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VB statement on the recent attacks on our club and Chairman


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great article,it will take Whyte some time making right,such a long period of mismanagement that has taken our proud Club to its knees.We will have to take a few on the chin before things turn around,but WE the SUPPORT should be standing SHOULDER TO SHOULDER in this time of uncertainty,not bickering among ouselves with declan laughin his bolloks off....WATP

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Which part of "previous avenues of funding are not available to the club at present" dont you understand?

We dont HAVE the overdraft option at the moment doh

You could really save those blisters on your fingers by continually explaining something you know I already understand......

I refer to my previous if you can't afford a football club don't buy one answer.......

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:lol: Unity...... but not with the RST, FF, the Assembly, RM...............

And the actual difference between FF and RST is....?

I think you will find, it is them who have no interest in unity, just saying

RM? Thats a stretch! What makes you think that? haha that is a silly one

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You could really save those blisters on your fingers by continually explaining something you know I already understand......

I refer to my previous if you can't afford a football club don't buy one answer.......

Perhaps you shouldnt repeat yourself so often feigning lack of knowledge then?

And, I have a lovely soft keyboard, and, guitarists hands with firm skin on the tips, I can type all day and all night, but, thank you for your concern (tu)

And, I shall then refer you to WVB's previous post

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with tegards to the accounts casey whyte has always said he wanted the tax case finished before the end of 2011, perhaps the continuation of the cxase and the postponing of the accounts are linked (tu)

Even if that was the case, why state last month that they would be out by the end of January when it was known that any verdict would come out after that? Coupled with the way in which the holding company accounts have been delayed and shortened, it only leads to more fans questioning the reasons for it.

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And in an ideal world we would have retained the £15m overdraft facility. Let me know which bank would be willing to give us such a facility! And if you can't, let me know how else you would have funded the £15m! :rolleyes:

With a reputable owner behind us credit would not have been impossible to come by from a far more acceptable source

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Perhaps you shouldnt repeat yourself so often feigning lack of knowledge then?

And, I have a lovely soft keyboard, and, guitarists hands with firm skin on the tips, I can type all day and all night, but, thank you for your concern (tu)

And, I shall then refer you to WVB's previous post

Refer me to what ?

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With a reputable owner behind us credit would not have been impossible to come by from a far more acceptable source

You don't have to be reputable to get credit; but I wonder if you ever miss an opportunity to discredit Craig Whyte, and that does make me wonder why that really is. I found myself, as I said at the time, 'strangely reassured' by The Daily Record story: I do know that was not their aim, but nevertheless it explained to me that we were tackling the issue of cashflow, which has blighted Rangers for quite a few years now.

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Even if that was the case, why state last month that they would be out by the end of January when it was known that any verdict would come out after that? Coupled with the way in which the holding company accounts have been delayed and shortened, it only leads to more fans questioning the reasons for it.

I believe the actual term was "hoped to be out"

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With a reputable owner behind us credit would not have been impossible to come by from a far more acceptable source

:lol: So, I take it you are then saying that "Sir David" was not a reputable owner?

or, have you conveniently forgotten the last 3 years?

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You don't have to be reputable to get credit; but I wonder if you ever miss an opportunity to discredit Craig Whyte, and that does make me wonder why that really is. I found myself, as I said at the time, strangely reassured by The Daily Record story: I do know that was not their aim; but nevertheless it explained to me that we were tackling the issue of cashflow, which has blighted Rangers for quite a few years now.

Likewise! You know, in fear of posting something presumptious....

Murray happy to sell, bank happy to sell, old board not overly happy

Whyte comes in, expected to fail, administration a certainty etc etc, and, all was quiet. Whyte may know business, but, no clue about running a football club

Recently, all the old inept board putting the boot in?

My cynical view? They expected administration, and, hoped to pick the club up debt free, for peanuts, and, pretend to be saviours.

The fact they are kicking off so much makes me feel we are going to get a more than decent result out of this case and be fine!

All supposition, but, also makes sense, oh, and anyone can disagree, its my OPINION :)

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With a reputable owner behind us credit would not have been impossible to come by from a far more acceptable source

Two things

1 you have actually said that Craig Whyte is not reputable.

2 You do not seem to have a grasp on credit lending............Ah come in Mr Reputable. looking for credit, absolutely no problem...what's that you say. Possibility of a £49 million settlement to be made to the HMRC, well Mr Reputable here is a brolly as the rain has come on. Bye now.

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Likewise! You know, in fear of posting something presumptious....

Murray happy to sell, bank happy to sell, old board not overly happy

Whyte comes in, expected to fail, administration a certainty etc etc, and, all was quiet. Whyte may know business, but, no clue about running a football club

Recently, all the old inept board putting the boot in?

My cynical view? They expected administration, and, hoped to pick the club up debt free, for peanuts, and, pretend to be saviours.

The fact they are kicking off so much makes me feel we are going to get a more than decent result out of this case and be fine!

All supposition, but, also makes sense, oh, and anyone can disagree, its my OPINION :)

That's what I've thought about recently. This has been a concerted attack on Whyte; it must have some reason behind that has been outwith the usual expectations hanging over Rangers.

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An unhelpful, misdirected protest and a way to try and generate extra income? The latter is on a par with ambulance chasing!

Have you ever considered that perhaps, as this tax case is in progress, there are financials that cant be published, and, information that must remain private until the outcome?

"dictated terms"? you mean, stand up and support your club? shit, which bastards thought that was a good idea and that Rangers fans might do that?

Stand up and give unconditional support to Whyte was the message that I got from it. I certainly don't need to be told to stand up and support the club, and I doubt that any of us do. You carry on denigrating the actions of your rival factions all you like, I couldn't give a fuck about them anyway, but spare the unity shite.

The jockeying for position isn't only evident in the papers and on the tv.

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Stand up and give unconditional support to Whyte was the message that I got from it. I certainly don't need to be told to stand up and support the club, and I doubt that any of us do. You carry on denigrating the actions of your rival factions all you like, I couldn't give a fuck about them anyway, but spare the unity shite.

The jockeying for position isn't only evident in the papers and on the tv.

rival factions? wtf? Go and have a drink and chill out a bit

Ok, if you, or ANYONE can give a good reason for a protest, and, what the positive outcome would be, I would LOVE to hear it

If not? I am right, and, its pointless and stupid, and, perhaps your venom should be better directed at them?

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With a reputable owner behind us credit would not have been impossible to come by from a far more acceptable source

Nonsense. No bank would give us a £15m overdraft facility just now whoever the owner was, and particularly not until the tax case is settled.

So given that banks are out the question just now, how would you have financed the £15m? I'm all ears.

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Recently, all the old inept board putting the boot in?

My cynical view? They expected administration, and, hoped to pick the club up debt free, for peanuts, and, pretend to be saviours.

The fact they are kicking off so much makes me feel we are going to get a more than decent result out of this case and be fine!

It seems to be a very valid opinion. ;)

On an unrelated matter, Mr Park isn't getting any younger.

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We asked all to get involved in every BBC protest and it wasn't until the last one they even mentioned it and allowed their members to make up their own minds.

We've shown we're prepared to put aside differences for the greater good so we're perfectly placed to speak about Unity.

EDIT: Apologies to RM who have have supported everyone, only noticed that once I posted!

Not everyone's 'on message' mate, but thanks for calmly explaining your stance, it makes a nice change. I personally don't take any side in these wee disputes as there are faults on all sides to varying degree. :)

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Using a short term lender to fund a long term debt that replaces an overdraft.....Jesus

I repeat if you can't afford a football club don't buy one

Whilst i believe a football club should always run on its own two feet, it is also common sense or a minimum requirement i would say to have an owner or majority shareholder who as you say can afford to run it. Especially at a club like Rangers where finances are so up and down from year to year depending on on-field success.

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Whilst i believe a football club should always run on its own two feet, it is also common sense or a minimum requirement i would say to have an owner or majority shareholder who as you say can afford to run it. Especially at a club like Rangers where finances are so up and down from year to year depending on on-field success.

Apparently there was a long queue of billionaires lining up to buy from SDM.

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Whilst i believe a football club should always run on its own two feet, it is also common sense or a minimum requirement i would say to have an owner or majority shareholder who as you say can afford to run it. Especially at a club like Rangers where finances are so up and down from year to year depending on on-field success.

That is the crucial point and one that has been unsustainable for a long time. Accounting ratios would be interesting when one considers the revenue uncertainties at Rangers. We need stability, and it says a lot about Whyte that he had the wisdom to address this issue as a priority.

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The airport shop made a loss...it's death was a Good thing

To say the ticket operation was given way....what does this mean ?

An explanation why financially the job deal was bad, haven't grasped this one yet ?

Evidence these other deals "given " to mim subsidiaries were bad deals...I doubt it but why not lash out

There are still leaks from the club....why no listif the broken promises from whyte ?

If its all the same to you guys every rangers fan should make up there own minds and believe what they want to believe

Now remember "Rangers fans should not be insulting or lying about their fellow supporters in order to manoeuvre and position themselves or their respective organisations "

Murray apologist - I expected nothing less. doh

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That's what I've thought about recently. This has been a concerted attack on Whyte; it must have some reason behind that has been outwith the usual expectations hanging over Rangers.

Make no mistake, this IS a concerted attack on RFC. Anyone other than an Arab billionnaire would have got it, being easy targets with a £49m liability over their head. Whyte is NOT so special in any of this, just a pawn or collateral damage in the taig's war against RFC.

Anyone had a look at Dermot's many dodgey dealings and that he is currently being pursued by the authorities and the police for the wrongdoings by his Castlebeck company (care homes) in England. Alledgedly, mismanagement of government funds doled out to his company and allegations of patient sexual and physical abuse as the company went under leaving the tax payer to pick up the bill. He WAS a protected species in the republic by Theed Haughey, his partner in crime, hence he made his billion and always got out of with any wrongdoing in court, where he has spent many hours. Took a pounding in the Dubai crash and the Irish bank crash. YESSS! Lots of dirt their if you had the inclination, but don't see the point and we do not have the mentality or the axe to grind like the malcontented scum.

I stand fully behind Whyte.


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