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Xbox 360 Showing "The 3 Rings of Death"


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just a tip if you do sent it to microsoft to get it fixed take the hdd off and try to get any games out when mines broke i had gh3 inside and couldent get it out when i sent my xbox to the official microsoft place(in-fact a dodgy apartment in germany)they stole my game so i was left with a gh controller useless without the game phoned the cunts up ragin some indian guy answers givin me all his dribble that my game will be returned a month later and no game i phone them again another indian guy sayin they never said i was gettin my game.fuckin cunts

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Go to the xbox.com Registration and Repair page rather than phoning, it's a fully automated process now - step by step instructions on what to do.

It's not an unlimited warranty for RRoD, it's a 3 year one so yours failed just in time!

Three years for the E74 error too.

Should get a replacement/repair with in a week of you sending it off if you print off the packaging label/box it yourself for the courier.


Not true, its only a few months off 5 years since I got my xbox so I'm nearly 2 years beyond the official warranty and I got the RROD the other week, contacted xbox, they've agreed to repair or replace it for free despite its age and even paid for the shipping to Germany, sent it off yesterday.

Compared to the reply of "buy a new one" that I got when I phoned the PS customer service dept for a small problem with my old PS2, have to say xbox is far superior in dealing with its customers.

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I have the three rings and im outwith warranty

Whats the best/cheapest way to go about this lads?

I'm way out of 3 year warranty but they still fix 3 red rings for free, just contact xbox!

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mine came up with the red lights last nite then went off and it has been green ever since

May just have been the power cable wasn't connected properly, this can show up as 3 red rings too.

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16 minutes unlucky :(

It's like the 360 wanted me to get my hopes up :( fuckin tease!

My brother got the three rings once , but he disconnected all the cables then put them back in and off the thing went, never had a problem since <cr>

the very reason i went for a PS3 and the fact i fucking hate the Xbox controller

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