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What was the group of rangers fans outside the Septic shop

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you guys ever remember student day? were you'd kidnap some cunt aff the street and hold them to randsom, well this didn't go like that, back in college we were taking this guy to diamond dolls for a treat, so before we got there a few of us decided to play a prank on him, tied his hands together, blind folded him and took him round the corner to the celtic shop, one of the guys depants him and left him in the store.

we fucked off for burger at mc d's.

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you guys ever remember student day? were you'd kidnap some cunt aff the street and hold them to randsom, well this didn't go like that, back in college we were taking this guy to diamond dolls for a treat, so before we got there a few of us decided to play a prank on him, tied his hands together, blind folded him and took him round the corner to the celtic shop, one of the guys depants him and left him in the store.

we fucked off for burger at mc d's.

Where abouts in Columbia did you go to college?

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it was the Blue Ultra but there was alot more people not just our group and even passers by were joining in we shall hopefully get the videos on tomorrow

But a big Well Done to everyone involved today

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