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I always thought that paranoia was a taig thing, maybe I got that wrong, but I hope not. Leggat should put up or shut up, same as others who give his ramblings credibility. The irony of him quoting the bunnet as a friend of his, and his famous remark, is obviously lost in the search for a conspiracy where none exists.

Life is simple for individuals and companies, if you value your good name pay your debts, we are no different to anyone else, and we pay our debts.

I'll try again - and maybe this time you could restrict yourself to answering a straightforward question:

"Is RM just lucky to have you or were you directed here by a third (interested) party?"

No references to Taigs.

No references to other posters.

No references to journalists.

Please........the floor is yours.

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Anyone? :unsure:

I have a few contacts at the club and this has never been mentioned to me. That is not me saying something isnt afoot on it and i would be more than willing to look or listen to information regarding Lloyds Group.

If the chosen method for that is by PM to ensure something doesnt leak then so be it.

Surely more people would be more interested in helping out if they had all the facts/information in front of them.

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I have a few contacts at the club and this has never been mentioned to me. That is not me saying something isnt afoot on it and i would be more than willing to look or listen to information regarding Lloyds Group.

If the chosen method for that is by PM to ensure something doesnt leak then so be it.

Surely more people would be more interested in helping out if they had all the facts/information in front of them.

If such facts/information actually exist.

Or it's maybe a diversion away from the current problems regarding the RST Loan debacle?

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I have a few contacts at the club and this has never been mentioned to me. That is not me saying something isnt afoot on it and i would be more than willing to look or listen to information regarding Lloyds Group.

If the chosen method for that is by PM to ensure something doesnt leak then so be it.

Surely more people would be more interested in helping out if they had all the facts/information in front of them.

The OP is a call to "find a banner of unity somewhere and fight the enemy of Lloyds Banking Group in Scotland." Nowhere in this thread does it say what makes them the enemy, it's frankly ludicrous.

"Let's all fight Lloyds Bank!"


"We're not telling you, but come and join the fight anyway...."

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The David Leggat article about the Lloyd's bankers. I am not a member of the RST, AND HAVE NO ARUGMENT FOR OR AGAINST IT. This posts is not a distraction from the infighting between members, but i think we should be looking outward for the real enemies of our club and not looking inward. This thread is about achieving harmony between Bears, what better way than everyone focusing their attention on rooting out opposition whether they be Media, opposing supporters, or bankers.

Friday, 3 September 2010


WHEN even such a clever man as Alistair Darling admits to being hoodwinked by them, then you know just what they are. Bankers!

But there is something about one particular banker which perplexes me. Why is the man responsible at board level for the activities of Lloyds Bank in Scotland so seemingly reticent?

And why is the nation's media so shy about telling us the life story of Archibald Gerard Kane, the banker who can call the shots over the debt owed to his bank by Rangers?

After all Archie, as he's known in that ''bible'' of the famous, Who's Who, or Archibald on the Lloyds website, is a classic rags to riches story. The sort of' '' lad of pairts'' tale usually so beloved by our newspapers and broadcasting organizations.

And, given his relationship with that other great Scottish institution, Rangers, I find it hard to comprehend just what is going on.

On numerous occasions I have mentioned this to a number of senior people in journalism, and none of them has been able to give me an answer for the silence.

So, for their benefit, and for the information of those interested in such stories, here is what I know about Archie Gerard Kane, as his entry in Who's Who calls him.

Kane, it tells us, was born in the 16th June, 1952, and his parents were Archie and Rose . He was, by his own admission, from a poor background.

In an interview with Alasdair Northrop in the serious and respected Insider Magazine on June 11th this year, Kane reveals how, for the first six years of his life he and his parents shared one room in an aunt's house in Hamilton.

Clearly he still feels an affinity with Lanarkshire as his public address is listed as being Bellshill.

Those humble origins were nothing out of the ordinary in those days, as I grew up with my mum and dad in a room and kitchen in a Maryhill tenement in the 50s and 60s until I was 12 and we moved next door to a two room and kitchen.

Therefore I understand his comment about those years of: ''When you are young you don't think much about it.''

Quite right!

In the interview he went on to praise mother, Rose, as the driving force in his life, adding:''My mother encouraged me school-wise, and to go to university. My dad did everything from being a bus driver, to a wages clerk on a construction site and was well read and knowledgeable about politics and history.''

For the rest, the interview , as you would expect given the nature of the Insider Magazine, is as dry as dust, concentrating on the world of high finance and banking.

Certainly Kane is a man well qualified to talk about such subjects, despite having no banking qualifications, having studied accountancy at Glasgow University, emerging with a BAacc.

For, as well as being the executive director on the Lloyds Board, responsible for Scotland, Kane has 41 different relationships with his fellow board members in nine different organizations across six different industries.

Who could possibly argue against such a busy bee being worth the few quid short of £1.5M he trousered last year from a bank which was rescued by the taxpayers?

As I said, a classic rags to riches story, the sort usually documented in minute detail in newspapers and on radio and television in Scotland.

Yet, despite extensive research, there appears to be nothing known about Kane since he and his mum and dad moved out his aunt's house when he was six in 1958, until he graduated from Glasgow University, probably some time around 1972-ish.

Maybe some of his old school pals or fellow undergraduates, who sunk of a few pints with him in the Men's Union can fill us in. Somebody must remember him.

Strangely there are no newspaper reports of this local boy made good returning to his primary school in Hamilton as the guest of honour on prizegiving day. Nor the hint of him addressing the present day pupils at whatever secondary school where he studied so hard, encouraged by mother, Rose, to win a place at Glasgow University.

In fact Who's Who is as much in the dark about this period in the life of the man who holds sway over Rangers, and who works for a taxpayers' funded organization, as I am.

Prime minister David Cameron lists his school as we all know, as Eton, and Gordon Brown tell us he went to Kirkcaldy High School.

Tony Blair even goes so far as to list Durham Choisters School before he went to Fettes, while Nick Clegg is a product of Westminster School.

Good grief, even shamed Fred the Shred - Sir Fred Goodwin, - owns up to having gone to Paisley Grammar School.

Of course perhaps Kane is ashamed of his humble origins. After all, Edinburgh is Scotland's banking centre, and when the folk there ask what school you went to, they are trying to uncover your social status, revealed by whether or not you attended a fee paying school.

If that's the case then shame on you Archie Gerard Kane ,though I find that hard to believe of a man who, despite having come a long way has still admirably kept his Lanarkshire roots.

I know a wee bit about Lanarkshire, as my dad, Andrew was born and bred in Coatbridge, before having the great good sense to marry a Maryhill lassie and move there.

So I know only too well the obsession of Lanarkshire's young men with sport in general and football in particular. Which is why I find it strange that in Who's Who, Kane lists his hobbies as golf, tennis and ski-ing. Hardly tastes he would have cultivated growing up in Lanarkshire in the 1950s and 60s.

But then again, as former Chancellor Alistair Darling has admitted, they are slippery customers. Bankers!

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The OP is a call to "find a banner of unity somewhere and fight the enemy of Lloyds Banking Group in Scotland." Nowhere in this thread does it say what makes them the enemy, it's frankly ludicrous.

"Let's all fight Lloyds Bank!"


"We're not telling you, but come and join the fight anyway...."

That's my take on it. As things stand, i have no information at all that says the Bank have not simply acted within their authority to say "no" to more money or extending our overdraft. They have asked for and been provided with a structured plan to show we will not go near that £15m threshold again which just simply makes sense to me.

I am open to learning new things though.

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I'll try again - and maybe this time you could restrict yourself to answering a straightforward question:

"Is RM just lucky to have you or were you directed here by a third (interested) party?"

No references to Taigs.

No references to other posters.

No references to journalists.

Please........the floor is yours.

Obviously my reply is not to your liking, alternatively you could tell me what you would like me to say, or you could resort to the ££ school of moderating, but you know and I know that would make you no better than them.

FWIW I am of the opinion that the OP is total nonsense without a scintilla of substance. Whither you are lucky to have me or not is obviously a decision you will have to make, for better or worse.

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The David Leggat article about the Lloyd's bankers. I am not a member of the RST, AND HAVE NO ARUGMENT FOR OR AGAINST IT. This posts is not a distraction from the infighting between members, but i think we should be looking outward for the real enemies of our club and not looking inward. This thread is about achieving harmony between Bears, what better way than everyone focusing their attention on rooting out opposition whether they be Media, opposing supporters, or bankers.

Friday, 3 September 2010


WHEN even such a clever man as Alistair Darling admits to being hoodwinked by them, then you know just what they are. Bankers!

But there is something about one particular banker which perplexes me. Why is the man responsible at board level for the activities of Lloyds Bank in Scotland so seemingly reticent?

And why is the nation's media so shy about telling us the life story of Archibald Gerard Kane, the banker who can call the shots over the debt owed to his bank by Rangers?

After all Archie, as he's known in that ''bible'' of the famous, Who's Who, or Archibald on the Lloyds website, is a classic rags to riches story. The sort of' '' lad of pairts'' tale usually so beloved by our newspapers and broadcasting organizations.

And, given his relationship with that other great Scottish institution, Rangers, I find it hard to comprehend just what is going on.

On numerous occasions I have mentioned this to a number of senior people in journalism, and none of them has been able to give me an answer for the silence.

So, for their benefit, and for the information of those interested in such stories, here is what I know about Archie Gerard Kane, as his entry in Who's Who calls him.

Kane, it tells us, was born in the 16th June, 1952, and his parents were Archie and Rose . He was, by his own admission, from a poor background.

In an interview with Alasdair Northrop in the serious and respected Insider Magazine on June 11th this year, Kane reveals how, for the first six years of his life he and his parents shared one room in an aunt's house in Hamilton.

Clearly he still feels an affinity with Lanarkshire as his public address is listed as being Bellshill.

Those humble origins were nothing out of the ordinary in those days, as I grew up with my mum and dad in a room and kitchen in a Maryhill tenement in the 50s and 60s until I was 12 and we moved next door to a two room and kitchen.

Therefore I understand his comment about those years of: ''When you are young you don't think much about it.''

Quite right!

In the interview he went on to praise mother, Rose, as the driving force in his life, adding:''My mother encouraged me school-wise, and to go to university. My dad did everything from being a bus driver, to a wages clerk on a construction site and was well read and knowledgeable about politics and history.''

For the rest, the interview , as you would expect given the nature of the Insider Magazine, is as dry as dust, concentrating on the world of high finance and banking.

Certainly Kane is a man well qualified to talk about such subjects, despite having no banking qualifications, having studied accountancy at Glasgow University, emerging with a BAacc.

For, as well as being the executive director on the Lloyds Board, responsible for Scotland, Kane has 41 different relationships with his fellow board members in nine different organizations across six different industries.

Who could possibly argue against such a busy bee being worth the few quid short of £1.5M he trousered last year from a bank which was rescued by the taxpayers?

As I said, a classic rags to riches story, the sort usually documented in minute detail in newspapers and on radio and television in Scotland.

Yet, despite extensive research, there appears to be nothing known about Kane since he and his mum and dad moved out his aunt's house when he was six in 1958, until he graduated from Glasgow University, probably some time around 1972-ish.

Maybe some of his old school pals or fellow undergraduates, who sunk of a few pints with him in the Men's Union can fill us in. Somebody must remember him.

Strangely there are no newspaper reports of this local boy made good returning to his primary school in Hamilton as the guest of honour on prizegiving day. Nor the hint of him addressing the present day pupils at whatever secondary school where he studied so hard, encouraged by mother, Rose, to win a place at Glasgow University.

In fact Who's Who is as much in the dark about this period in the life of the man who holds sway over Rangers, and who works for a taxpayers' funded organization, as I am.

Prime minister David Cameron lists his school as we all know, as Eton, and Gordon Brown tell us he went to Kirkcaldy High School.

Tony Blair even goes so far as to list Durham Choisters School before he went to Fettes, while Nick Clegg is a product of Westminster School.

Good grief, even shamed Fred the Shred - Sir Fred Goodwin, - owns up to having gone to Paisley Grammar School.

Of course perhaps Kane is ashamed of his humble origins. After all, Edinburgh is Scotland's banking centre, and when the folk there ask what school you went to, they are trying to uncover your social status, revealed by whether or not you attended a fee paying school.

If that's the case then shame on you Archie Gerard Kane ,though I find that hard to believe of a man who, despite having come a long way has still admirably kept his Lanarkshire roots.

I know a wee bit about Lanarkshire, as my dad, Andrew was born and bred in Coatbridge, before having the great good sense to marry a Maryhill lassie and move there.

So I know only too well the obsession of Lanarkshire's young men with sport in general and football in particular. Which is why I find it strange that in Who's Who, Kane lists his hobbies as golf, tennis and ski-ing. Hardly tastes he would have cultivated growing up in Lanarkshire in the 1950s and 60s.

But then again, as former Chancellor Alistair Darling has admitted, they are slippery customers. Bankers!

Strange. A quick look up of this guy lists him as the Group Executive Director of Insurance and Investments at Lloyds TSB Group which would mean he would have nothing to do Rangers and our overdraft. :sherlock:

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Strange. A quick look up of this guy lists him as the Group Executive Director of Insurance and Investments at Lloyds TSB Group which would mean he would have nothing to do Rangers and our overdraft. :sherlock:

Exactly as a friend of mine who works in banking just put it. (tu)

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Obviously my reply is not to your liking, alternatively you could tell me what you would like me to say, or you could resort to the ££ school of moderating, but you know and I know that would make you no better than them.

FWIW I am of the opinion that the OP is total nonsense without a scintilla of substance. Whither you are lucky to have me or not is obviously a decision you will have to make, for better or worse.

OK, if you don't want to answer I can understand.

Timing is everything in life and on this matter, your timing is magnificent.

To just "happen" onto Rangers Media when such a controversial subject is to the fore is, well......the Mother and Father of all coincidences.

Stunning indeed.

I doff my hat to you. :sherlock:

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OK, if you don't want to answer I can understand.

Timing is everything in life and on this matter, your timing is magnificent.

To just "happen" onto Rangers Media when such a controversial subject is to the fore is, well......the Mother and Father of all coincidences.

Stunning indeed.

I doff my hat to you. :sherlock:

There you have me at a disadvantage, for I have no idea of that which you profess to understand. I can remember a time when Rangers was about football, that appears to be secondary now to all the conspiracy theories and schisms being perpetrated. I am a simple soul, who sees the club being traduced by our own, and to what end to what purpose, the club is doing just fine, why can't the conspiracy buffs just leave it at that. Is it because their egos require them to have publicity at any cost, to prove how clever and intuitive they are, to show us normal guys that they are in the know. It is and has become nothing more than a big stick for the taigs to beat us over the head with and laugh at our in-fighting, people say they don't give fig what the taigs say, believe that if you like, and you have the temerity to question my motives, life is indeed strange.

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There you have me at a disadvantage, for I have no idea of that which you profess to understand. I can remember a time when Rangers was about football, that appears to be secondary now to all the conspiracy theories and schisms being perpetrated. I am a simple soul, who sees the club being traduced by our own, and to what end to what purpose, the club is doing just fine, why can't the conspiracy buffs just leave it at that. Is it because their egos require them to have publicity at any cost, to prove how clever and intuitive they are, to show us normal guys that they are in the know. It is and has become nothing more than a big stick for the taigs to beat us over the head with and laugh at our in-fighting, people say they don't give fig what the taigs say, believe that if you like, and you have the temerity to question my motives, life is indeed strange.

Methinks thou doth protest-eth a mite too much-eth.

You, a newcomer to the website, chose to join a thread (your first thread) that discussed none of the fine upstanding Rangers Football Club subjects you so long for. ("I can remember a time when Rangers was about football")

You could have joined a thread that espoused such wondrous things.

But you didn't..........you joined this one and you now have the temerity to question why I am suspicious of your motives?????

Aye, we'll agree on one thing this night.

Life is indeed strange.

Fucking strange. :sherlock:

Mind how you go now...............

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Next we will be told how the rst in it's current form, cheque bouncers and all, are the perfect vehicle to take the battle to the banks. The only show in town as it were.

How very coincidental. Fortunately not all of us are so easily fooled.

rst = Busted flush

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For the op, to get unity you have to stop talking in cryptic messages and start telling people exactly what you mean and name names and what they are doing to our club.

As far as people can see we have on theft league last year, in the champs league, bought some players, sold some players, cut our debt, cut our operating costs and increased our profit.

People seeing the above will think a good job is being done by the people controlling our affairs.

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My £13m debt reduction is spot on and you can read it elsewhere on this forum. Rangers debt just now in totality is £33m. At one point, around about 18 months ago we owed Lloyds Group £35m ALONE. This is now around the £23m mark.

As for being a Celtic Minded Lloyds man, if you want to check my "rangers credentials" may i ask that you contact Willhelm who I would hope be able to vouch you couldn't be further from the truth.. :sherlock:

I've just worked out who you are and apologise. Ooops.

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For the op, to get unity you have to stop talking in cryptic messages and start telling people exactly what you mean and name names and what they are doing to our club.

As far as people can see we have on theft league last year, in the champs league, bought some players, sold some players, cut our debt, cut our operating costs and increased our profit.

People seeing the above will think a good job is being done by the people controlling our affairs.

The situation will become clear within the next 72 Hours, or so I'm led to believe.

I can't say any more.

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Strange. A quick look up of this guy lists him as the Group Executive Director of Insurance and Investments at Lloyds TSB Group which would mean he would have nothing to do Rangers and our overdraft. :sherlock:

Kane may not be the issue, although you should note that he is the area Representative for Scotland on the Lloyds board.

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The situation will become clear within the next 72 Hours, or so I'm led to believe.

I can't say any more.

So why ask us to "find a banner of unity somewhere and fight the enemy of Lloyds Banking Group in Scotland" if you're not even remotely willing to explain why they're the enemy? I can only think of 2 reasons:

Attention seeking, i.e. (if anything does come out) "remember I told you they were the enemy 72 hours ago" or;

Nope, I can actually only think of one.

It seems from this thread, unless I'm missing something, that the accusations come from the suggestion that the "Group Executive Director of Insurance and Investments at Lloyds TSB Group" - a man who will have bugger all to do with Rangers' debt - may or may not have gone to a catholic school.

If there's more, please tell us. If not, save the theatrics until there's something to pass on (tu)

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Kane may not be the issue, although you should note that he is the area Representative for Scotland on the Lloyds board.

His background though is Insurance and Investments and he has far bigger fish to fry than Rangers.

My understanding is that the buck stops with Susan Rice and even then, RFC are low down her priorities.

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His background though is Insurance and Investments and he has far bigger fish to fry than Rangers.

My understanding is that the buck stops with Susan Rice and even then, RFC are low down her priorities.

Ok, quick question if I may:

Are you looking to have our debt removed from Lloyds because they have a catholic as a director? Please tell me I've misunderstood, because I hope I have.

If I haven't, what do you propose we do with our debt? Is there a major bank with a Protestant-only recruitment policy who would like to take our debt on?

I'm fucking flummoxed by this, really I am. Hopefully one of you "in the know" guys can help me out....

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Ok, quick question if I may:

Are you looking to have our debt removed from Lloyds because they have a catholic as a director? Please tell me I've misunderstood, because I hope I have.

If I haven't, what do you propose we do with our debt? Is there a major bank with a Protestant-only recruitment policy who would like to take our debt on?

I'm fucking flummoxed by this, really I am. Hopefully one of you "in the know" guys can help me out....

You have completely misunderstood me.

I see no wrong in what Lloyds have done as things stand.

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