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Rangers Fan Jailed For 8 Months

Sheikh Salim

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i was actually at the sherrif court yesterday . as i said in another topic my nephew was arrested at the game on saturday. after 50 mins of the game for no other reason than being told he was spotted on cctv as being under the influence of drink as were approx 50% of the people in ibrox . he was dragged to the cells for the weekend . butto cut a long story short they dropped the charges of police assault & ressisting arrest. & he was charged with a section 20 (under the influence of alchohol in a stadium)& b o p. the proculator fiscal asked for him to be banned from every spl ground but the judge refused this as there was no evidence of him being a repeat offender .

What school did the PF go to?

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I would hazard a guess that the PF (John Dunn) is not from a Presbyterian or Rangers-friendly background.

That being the case it might be worth watching what he "asks" the Court or a Sheriff to charge any Tarrier with that is arrested for an alleged drink-related offence within the Gary Glitter Arena.

(CB laughs out loud at the thought of them actually arresting one of the trash for this at said Glitter Arena) <cr>

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I'd venture to say, that quoting 1984 is a waste of your time.

When I was at school, the very thought of 1984 coming to fruition was abhorrent to all, and all of the concepts in it were considered something to be resisted, even by civil war if necessary...that's how serious everyone took it. Even kids in a school debate thought that constant surveillance was an abomination at that time.

Now? You can go over to the Off Topic section of this board every now and again, and find threads where constant observation by CCTV cameras is seen as a good thing by many.

So, as we all know, propoganda works, and your Government masters can get you to believe anything is good ( as shown by this change in popular perception on surveillance)...no matter how many of your civil rights it stomps on.

Glad to hear you say that. I heard of a mate of a mate who actually left the country, saying that he couldn't live anymore in a society where everything you do is being watched, and everyone you know seem to think it's a good idea.

Now I don't agree with his "solution" to the problem, i.e. leaving the country to fend for itself, so to speak, if he really feel that democracy is in danger, he should stay and fight for it - it's his motherland after all. Besides, even though Britain might be amongst the countries that has gone the furthest in surveillance, all of Europe has taken a turn in that direction.

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No but it was from their personal Facebook, with their name, with a secure password etc etc that has posted it.

Yes but the prosecution still has to prove it was you that typed it and that isn't proof. You never have to prove your innocence in a court of law, the court always has to prove your guilt. The guy iirc pleaded guilty didn't he? probably on the advice of his lawyer but I really wish he hadn't because how can you actually prove beyond all reasonable doubt anyone actually posted something anywhere.

Then again, as TWB implies, the guys probably thick as two short planks, but then being stupid isn't a crime.

Edit: well I suspect that on appeal against a sentence you then do have to prove you are innocent but by that point you have by definition been proven guilty and are then guilty until proven innocent.

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