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Some opinions of our songs


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There is no point changing the words to tbb because the filth would just claim that the new ones are sectarian as well we have to stop pandering to them and actually stand up for what we believe in our culture heritage etc the tims fight to the death for there own and try and eliminate us from the world we cannot allow this any more

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I get angry at my own supporters, mainly my own mates when they sing the Tommy Burns song, just not the kind of thing i want to hear, just like when they sing about Cooper, these are the only kind of songs that should not be sung!

Even back in the "anything goes" days of the 60s and 70s these types of songs were taboo, in fact I can honestly say that I can't recall any songs about the personal loss of a player or their family members being sung by our support in those times.

The bheggars know fine well that their indignation about our songs is hollow and merely used as a tool to cause mischief (if they can get a few points deductions and fines thrown in, then all the better).

The media know this also, and right now I can't tell which gang of pricks I detest the most.

I look at the taig making the monkey gesture and listen to the ira chants and think, PC days my hole, this is a witch hunt pure and simple.

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"Here's a line from a post on another of our sites that hit me big time.....

The hoohaa wi TBB has always been ludicrous, dont kid yourself that it has anything to do with the words involved, its purely because it was the most riproaring anthem in football."

That statement brings tears to a glass eye. The loudest song ever in football.

So why can we not just replace the apparently offending line? Why do the traditionalists demand the offending line stays and in turn, the song remains unsung?

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So why can we not just replace the apparently offending line? Why do the traditionalists demand the offending line stays and in turn, the song remains unsung?

Well how come this is all offensive now? Where were all these hundreds of thousands of offended scum 20/30 years ago?

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So why can we not just replace the apparently offending line? Why do the traditionalists demand the offending line stays and in turn, the song remains unsung?

I honestly believe that would not be enough to satisfy the beast, the more we give, the more will be demanded. We will have to stop surrendering at some point or Ibrox will turn into a ghost town.

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Well how come this is all offensive now? Where were all these hundreds of thousands of offended scum 20/30 years ago?

As I said previously, the PC brigade are to be blamed. They banned the three legged race at school for being dangerous and we now see the offended causing a furore like this because they were flicking between channels to find the God channel and heard a certain word being used.

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So why can we not just replace the apparently offending line? Why do the traditionalists demand the offending line stays and in turn, the song remains unsung?

Why should we? I am fed up reading your garbage.

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As I said previously, the PC brigade are to be blamed. They banned the three legged race at school for being dangerous and we now see the offended causing a furore like this because they were flicking between channels to find the God channel and heard a certain word being used.

I think what a lot of us are getting at, is that the same PC brigade seem to disappear when the monkey gestures and ira chants are being dished out.

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Even back in the "anything goes" days of the 60s and 70s these types of songs were taboo, in fact I can honestly say that I can't recall any songs about the personal loss of a player or their family members being sung by our support in those times.

The bheggars know fine well that their indignation about our songs is hollow and merely used as a tool to cause mischief (if they can get a few points deductions and fines thrown in, then all the better).

The media know this also, and right now I can't tell which gang of pricks I detest the most.

I look at the taig making the monkey gesture and listen to the ira chants and think, PC days my hole, this is a witch hunt pure and simple.

I totally agree with you it is a witch hunt and we need to stand up as a support and do what they have done to us and complain about any unsavoury things they do or sing. For example 300 bears writing a letter might not get any response or actions taken but if a good few thousand of us were to we may change the complex. We can also take things up to the European courts, afterall i study politics and i know for a FACT! that if their songs are "apparentlly" politically motivated and legitimate then ours in our own backyard are even more politically legit. As the saying goes "One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter" and that applies to us as well, fighting for the freedom of our country from networks who try to undermine the state to create political change with means of violence. However the I*A lost their political legitimacy years ago when instead of targeting people linked to the state they targetes civillians which lost them a lot of public support. This then means if they are no longer legit then the songs that Celtic sing can no longer be legit therefore what they sing is actually far worse than what we do. Simples :sherlock:

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I think what a lot of us are getting at, is that the same PC brigade seem to disappear when the monkey gestures and ira chants are being dished out.

I accept that and agree with you but we have to sort our house first, before we point the finger elsewhere

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Why should we? I am fed up reading your garbage.

Sorry to hear that but my question is not garbage - people complain the atmosphere is shite at Ibrox, so if we cannot sing certain words, why don't we just replace them. Not garbage but a real question.

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Sorry to hear that but my question is not garbage - people complain the atmosphere is shite at Ibrox, so if we cannot sing certain words, why don't we just replace them. Not garbage but a real question.

Why should we change words when there is nothing wrong with them.

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Why should we change words when there is nothing wrong with them.

They have been deemed to be sectarian and until we can have that dissproved, we run the risk of having the club punished by Uefa

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They have been deemed to be sectarian and until we can have that dissproved, we run the risk of having the club punished by Uefa

They are wrong. It should be up to them to prove they are sectarian, not the other way about. Too many folk just happy to sit back and take flak.

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I have heard Aberdeen fans giving 'Could you go a chicken supper?' laldy when the Bheasts are playing them.

Nobody else (apart from the hardcore Rhebels in the East end) gives a fuck. Even UEFA weren't arsed about TBB originally.

It's driven entirely by certain members of the press who see it as their mission to attack this club relentlessly.

The police are quite happy blaming us (rather than, you know, doing their job) for every arsehole in the country who commits a crime the day an Old Firm game is on. "Football related. Probably sectarian. Did you no hear the songs? Blah blah blah"

And it's a bandwagon that the politicians are more than happy to clamber aboard.

Why not blame the link between social deprivation and low education levels in the West coast of Scotland?

Why not blame seperate schools?

Why not blame Scotland's disgraceful drinking culture?


Blame the songs with the bad words sung at the football match.

Fucking shameful.

first class post,go to the top of the class

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Let's get real. Changing the words just isn't going to happen.

The temptation to sing the original words will be too much for the diehards.

It's not about whether other football fans are offended - It's about what is unacceptable nowadays to the general public - the same as racism.

It gives a backwards image to the whole country.

Most football fans might be able to just treat it as banter, but lets be honest - for a minority it's heartfelt bigotry.

It's just not worth one more kid getting stabbed, because of some scumbag all worked up.

Let alone the huge fines and penalties we will be receiving.

Time we left all the sectarian baggage in the past, and concentrated on the football.

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They are wrong. It should be up to them to prove they are sectarian, not the other way about. Too many folk just happy to sit back and take flak.

Well put.

Nothing has been proven to be sectarian.

Even the famine song, the lad that apparently got charged with that (it made for a nice headline) ... if you read the report/case file he got charged and done with breach of the peace and it described the famine song as simply one of many songs he was singing.

I'm amazed some of our own fans fall for this shit. Grow a set ffs.

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The majority of Celtic fans couldn't give a fuck what we sing, and vice versa. There are however a small number, from both teams, who insist on having a wee battle to see who can cause the other side most damage. Pathetic behaviour.

You calling someone pathetic, oh the irony.

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They are wrong. It should be up to them to prove they are sectarian, not the other way about. Too many folk just happy to sit back and take flak.

I am not happy to sit back and take flak but incase you have not noticed, we are getting fucked over by UEFA for the fourth time. It appears they do not need to prove anything, they are just humping us once a year and until the fans/club take action, it will continue.

The club have taken action with Bain releasing a statement and Smith has asked fans to stop doing it - it is now upto the fans to do our bit for RANGERS FC and not the traditions.

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I am not happy to sit back and take flak but incase you have not noticed, we are getting fucked over by UEFA for the fourth time. It appears they do not need to prove anything, they are just humping us once a year and until the fans/club take action, it will continue.

The club have taken action with Bain releasing a statement and Smith has asked fans to stop doing it - it is now upto the fans to do our bit for RANGERS FC and not the traditions.

How about RANGERS FC stepping up to the plate and putting up a DECENT fight on behalf of our support, they pay a damn good amount of money for the privilege. Make no mistake if we lose many more of these fights, the loss in ST revenue will make any fines that EUFA dish out seem like sweetie money. Do you honestly believe it's the Barca style fitba on show every week alone that keep our fans showing up in the numbers they do ?

People (and the powers at be at Ibrox) should be very careful what they wish for here.

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How about RANGERS FC stepping up to the plate and putting up a DECENT fight on behalf of our support, they pay a damn good amount of money for the privilege. Make no mistake if we lose many more of these fights, the loss in ST revenue will make any fines that EUFA dish out seem like sweetie money. Do you honestly believe it's the Barca style fitba on show every week alone that keep our fans showing up in the numbers they do ?

People (and the powers at be at Ibrox) should be very careful what they wish for here.

So are you saying that people pay £500+ a year to sing about Fenians and the Pope? Maybe Playstation should just introduce an old firm version of Sing Star?

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Look it's as lord Walter of govan says. These song used to be accepted. Now they are not. We have been asked by uefa to stop the Billy boys. Well let's change it to an acceptable version. We may not agree with uefa but in case u havent noticed it's their ball. Their rules. Their bans. Same with famine song. We know it's a piss take but they claim it's racist. So tweak it slightly. The meaning still comes across

Thing is. If we do this and another thing comes up we can then point everywhere else and say what about them. Refusing to budge prevents us from pointing our fingers.

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