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Yet again rangers fans are guilty of this stuff yet, let's be polite here ( never know who is reading) mr Lennon does not desrve these threats just as nacho novo or hugh Dallas or willie collum did not, however where is the evidence it is rangers fans that are doing this?

Of course mate, I forgot to consider that death threats aimed at Neil Lennon, Paddy McCourt and Niall McGinn could have been sent from anyone other than Rangers fans. Who would you consider as possible culprits if it was not a Rangers fan? :(

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Of course mate, I forgot to consider that death threats aimed at Neil Lennon, Paddy McCourt and Niall McGinn could have been sent from anyone other than Rangers fans. Who would you consider as possible culprits if it was not a Rangers fan? :(

Any number of Rangers-hating arseholes spring to mind. Yourself for example.

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We make the mistake of seeing this as the media, we should just call them what they are: Celtic fans with typewriters. Stop buying their papers, stop listening to their shows, don't subscribe to their outlets. In a commercial world that is our best asset to put a stop to the attacks on the Club and our great fans, who are mostly decent minded Scots, from being betrayed in such a fashion.

I find myself agreeing with you here Turnberry18, 100%.


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I'm sure the Rangers fans started that earthquake in Japan as well - oh and all that bother in Lybia? - Rangers fans.

All clubs have scummy supporters - there is no evidence at all to suggest that Rangers supporters were responsible for the alleged bullets and the alleged nail bombs and the alleged threats.

The enduring image for me in all this was Lennon being escorted around a sealed, secure training ground at Lennoxtown in broad daylight in the middle of the day by a 'burly minder' for the benefit of the cameras.

Was the 'burly minder' there to jump on NL and save him in the event of an air strike?

The whole complex is secure and no one can get in - the 'burly minder' was all part of a photoshoot for the benefit of the PR machine.

No person and his family should suffer death threats but then again theres no club does victimhood like Celtc FC.

Where is the connection to Rangers fans and Japan? If you wish to bring the debate down to a kids level, feel free.

Also, I am sure Jose Mourinho was glad to have his "burly minder" when a member of the public tried to stab him!

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I tell you something - if I knew who it was and they were Rangers fans, I WOULD.

There is no room at Ibrox for people who send bullets to a household that has kids in it - in my opinion.

What kind of statement is that? Has the person/people that sent the bullets been charged? Are they season ticket holders at Ibrox? Are they in any way connected to Rangers?

You are hitting out with some serious garbage in this thread.

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Where is the connection to Rangers fans and Japan? If you wish to bring the debate down to a kids level, feel free.

Also, I am sure Jose Mourinho was glad to have his "burly minder" when a member of the public tried to stab him!

Deflection. :shifty:

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Any number of Rangers-hating arseholes spring to mind. Yourself for example.

Rangers hating arseholes like myself?

Would that be the same Rangers hating arsehole that is glad that his son's football match has been cancelled because they can now utilise their season ticket and watch the team they hate so much?

I might be an arsehole to some but I live for Rangers FC, so don't land that one on me!

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What Sthevie J fails to comprehend here is the alleged bullets alleged nailbombs alleged threats etc are undoubtedly the work of one or two alleged lunatics.

They may or may not be 'Rangers supporters' but they could just as likely be loyalist nutjobs who support any number of clubs in Northern Ireland or indeed an EPL club.

Smith is demonising ALL Rangers fans by his assumptions in this poorly written article.

I would go as far as saying he is stoking the flames of bigotry by pandering to bigots on both sides with his assumptions.

Most rational normal people will see the article for what it is but unfortunately there are many irrational people on both sides of the divide who won't see his arrticle that way.

Which is what makes it irresponsible, sensationalist journalism more suited to downmarket rags.

Drip drip drip - spin spin spin

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Why do you defend him so much.

I don't defend him; I cannot stand him. I am family orientated and think that the death threats are just pathetic and meaningless but create fear in a five year old kid.

Why should a guy walk away from a job because a bunch of fannies don't like him?

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Rangers hating arseholes like myself?

Would that be the same Rangers hating arsehole that is glad that his son's football match has been cancelled because they can now utilise their season ticket and watch the team they hate so much?

I might be an arsehole to some but I live for Rangers FC, so don't land that one on me!

You landed it on yourself with your attitude bhoyo.

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Of course mate, I forgot to consider that death threats aimed at Neil Lennon, Paddy McCourt and Niall McGinn could have been sent from anyone other than Rangers fans. Who would you consider as possible culprits if it was not a Rangers fan? :(

Come on, admin! How much longer?

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Where is the connection to Rangers fans and Japan? If you wish to bring the debate down to a kids level, feel free.

Also, I am sure Jose Mourinho was glad to have his "burly minder" when a member of the public tried to stab him!

The relevance is clear for all to see.

There is absolutely no evidence Rangers fans were involved in either incident.

Unless of course you know better in which case pick up the phone.

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I don't defend him; I cannot stand him. I am family orientated and think that the death threats are just pathetic and meaningless but create fear in a five year old kid.

Why should a guy walk away from a job because a bunch of fannies don't like him?

Make your mind up. Nobody likes him, is everybody a fanny?

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if lennon had any consideration for his 5 year old son and family he wouldnt be the manager of Celtic.

fuck them.

in response to the OP, fish and hook to all the people who are enraged by this.

its obviously there to wind people up.

angered response is what he is after, much better to just laugh at the stupidity.

Unfortunately, mate - if this had been printed last season I would have been enraged myself.

This season however it's just one of many pieces of toilet paper I've seen printed with our names on it.

This is by no means an attempt to wind people up. If people are angry about the publication of this piece then that's their own emotional response.

I just find it a fucking sad state of affairs nowadays.

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Of course mate, I forgot to consider that death threats aimed at Neil Lennon, Paddy McCourt and Niall McGinn could have been sent from anyone other than Rangers fans. Who would you consider as possible culprits if it was not a Rangers fan? :(

How do you know it was not his own people that sent the bullets to make Rangers fans look bad.

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What Sthevie J fails to comprehend here is the alleged bullets alleged nailbombs alleged threats etc are undoubtedly the work of one or two alleged lunatics.

They may or may not be 'Rangers supporters' but they could just as likely be loyalist nutjobs who support any number of clubs in Northern Ireland or indeed an EPL club.

Smith is demonising ALL Rangers fans by his assumptions in this poorly written article.

I would go as far as saying he is stoking the flames of bigotry by pandering to bigots on both sides with his assumptions.

Most rational normal people will see the article for what it is but unfortunately there are many irrational people on both sides of the divide who won't see his arrticle that way.

Which is what makes it irresponsible, sensationalist journalism more suited to downmarket rags.

Drip drip drip - spin spin spin

I comprehend that these muppets are a few and I also comprehend that the article is a load of pish - not once have I said I agree with the article.

What I cannot comprehend is the fact that nobody gives a shit about the death threats and they dive into defensive mode everytime. Boycott the paper if you wish but speak out about the threats and the 'lunatics' might just realise that they are impressing nobody and stop.

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Make your mind up. Nobody likes him, is everybody a fanny?

I cannot stand him and have said so - so your placing the spin on this.

I think it is clear to seee that the 'fannies' that I refer to are the minority that take it to the wrong level.

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I comprehend that these muppets are a few and I also comprehend that the article is a load of pish - not once have I said I agree with the article.

What I cannot comprehend is the fact that nobody gives a shit about the death threats and they dive into defensive mode everytime. Boycott the paper if you wish but speak out about the threats and the 'lunatics' might just realise that they are impressing nobody and stop.

Conversely, lets just admit collective responsibility for something that we know nothing about, the way the newspapers would like us to.

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I comprehend that these muppets are a few and I also comprehend that the article is a load of pish - not once have I said I agree with the article.

What I cannot comprehend is the fact that nobody gives a shit about the death threats and they dive into defensive mode everytime. Boycott the paper if you wish but speak out about the threats and the 'lunatics' might just realise that they are impressing nobody and stop.

People like you stating they are Rangers fans is exactly what the author wants to hear.

I can see them all in Bairds high fiving each other at your posts.

Tell a lie often enough and people who are devoid of independant,rational thought processes (ie you) will just accept those lies hook line and sinker.

Like I said - drip drip drip

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people who are devoid of independant,rational thought processes (ie you)

Ahh right, so because I have a different opinion to everyone else - I am the one that cannot think for myself? Blinder!

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