anti-Standard men, go figure), I fucking hate them.

He will only miss games against shitty little teams and is back right on time for games against Bruges and Gent, teams in the running for top spots.

He an also play with the reserves so he can maintain match fitness...

It is not transferred to UEFA so he can also play in the CL.

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Horrific. It's the way the offender and his teammates are protesting so much about it that sickens me. The poor guy.

Steve Bruce had the Sunderland scouts watching him apparantly.



Him and Cattermole in the same side!

Although as I said, Witsel's not usually that much of a nutter.

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Sheer brutality. If he's complaining about being sent off he should hang his head in shame.

It's clearly intentional as what good would a stamp like that be if he was going for the ball? He would probably knock it out of play or lose control of it. To go in like that shows all he intended to do was hurt the player, though maybe not to the extent of breaking his leg.

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